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Package Usage : maven : com.amazonaws:jmespath-java
Explore the latest package usage data for com.amazonaws:jmespath-java in the maven ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 5,673
Total downloads: 3,145,686,066
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atlassian/bamboo-server 9.4-jdk11
Atlassian Bamboo Server
- version: 1.12.381, 1.12.300, 1.12.153, 1.11.1034
snowplow/stream-enrich-kafka 3.10.0-rc2-focal
- version: 1.12.506, 1.12.129
atlassian/jira-servicedesk 5.12.0-EAP01-ubuntu-jdk11
This repo is deprecated! It is now Jira Service Management: atlassian/jira-servicemanagement
- version: 1.12.300, 1.11.1034
confluentinc/cp-server-connect-base 7.5.2-1-ubi8
- version: 1.12.268, 1.12.182
snowplow/stream-enrich-kinesis 3.10.0-rc2-focal
- version: 1.12.506, 1.12.129
landoop/fast-data-dev 3.3.1-L0
For 'Kafka developers' with Kafka, Registry, Connect, Landoop, Stream-Reactor, KCQL
- version: 1.12.268, 1.12.420, 1.11.762
atlassian/crowd 5.2-ubuntu-jdk-11
Atlassian Crowd for Server and Data Center deployments
- version: 1.11.1034, 1.12.300
blacklabelops/confluence 6.13.1
Dockerized Atlassian Confluence
- version: 1.11.310, 1.11.155
softwareplant/jira injector-software-9.11.0-ubuntu
Automated Atlassian JIRA images
- version: 1.12.300, 1.11.1034
snowplow/try-snowplow-pipeline prod
- version: 1.12.83
vespaengine/vespa 8.277.17
Docker image for running Vespa.
- version: 1.12.540, 1.12.331, 1.12.602
scalableminds/webknossos master__25872
- version: 1.12.470, 1.12.288
bitnami/wildfly 30.0.1
Bitnami WildFly Docker Image
- version: 1.12.284
pytorch/torchserve 0.9.0-gpu
- version: 1.11.948
gableroux/unity3d 2018.4.30f1-android
Unity3d docker image for running commands in a CI such as gitlab-ci
- version: 1.11.407
broadinstitute/picard 3.1.1
A set of Java command line tools for manipulating high-throughput sequencing (HTS) data and formats.
- version: 1.12.365, 1.11.407
atlassian/jira-core 9.11.3
Jira Core is a project and task management solution built for business teams.
- version: 1.12.300, 1.11.1034
cnfldemos/cp-server-connect-datagen 0.6.2-7.5.0
- version: 1.12.182, 1.12.268
apache/ozone 1.3.0
Apache Hadoop Ozone convenience images
- version: 1.12.261
camptocamp/mapfish_print 3130
Tomcat with the Mapfish Print webapp install.
- version: 1.12.418, 1.12.605, 1.12.440, 1.12.543
atlassianlabs/localstack latest
- version: 1.11.151, 1.11.86
snowplow/snowplow-rdb-loader latest
- version: 1.12.31
- version: 1.11.784
atlassian/fisheye 4.8.13
Fisheye: search, monitor, and track across SVN, Git, and Perforce repositories.
- version: 1.11.310
snowplow/rdb-loader-redshift 5.8.0-rc3-focal
- version: 1.12.261, 1.12.161
turbonomic/ 8.8.2-SNAPSHOT
- version: 1.12.263
turbonomic/ 8.8.2-SNAPSHOT
- version: 1.12.263
amazon/aws-glue-libs glue_libs_4.0.0_image_01
Docker container image for AWS Glue ETL
- version: 1.11.655, 1.12.128
codercom/enterprise-intellij ubuntu
- version: 1.11.633
frekele/gradle dev
docker run --rm --name gradle frekele/gradle
- version: 1.11.267
ppc64le/gradle 8.5.0-jdk17-focal
Gradle is a build tool with a focus on build automation and support for multi-language development.
- version: 1.12.365
- version: 1.11.784
apache/drill 1.21.1
Apache Drill
- version: 1.12.261
s390x/gradle 8.5.0-jdk17-focal
Gradle is a build tool with a focus on build automation and support for multi-language development.
- version: 1.12.365
beevelop/ionic v2023.10.1
Latest Ionic based on the latest Cordova, the latest Node.js and the latest Android
- version: 1.11.948, 1.11.633
atlassian/bitbucket 8.16-jdk11
- version: 1.11.1034, 1.12.300