An open API service providing dependency metadata for docker images.
Package Usage : golang :
Explore the latest package usage data for in the golang ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 8,082
Total downloads: 35,986,791,350
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jitesoft/trivy 0.48.1
Trivy on alpine for amd64 and aarch64.
- version: v0.11.28, v0.11.29, v0.11.24
lazzurs/jenkins-agent-terraform sha-c48042e
Jenkins agent with the latest Terraform installed.
- version: v0.11.22
wernight/beroux-builder v4.0.1
Docker + docker-compose + kubectl to build and deploy projects on Kubernetes.
- version: v0.11.24, v0.11.27
apluslms/run-mooc-grader 1.20
Runs A-plus mooc-grader
- version: v0.11.24
heroku/builder 20
Heroku's Cloud Native Buildpack builder.
- version: v0.11.29
jinahub/hubble-controller v1.77.5
- version: v0.11.24
mesosphere/yakcl-federation-authorizedlister dev
- version: v0.9.2
gitpod/workspace-yugabytedb 2023-08-30-14-07-38
- version: v0.11.24
asappinc/ubuntu_jenkins_jnlp_slave 51a2848536c40429e64116ca2bdb073ddbee8333
- version: v0.11.27
aa210682/build-service 20230411082740
- version: v0.11.28
tsuru/rpaas-api sha-25b9074e
- version: v0.11.20
vanmoof/pubsub-emulator latest
- version: v0.9.0, v0.9.7, v0.10.2
ratnadeepb/proxyv2 latest
- version: v0.9.6
cflondonservices/csb-ci-aws latest
- version: v0.11.18, v0.11.29, v0.9.1, v0.11.15
apache/devlake-dashboard main_231222_0739_a4ceca5
- version: v0.11.28
redislabs/pcf-redis-enterprise-tester null
- version: v0.9.0
bhagyak1/helmchart-installer 07
- version: v0.11.1
giantswarm/management-cluster-admission 0.8.1
- version: v0.11.21
rhcsdashboard/ceph-rpm reef
- version: v0.11.22
snowplow/beam-enrich latest
- version: v0.9.7
giantswarm/vpa-certgen-ci-images v14.0-alpine-openssl
- version: v0.11.29, v0.11.26, v0.11.27, v0.11.21, v0.11.20
aidanhahn/emissary 2.2.0-rc.0.0.20220204183328-4a280ff1a4cd
- version: v0.11.24
weisburd/impute_sample_metadata latest
- version: v0.11.21
giantswarm/azure-admission-controller 4.5.0
- version: v0.11.27
tercen/tercen c0aece09
- version: v0.11.24
geerlingguy/drupal-operator 0.1.1
Drupal Operator for Kubernetes, built with Operator SDK and Ansible.
- version: v0.9.0
giantswarm/azuredisk-csi v1.29.2
- version: v0.11.28, v0.11.29
mesosphere/konvoy-image-builder v2.8.5
- version: v0.11.19, v0.11.29
antrea/netshoot v0.1
- version: v0.9.6
takelwerk/takelbuild 0.66.3
- version: v0.11.19, v0.11.24
mtvb/drone-kaniko latest
A thin shim-wrapper around the official Google Kaniko Docker image to make it a Drone Docker plugin.
- version: v0.11.8, v0.9.6
rapidfort/consul-official 1.13
RapidFort optimized, hardened image for Consul Official
- version: v0.11.18
gitpod/workspace-elixir 2023-08-30-14-07-38
- version: v0.11.24
linuxserver/kasm 1.15.0-develop
- version: v0.11.24
mesosphere/kommander-applications-ci 8820f8c87da22899acee2787d601756f2184c706
- version: v0.11.27
asappinc/ubuntu_jenkins_slave 8812de7b0a55dbb1acb987a6c700671998ed2d5e
- version: v0.11.27
apache/streampark release-2.1.2
Apache Streampark
- version: v0.11.24
wso2/kubernetes-pipeline-jenkins 1.1.0
- version: v0.9.0
maddevsio/terraform-utils latest
- version: v0.11.22