An open API service providing dependency metadata for docker images.
Package Usage : golang :
Explore the latest package usage data for in the golang ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 3,272
Total downloads: 10,438,492,880
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giantswarm/cert-exporter 2.8.4
- version: v1.0.0
arm64v8/consul 1.15.4
Consul is a datacenter runtime that provides service discovery, configuration, and orchestration.
- version: v1.0.0
gitlab/gitlab-ce-qa 16.7.0
GitLab QA has a test suite that allows end-to-end tests.
- version: v1.0.0
bitriseio/docker-android latest
android base
- version: v1.0.0
bigtruedata/gcloud-pubsub-emulator latest
Google Cloud Pub/Sub Emulator
- version: v1.0.0
tensorflow/tfx 1.15.0.dev20230914
- version: v1.0.0
broadinstitute/gtex_rnaseq V10pg
GTEx RNA-seq pipeline: alignment (STAR), QC (RNA-SeQC), expression quantification (RSEM & RNA-SeQC)
- version: v1.0.0
corpusops/postgres 9.1
- version: v1.0.0
arm32v6/consul 1.15.4
Consul is a datacenter runtime that provides service discovery, configuration, and orchestration.
- version: v1.0.0
cimg/deploy 2023.12.1
- version: v1.0.0
camptocamp/argocd v2.9.3_c2c.1
- version: v1.0.0
containous/traefikee v2.2.5
Traefik Enterprise Edition
- version: v1.0.0
corpusops/traefik v2.3
- version: v1.0.0
containous/maesh latest
Simpler Service Mesh
- version: v1.0.0
zenika/terraform-aws-cli release-8.0_terraform-0.15.5_awscli-2.14.5
Minimalist & lightweight docker image including Terraform and AWS CLI
- version: v1.0.0
corpusops/python slim-jessie
- version: v1.0.0
bretfisher/netshoot stable-20230820-cefc587
Forked from nicolaka/netshoot because Nicola is awesome and I can't remember his ID
- version: v1.0.0
linuxserver/pydio-cells 4.3.2
- version: v1.0.0
corpusops/nginx 1.25-alpine-slim
- version: v1.0.0
nebo15/alpine-elixir-ci 1.14.4-otp-25.3
CI image with Elixir, Chromedriver, Node and other tools. Based on minimal Alpine Elixir container.
- version: v1.0.0
corpusops/pgrouting 15-3
- version: v1.0.0
kong/kuma-cp 2.5.2-preview.vdcabfad61-arm64
- version: v1.0.0
corpusops/postgis 15
- version: v1.0.0
corpusops/ruby 3.1-slim-bullseye
- version: v1.0.0
corpusops/redis buster
- version: v1.0.0
hasura/graphql-engine-cli-builder 637bbed96c26af7ed4aff36e22bafb031f134615cf0e34f3857c5b0b33522d41
- version: v1.0.0
rancher/thanos v0.10.1
- version: v1.0.0
circleci/vault-cci 0.4
This image is for internal use
- version: v1.0.0
localstack/java-maven-node-python latest
Base image with pre-baked core infrastructure
- version: v1.0.0
corpusops/golang 1.19-alpine
- version: v1.0.0
alpine/gcloud 310.0.0
Auto-trigger docker build for gcloud (google cloud command line) when new release is announced
- version: v1.0.0
mesosphere/kommander2-flux-operator v2.7.0-till8-amd64
- version: v1.0.0
i386/consul 1.15.4
Consul is a datacenter runtime that provides service discovery, configuration, and orchestration.
- version: v1.0.0
streetteam/circleci-deploy master
- version: v1.0.0
broadinstitute/terraform latest
Terraform infrastructure application
- version: v1.0.0
mattermost/mattermost-cloud a92d0da
- version: v1.0.0
datawire/ambassador-base envoy-full-0.049f125c1c9a6cd7e49bd4a660cdeccd9f6ec383.opt
Base images used when building Ambassador
- version: v1.0.0
mesosphere/kommander2-federation-controller-manager v2.8.0-dev-amd64
- version: v1.0.0
halternz/render-pipeline 0.0.2
- version: v1.0.0
grafana/docs-base nightly
Image for locally testing working with Grafana docs site
- version: v1.0.0
google/apigee-cassandra-backup-utility 1.8.0-preview.2
Apigee cassandra backup utility container images
- version: v1.0.0
grafana/agentctl main-5e9df54-windows
- version: v1.0.0
cimg/gcp 2023.12.1
- version: v1.0.0
netlify/build 35daafbf8db928fb3c6bf69c92842ec196c0af68-focal
- version: v1.0.0
jumanjiman/cci latest
- version: v1.0.0
broadinstitute/terra-jupyter-aou 8bf6b13
- version: v1.0.0
rancher/mirrored-thanos-thanos v0.28.0
- version: v1.0.0
express42/otus-homeworks 0.7.1
- version: v1.0.0
rancher/mirrored-thanosio-thanos v0.21.1
- version: v1.0.0
grafana/grafana-ci-deploy 1.3.4-fedor
- version: v1.0.0
lazzurs/atlantis-terragrunt sha-52e1f01
- version: v1.0.0
rancher/terraform-controller-executor latest
- version: v1.0.0
mesosphere/konvoy-dev v1.8.3-rc.1-51-gae5876a9
- version: v1.0.0
blockstream/gcloud-docker 23-442
- version: v1.0.0
google/apigee-hybrid-cassandra 1.8.1
- version: v1.0.0
bitnami/concourse 7.11.0
Bitnami container image for Concourse
- version: v1.0.0
cytopia/terragrunt-fmt 1.2
Alpine-based multistage-build version of terragrunt-fmt to be used for CI and local linting
- version: v1.0.0
scylladb/scylla-packaging ubuntu22.04-20231214.1812
- version: v1.0.0