An open API service providing dependency metadata for docker images.
Package Usage : golang :
Explore the latest package usage data for in the golang ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 3,272
Total downloads: 10,438,492,880
More details on - JSON
optiq/harmony 1.0.26
- version: v1.0.0
corpusops/sshd latest-no-squash
- version: v1.0.0
inseefrlab/onyxia-base latest-gpu-2023.12.18
Base image for Onyxia services.
- version: v1.0.0
3pings/p6os mdh-eng-proxy-opensuse-k3s-1.22.9-4
- version: v1.0.0
corpusops/archlinux latest_preprovision-2.7
archlinux corpusops baseimage
- version: v0.0.0-20180808171621-7fddfc383310, v1.0.0
optiq/harmony-bit-docker-master 1.0.2
- version: v1.0.0
corpusops/riot 1.11.47
- version: v1.0.0
inseefrlab/fastai renovate-configure
- version: v1.0.0
prosanteconnect/filebeat 7.17.0
- version: v1.0.0
inseefrlab/mlflow v2.9.1
- version: v1.0.0
razonyang/hugo reg-exts-0.111.3
Moved to, please use hugomods/hugo instead.
- version: v1.0.0
fnndsc/pl-lld_inference 2.2.10
A ChRIS plugin that runs an inference model to predict landmark points on leg images
- version: v1.0.0
alvistack/gitlab-ee-14.7 20220321.1.1
- version: v1.0.0
amapi/ubuntu4deploy 1.2
basic ubuntu image for deploy
- version: v1.0.0
toolisticon/terraform-builder 1701824717
- version: v1.0.0
kubespheredev/git-sync v0.1
- version: v1.0.0
robinhoodis/sphinx latest
- version: v1.0.0
samgabrail/tf-vault-ansible-docker-k8s main
- version: v1.0.0
datadog/agent-buildimages-windows_1809_x64 latest
- version: v1.0.0
corpusops/docker-matrix v1.85.0
- version: v1.0.0
ttbb/grafana mate
- version: v1.0.0
ferlabcrsj/terracd 4bebf8978c5c5a5049096eb0fc3859bc5347a8da-1699296193
Gitops Continuous Deployment For Terraform Orchestrations
- version: v1.0.0
anjia0532/ml-pipeline.cache-deployer 2.0.0
- version: v1.0.0
ttbb/integrate elasticsearch-kibana-7
- version: v1.0.0
giantswarm/crossplane v1.14.5
- version: v1.0.0
tsidentity/tornjak-example-sidecar v0.2
- version: v1.0.0
flemay/hugo latest
Docker image of the latest version of Hugo, always!
- version: v1.0.0
theodore86/vagrantenv-ci 3add5e7
Repository is hosting the docker container of project
- version: v1.0.0
nijd/awsdemo latest
- version: v1.0.0
kubespheredev/cephcsi v3.5.1
- version: v1.0.0
cflondonservices/csb-ci-docker-go latest
- version: v1.0.0
iximiuz/nginx latest-e6e53102
- version: v1.0.0
inseefrlab/onyxia-python-datascience py3.11.6-2024.01.01
- version: v1.0.0
takelwerk/takelbeta 0.66.3
- version: v1.0.0
alvistack/devel-18.04 20230612.1.1
- version: v1.0.0
opsforge/anvil latest
Core image for the anvil toolkit
- version: v1.0.0
webcenter/che-devops latest
Devops tools to che workspace
- version: v1.0.0
jeduoliveira/terraform-awscli 2.0.0
- version: v1.0.0
intelliseqngs/gatk- 1.0.0
- version: v1.0.0
corpusops/go-neb 1-no-squash
- version: v0.0.0-20180808171621-7fddfc383310
lazzurs/workstation sha-899c33e
Simple workstation for my own use
- version: v1.0.0
rancher/terraform-provider-harvester v0.6.3
- version: v1.0.0
datadog/agent-buildimages-windows_1909_x86 latest
- version: v1.0.0
opsforge/kops latest
kops, kubectl and aws-cli integrated image
- version: v1.0.0
chandra4944/jdkbaseimage jdkbaseimage03-2022-07-26t00-15-43z
- version: v1.0.0
gole/ja-mongodump latest
mongo, gcloud, gsutil. A looping that save a mongodump inside a google bucket.
- version: v1.0.0
determinedai/gpt-neox latest
Determined docker image for gpt-neox with fork of deepspeed
- version: v1.0.0
datadog/agent-buildimages-windows_1809_x86 latest
- version: v1.0.0
truecharts/grafana build20230502161455
- version: v1.0.0
- version: v1.0.0
manlm/provision-k8s 1696
- version: v1.0.0
8184848757/auto-dash-grafana latest
- version: v1.0.0
corpusops/amazonlinux 2-with-sources
- version: v1.0.0
inseefrlab/onyxia-pyspark py3.10.12-spark3.4.1-2023.09.04
A minimal Python environment configured to use Spark through the PySpark interface.
- version: v1.0.0
lspcontainers/terraform-ls latest
- version: v1.0.0, v0.0.0-20180808171621-7fddfc383310
corpusops/ms_iptables latest
ms_iptables netfilter voodoo master
- version: v0.0.0-20180808171621-7fddfc383310
corpusops/amazonlinux-bare 2-with-sources
- version: v1.0.0
infralightio/self-hosted-redactor 1.1.0
- version: v1.0.0
stefanprodan/kustomize-controller v1.2.1-2
- version: v1.0.0
8184848757/grafana latest
- version: v1.0.0
samgabrail/tekanaid_vault_backup main
- version: v1.0.0
zenbeni/nodejs-terragrunt 16
Nodejs, terraform, terragrunt, ansible.
- version: v1.0.0
manlm/provision-test 1697
- version: v1.0.0
inseefrlab/onyxia-python-pytorch py3.10.13-gpu-2023.12.04
- version: v1.0.0
express42/kubectl-yc-terraform v1.2
- version: v1.0.0
loafoe/rsdl latest
- version: v1.0.0
kondukto/nancy v0.3.1.1
- version: v1.0.0
davr59/grafana latest
- version: v1.0.0
alvistack/gitlab-ee-14.0 20210823.1.1
- version: v1.0.0
express42/terraform-aws-kubectl v1.2
- version: v1.0.0