An open API service providing dependency metadata for docker images.
Package Usage : golang :
Explore the latest package usage data for in the golang ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 3,263
Total downloads: 8,017,942,067
More details on - JSON
giantswarm/silence-operator 0.11.2
- version: v1.8.1
bitnami/harbor-notary-server 2.8.4
- version: 1.8.0
sourcegraph/gitserver 253333_2023-12-05_5.2-bcd00422ccdc
- version: v1.8.1
sourcegraph/repo-updater 253128_2023-12-04_5.2-333edd3345a2
- version: v1.8.1
rancher/jaegertracing-all-in-one 1.20.0
- version: v1.8.0
sourcegraph/precise-code-intel-worker 253333_2023-12-05_5.2-bcd00422ccdc
- version: v1.8.1
grafana/grafana-dev 10.3.0-152036
- version: v1.8.1
rancher/mirrored-prom-prometheus v2.18.2
- version: v1.8.0
goharbor/harbor-exporter v2.9.0
- version: v1.8.0
dellemc/csi-powerstore v2.8.0
CSI Driver for Dell PowerStore
- version: v1.8.1
mesosphere/kubeaddons master-12e59d660e1ee0f517205f7be05d7c75a58ecb99-amd64
- version: v1.8.0
homeassistant/armv7-addon-mosquitto 6.4.0
- version: v1.8.0
igneoussystems/base-grafana 7fa13f1686f647528e18dae668f84d8969adf5e3
Base image for grafana
- version: v1.8.0, v1.8.1
camptocamp/postgres 10-postgis-3
Docker image for PostgreSQL including some extra packages
- version: v1.8.0
homeassistant/aarch64-addon-mosquitto 6.4.0
- version: v1.8.0
grafana/grafana-arm32v7-linux 6.7.6
- version: v1.8.0
ceph/ceph-grafana 6.7.4
the ceph-grafana container provides a grafana 6.x environment compatible with the ceph dashboard UI
- version: v1.8.0
spacecoupe/pricescraper-worker latest
- version: v1.8.0
grafana/cortex-tools v0.11.0
- version: v1.8.0
plesk/plesk latest
Plesk – WebOps Platform and Hosting Control Panel
- version: v1.8.0
giantswarm/k8s-setup-network-environment 0.2.0
- version: v1.8.0
broadinstitute/dsde-toolbox mysql8
DSDE Toolbox Docker container
- version: v1.8.0
arm32v7/telegraf 1.29.1
Telegraf is an agent for collecting metrics and writing them to InfluxDB or other outputs.
- version: v1.8.1
0chaindev/sharder pr-2956-91e7cfd2
- version: v1.8.1
0xorg/mesh latest
A peer-to-peer network for sharing 0x orders
- version: v1.8.0
0chaindev/miner pr-3050-e97cb336
- version: v1.8.1
stefanprodan/kube-tools v1.7.2
Kubernetes tools for GitHub Actions CI
- version: v1.8.0
bitnami/argo-cd 2.9.3
- version: v1.8.0
grafana/grafana-image-tags 10.3.0-152036-arm64
Repository for holding per-architecture image tags
- version: v1.8.1
rancher/mirrored-coreos-prometheus-operator v0.40.0
- version: v1.8.0
sourcegraph/worker 253333_2023-12-05_5.2-bcd00422ccdc
- version: v1.8.1
scylladb/scylla-manager-agent 3.2.5-0.20231206.8b378dea-x86_64
- version: v1.8.0
sourcegraph/prometheus 253128_2023-12-04_5.2-333edd3345a2
- version: v1.8.1
sourcegraph/grafana 253128_2023-12-04_5.2-333edd3345a2
- version: v1.8.0
geerlingguy/tower-operator 0.4.0
DEPRECATED: Please use ansible/awx-operator instead.
- version: v1.8.0
grafana/grafana-enterprise-dev 10.3.0-64607-ubuntu-arm64
- version: v1.8.1
healthcheck/mongo latest
- version: v1.8.0
grafana/grafana-oss-image-tags 10.3.0-151360-arm64
Repository for holding per-architecture image tags
- version: v1.8.1
grafana/grafana-oss-dev 10.3.0-152019-ubuntu
Grafana OSS master builds
- version: v1.8.1
grafana/grafana-enterprise-image-tags 10.3.0-64651-ubuntu-armv7
Repository for holding per-architecture image tags.
- version: v1.8.1
barichello/godot-ci 4.2
Docker image to export Godot Engine games.
- version: v1.8.0
bretfisher/shpod stable-20231215-2eea4a1
Create a pod with tools needed for my Kubernetes Mastery course
- version: v1.8.0
didstopia/go-rustbot development
A Discord bot that acts as a two-way chat bridge between Discord and Rust (the game), written in Go.
- version: v1.8.1
giantswarm/cert-exporter 2.8.4
- version: v1.8.1