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Package Usage : github : mdgreenwald/mozilla-sops-action
Explore the latest package usage data for mdgreenwald/mozilla-sops-action in the github ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 29
Total downloads: 42,282
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toolisticon/openjdk11-builder 1.1.1
- version: v1.5.0, v1.4.1
toolisticon/terraform-builder 1.1.1
- version: v1.5.0, v1.4.1
samgabrail/tf-vault-ansible-docker-k8s main
- version: v1
ryazantseff/deployer 0.1.2
- version: v1
samgabrail/gitlab-tf-vault-ansible v0.0.1
- version: v1
express42/helmfile v0.1
- version: v1
mecsys/custom-argocd v2.6.1
- version: v1.3.0
issamfellaki/helm-client latest
- version: v1
uditrpanchal/aws-helm test2
- version: v1
baseten/baseten-codespace v14
- version: v1.5.0
vladstarr/helmfile v0.153.1
- version: v1.4.1
lvv1227/helm-deployer v2
- version: v1.4.1
vichzp/k8sdeploy 1.24.9
- version: v1.4.0
zerodayyy/argocd-plugin-helmfile latest
- version: v1
toolisticon/kube-builder 1708477285
- version: v1.5.0
travisghansen/argo-cd-helmfile v0.3.13
- version: v1.4.1
accupara/ubuntu-k8s latest
- version: v1.5.0
thuhu/custom-argocd v2.6.2-arm64
- version: v1.4.1
tops1/facebook-token-expire-checker 1.0-arm64
- version: v1
joelee2012/argocd-helm-secrets v2.13.3-4.6.0
- version: v1.4.1
xlp67/helmfile-argocd 1.0.0
- version: v1.4.1
clnplt/infra k8s-image
- version: v1.4.1
vqui/helmfile-reporter-bot latest
- version: v1
procsy/argocd-helm-secrets latest
- version: v1.4.1
rahulkausale/argocd-plugin-helmfile v0.0.14
- version: v1.4.1
xobox123/argocd v0.0.5
- version: v1.4.1
edijsdrezovs/argocd 2.7.1-1
- version: v1
cwsakamoto/argocd-helmfile-plugin 0.153.1-3.11.3
- version: v1.3.0
iverberk/argo-cd-helmfile v0.3.5
- version: v1.4.1