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Package Usage : github : fastify/github-action-merge-dependabot
Explore the latest package usage data for fastify/github-action-merge-dependabot in the github ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 2,203
Total downloads: 1,024,377,723
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hexletboy/http_forms_exercise 72660
- version: v3.2, v3
jinahub/hubble-controller v1.77.5
- version: v3.2, v3
opensearchstaging/opensearch-dashboards 2.11.0
- version: v3, v1, v2.7.1
hexletboy/http_basic_auth_exercise 75609
- version: v3.9, v3.2, v3
hexletboy/http_chunked_exercise 72301
- version: v3.2, v3
hexletboy/http_query_string_exercise 74159
- version: v3.2, v3
hexletboy/http_cookies_exercise 75607
- version: v3, v3.9, v3.2
hexletboy/http_redirect_exercise 68402
- version: v3.2, v3
actionhero/actionhero v26.1.2
The Reusable, Scalable, and Quick node.js API Server
- version: v2.0.0
roundforestltd/bio-product-category-page-server 7.0.664
- version: v3, v3.2, v3.9
hexletboy/js_asynchronous_programming_http_exercise 75719
- version: v3.9, v3, v3.2
botium/botium-box-standalone latest
- version: v2.5.0, v2.7.1, v2.0.0, v3, v3.0.2, v2.1.1
botium/botium-box-agent latest
Botium Box Agent
- version: v3, v2.7.1, v3.0.2, v2.0.0, v2.1.1, v2.5.0
rocketchat/presence-service sha-eee67dc
Presence micro service for Rocket.Chat
- version: v3, v3.2
hylleraas/singleuser 27
- version: v1
chinayin/kibana 8.4.3
Your window into the Elastic Stack
- version: v1, v2.0.0
sovryn/sovryn-amm-price-monitor test
- version: v1, v2.4.0, v3
plugins/netlify latest
- version: v3.2, v3
minimum2scp/es-kibana latest
ElasticSearch + Kibana on Debian sid amd64 (,
- version: v1, v2.0.0
jonbackhaus/homebridge main-9a9f8d3850c1f0984e784ba0e5871371d041d1d6-743
- version: v3, v3.2
zolinthecow/toppings-customer-stage-backend 3.6.0
- version: v3
acala/eth-rpc-adapter 1f01c99
- version: v3, v2.5.0, v1, v2.0.0, v2.1.1, v2.4.0
jefftian/uni-orders latest
- version: v3.2, v3
roundforestltd/dws-sellers 1.0.365
- version: v3.2, v3, v3.9
adminmindgrep/gs_service 2.2.2
- version: v2.6.0, v3, v2.5.0, v2.7.1, v2.1.1, v3.0.2, v3.2, v1, v2.0.0, v3.9
a11ywatch/a11ywatch latest
- version: v1, v2.4.0, v2.7.1, v3
hexletboy/js_react_auth_challenge 48889
- version: v2.0.0, v1, v2.1.0
roundforestltd/dws-view 1.0.177
- version: v3, v3.2
grafana/usage-stats-handler v10
- version: v3.9