An open API service providing dependency metadata for docker images.
Package Usage : golang :
Explore the latest package usage data for in the golang ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 168
Total downloads: 21,445,531
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alpine/k8s 1.31.2
Kubernetes toolbox for EKS (kubectl, helm, iam-authenticator, eksctl, etc)
- version: v4.19.5
docker/dev-environments-default stable-1
Default image for dev-environments, used when the default language of a repository isn't detected
- version: v4.15.6
scylladb/hydra v1.83-pycodestyle-2.10.0
- version: v4.19.5, v4.15.5
mreferre/eksutils latest
- version: v4.14.0
mreferre/canary latest
- version: v4.14.0
docker/dev-environments-go stable-1
Image for dev-environments using Golang as main language
- version: v4.15.6
docker/dev-environments-java stable-1
Image for dev-environments using Java as main language
- version: v4.15.6
docker/dev-environments-javascript stable-1
Image for dev-environments using Javascript as main language
- version: v4.15.6
mesosphere/cluster-api-aws-controller v1.5.0-d2iq.0
- version: v4.19.5
docker/dev-environments-ruby stable-1
Image for dev-environments using Ruby as main language
- version: v4.15.6
bradmccoydev/terraform-plan-validator v1.0.1
Terraform Plan Validator
- version: v4.19.5
harisekhon/tools ubuntu
Hundreds of DevOps CLI tools, programs and scripts from my top repos
- version: v4.19.5
actency/toolbox 2.1.2
Set of tools for DevOps operations.
- version: v4.15.5
harisekhon/alpine-github latest
Alpine + my GitHub repos pre-built
- version: v4.19.5
emundo/ci-base helm-3
- version: v4.19.5
giantswarm/cluster-api-aws-controller v2.2.3
- version: v4.19.5
devopscorner/cicd 1.0.5
DevOps Corner Indonesia - CI/CD Container Image
- version: v4.19.5
harisekhon/ubuntu-github latest
Ubuntu latest with all my GitHub repos pre-built
- version: v4.19.5
harisekhon/debian-github latest
Debian latest with all my GitHub repos built
- version: v4.19.5
ocurrent/ live-toxis
- version: v4.15.6
harisekhon/github debian
All my GitHub repos tools pre-built on latest Alpine, CentOS, Debian, Fedora, Ubuntu
- version: v4.19.5
harisekhon/bash-tools2 centos
- version: v4.15.5
intelligentpathways/java8-awscli-cdk 2.68.0
- version: v4.19.5
harisekhon/bash-tools fedora
750+ DevOps Bash scripts + Utility Code Library used by over 500 CI builds across many repos
- version: v4.15.5
nijd/awsdemo latest
- version: v4.19.5
giantswarm/eks-controlplane-controller v0.6.9
- version: v4.19.5
mesosphere/cluster-api-aws-controller-amd64 v0.7.0
- version: v4.19.5
gtardif/testshare nice_margulis
- version: v4.15.6
platformplane/kubernetes latest
- version: v4.19.5
intelligentpathways/java11-awscli-cdk 2.150.0
- version: v4.19.5
nijd/awstf latest
- version: v4.19.5
harisekhon/fedora-github latest
Fedora latest with all my GitHub repos pre-built
- version: v4.19.5
nicolaka/devcon latest
personal development container
- version: v4.15.5
reactivedigital/k8s-tool 1
- version: v4.15.5
cube2222/spacelift-runner-sam latest
- version: v4.19.5
jeevandarapu/atlantis-tg latest
- version: v4.19.5
saicaifactory/saic-dataiku 11.3.2
Dataiku Application
- version: v4.19.5
alec0barns0graham/cli-kubectl-helm-eksctl latest
- version: v4.19.5
alexkuzko/k8s 1.30.3
kubernetes docker images with necessary tools
- version: v4.19.5
sundarv/solo-eng-test-beds 1.6
Solo Engineering Test Beds
- version: v4.15.5
arunalakmal/techcrumble-base-image 1.0.4
- version: v4.15.5
omkarhalankar13/atlantis-tg-tfsec v8
- version: v4.19.5
cube2222/spacelift-runner-python latest
- version: v4.19.5
ulisesjeremias/vsl v0.1.47
- version: v4.15.6
nextail/ubuntu-tini-dev-k8s 24.04
Docker image with Kubernetes tools
- version: v4.19.5
nextail/ubuntu-tini-dev-chrome-k8s 24.04
Docker image with Kubernetes tools
- version: v4.19.5
cube2222/spacelift-runner-cdk latest
- version: v4.19.5
cmattoon/k8s-ecr 1.25.6
Keeps ECR credentials up-to-date in non-EKS clusters.
- version: v4.19.5
cube2222/spacelift-runner-serverless latest
- version: v4.19.5
cube2222/spacelift-kubernetes latest
- version: v4.19.5
devopscgot/kaniko-builds fadel
CyanGate customized kaniko images.
- version: v4.15.5
marchnetworks/jenkins-agent-new 2024-04-16-at-02-04-pm
- version: v4.19.5
gtardif/demo 1.0
- version: v4.15.6
mexverse/k8sadmin latest
- version: v4.15.5
mesosphere/cluster-api-aws-controller-arm64 v1.5.0-d2iq.0
- version: v4.19.5
devopscorner/sftp alpine-3.16
DevOps Corner Indonesia - SFTP Container Image
- version: v4.19.5
vervecarlosreynoso/ops-atlantis v0.1.0
atlantis plus ops tooling
- version: v4.19.5
samuelmadersondev/eks-rancher-deploy latest
- version: v4.15.5
vfarcic/copilot 1.0.0
- version: v4.15.2
dnorthern/spacelift-runner 0.0.3
- version: v4.19.5
robchartier/zshk8s latest
- version: v4.19.5
willerpp/becker-imgbase-codebuild-std 6.0
- version: v4.19.5
mbuotidem/spacelift-cdktf latest
- version: v4.19.5
tiendanube/atlantis-terragrunt-infracost v1.3.7
The Custom Docker Image from Atlantis to run Terragrunt code integrated with Infracost
- version: v4.19.5
pdfforge/k8s 1.30.7
- version: v4.15.5
qarma/dbrestore latest
- version: v4.19.5
skdockerdev/flask-sample v7
- version: v4.15.6
devopscorner/terraform-infra 1.0.5
DevOps Corner Indonesia - Terraform Infra Container Image
- version: v4.19.5, v4.15.5
devopscorner/terraform-emr codebuild-2.0
DevOps Corner Indonesia - Terraform EMR Container Image
- version: v4.19.5
eaasunittest/infracost v2
- version: v4.19.5
oscloudfx/fx latest
- version: v4.15.6
gtardif/demodevenv elated_ptolemy
- version: v4.15.6
lsdtrip/tanzu-builder 1.5.1
- version: v4.19.5
qwp1216/k8s-bootstrap 1.25.6
- version: v4.19.5
gtardif/test-devenv2 goofy_stonebraker
- version: v4.15.6
ravennaras/template eksctl-argo-v1
template base image for anything (e.g jenkins k8s agent)
- version: v4.15.5
falahalaf/docker colo-helm3
- version: v4.19.5
vichzp/k8sdeploy 1.24.9
- version: v4.15.5
6zar/cobra_dev latest
Details at:
- version: v4.19.5