An open API service providing dependency metadata for docker images.
Package Usage : golang :
Explore the latest package usage data for in the golang ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 8,082
Total downloads: 35,986,791,350
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grafana/agent main-5e9df54-windows
- version: v0.11.28, v0.11.29
cimg/postgres 16.1-postgis
- version: v0.11.24
library/kapacitor 1.7.1
Kapacitor is an open source framework for processing, monitoring, and alerting on time series data.
- version: v0.11.18
rancher/hyperkube v1.27.8-rancher2-linux-arm64
- version: v0.11.27
bitnami/grafana 10.2.3
Bitnami Docker Image for Grafana
- version: v0.11.28
linuxserver/wireguard legacy-v1.0.20210914-ls33
- version: v0.11.29, v0.11.28
cloudfoundry/capi cf-for-k8s
This is a bucket for docker images used by the CF CAPI team's Concourse pipeline
- version: v0.9.6
rancher/calico-cni v3.26.3-rancher1-linux-arm64
- version: v0.11.18
giantswarm/trivy 0.48.0
- version: v0.11.24, v0.11.29, v0.11.28
bitnami/prometheus 2.48.1
Bitnami Docker Image for Prometheus
- version: v0.11.28, v0.11.29
rancher/istio-proxyv2 1.8.3
- version: v0.9.6
rancher/os v2.0.0-alpha01-amd64
Rancher OS installation container. No longer maintained and its use is discouraged.
- version: v0.11.12
circleci/android api-26-node
CircleCI images for Android
- version: v0.9.7
rancher/mirrored-coredns-coredns 1.10.1
- version: v0.11.28
rancher/mirrored-calico-node v3.26.4
- version: v0.11.18
cimg/openjdk 21.0.0
The CircleCI OpenJDK (Java) Docker Convenience Image.
- version: v0.11.24
cimg/go 1.21.5
- version: v0.11.24
bitnami/minio 2023.12.14
Bitnami MinIO Docker Image
- version: v0.11.29
rancher/prom-prometheus v2.22.0
- version: v0.11.10
rancher/mirrored-calico-cni v3.26.4
- version: v0.11.18
rancher/library-traefik 2.4.9
- version: v0.11.1
snyk/kubernetes-monitor discardable-ubi9-5adc04e2
- version: v0.11.28, v0.11.8
klakegg/hugo 0.111.3
Minimal image and variants with batteries included for Hugo open-source static site generator.
- version: v0.11.20
kasmweb/desktop-deluxe 1.14.0
Ubuntu productivity desktop for Kasm Workspaces
- version: v0.11.24
rancher/rke2-runtime v1.29.0-rke2r1-windows-amd64
- version: v0.11.27, v0.11.18, v0.11.29
docker/highland_builder 3979.0.0-stable
Image for performing Docker build requests
- version: v0.11.24
homeassistant/amd64-hassio-dns latest
- version: v0.11.18
myoung34/github-runner 2.311.0
This will run the new self-hosted github actions runners with docker-in-docker
- version: v0.11.24
adferrand/dnsrobocert 3.25.0
Orchestrate Let's Encrypt TLS certificates validated with DNS challenges
- version: v0.11.24
sourcegraph/server 253128_2023-12-04_5.2-333edd3345a2
Sourcegraph is a code search and navigation tool (open-source/self-hosted).
- version: v0.11.28, v0.11.29
rancher/mirrored-library-traefik 2.10.5
- version: v0.11.24
datadog/agent-dev nightly-4086e76d-py3-jmx-win
Development builds for the Datadog Agent 6
- version: v0.11.28
rancher/security-scan v0.2.14-rc3-arm64
- version: v0.11.12
cilium/operator sha256-ae29fc76cf4c19c62deaed55376878e7b7fa851af930ecf9509f35371f03fc87.sig
Cilium operator
- version: v0.11.27
cimg/php 8.3.0
- version: v0.11.24
grafana/tempo main-3cc44fc
- version: v0.11.28, v0.11.29
containous/traefik experimental-v2.3
Traefik unofficial image (please use official image instead
- version: v0.9.0
alpine/terragrunt 1.6.4
Auto-trigger docker build for terragrunt when new terraform version released
- version: v0.11.18, v0.11.26, v0.11.24