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Package Usage : generic : redis
Explore the latest package usage data for redis in the generic ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 878
Total downloads: 10,577,075,161
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library/redis 7.4.2
Redis is the world’s fastest data platform for caching, vector search, and NoSQL databases.
- version: 7.2.1, 7.1.240, 7.0.9, 7.2.3
bitnami/redis 7.2.5
Bitnami container image for Redis
- version: 7.0.9, 7.2.3, 7.0.10
circleci/redis 6.2.6
CircleCI images for Redis
- version: 6.9.240
bitnami/redis-sentinel 7.4.1
Bitnami container image for Redis Sentinel
- version: 7.0.9, 7.2.3, 7.0.10
bitnami/redis-cluster 7.4.1
Bitnami container image for Redis Cluster
- version: 7.0.10, 7.2.3, 7.0.9
grokzen/redis-cluster 7.2.5
Redis cluster 6.0, 6.2, 7.0, 7.2
- version: 7.0.8, 6.0.1, 7.0.10
datasense/redis 6.2.14
- version: 6.2.4
redislabs/rebloom 2.8.1
A probablistic datatypes module for Redis
- version: 7.2.2
cimg/redis 7.4.1
- version: 7.0.8, 7.0.10, 7.2.3
redislabs/redisearch 2.10.0
Redis With the RedisSearch module pre-loaded. See
- version: 7.2.0
discourse/base 2.0.20240902-0349
Official Discourse Image
- version: 7.0.7
arm32v7/redis 7.4.1
Redis is the world’s fastest data platform for caching, vector search, and NoSQL databases.
- version: 7.0.9
redislabs/rejson 99.99.98
RedisJSON - Enhanced JSON data type processing for Redis
- version: 7.2.1
redislabs/redis 7.8.4-18.rhel9-openshift
Clustered in-memory database engine compatible with open source Redis by Redis Labs
- version: 7.2.0, 7.0.8
arm64v8/redis 7.4.0
Redis is the world’s fastest data platform for caching, vector search, and NoSQL databases.
- version: 7.2.1, 7.0.10, 7.0.8
cflondonservices/london-services-ci-redis 2.1.0
- version: 3.2.1
wodby/redis 6-4.6.2
Redis container image with orchestration
- version: 7.0.9, 6.2.13, 7.2.3, 7.0.10
sourcegraph/redis-store 5.2.7
- version: 5.0.13
redislabs/redisgraph 2.12.10
A graph database module for Redis
- version: 7.2.0
healthcheck/redis latest
- version: 6.2.4
redislabs/redismod edge
An automated build of redismod - latest Redis with select modules.
- version: 6.2.5
cflondonservices/redis latest
Docker image for running redis
- version: 5.0.4
redislabs/redis-py latest
- version: 4.0.7
skedler/reports 6.14.4
Skedler Reports is powerful report automation solution for Elasticsearch Kibana Grafana applications
- version: 6.0.6
amd64/redis 7.4.2
Redis is the world’s fastest data platform for caching, vector search, and NoSQL databases.
- version: 7.0.11, 7.2.3, 7.0.12, 7.0.9
redislabs/redistimeseries 99.99.98
A time series database module for Redis
- version: 7.2.1
discourse/discourse_test 1.4.0
- version: 7.0.7
redis/redis-stack 6.2.6-v18-x86_64
redis-stack installs a Redis server with additional database capabilities and the RedisInsight.
- version: 7.0.9
scalingo/redis 7.2.5-1
Image of the Redis instances of Scalingo PaaS
- version: 7.0.10
amazeeio/redis 23.10.0
- version: 5.0.14, 7.2.3
redis/redis-stack-server 6.2.0
redis-stack-server installs a Redis server with additional database capabilities
- version: 6.2.11
s390x/redis 7.4.1
Redis is the world’s fastest data platform for caching, vector search, and NoSQL databases.
- version: 7.0.9, 7.0.11
arm32v6/redis 7.4.1-alpine3.20
Redis is the world’s fastest data platform for caching, vector search, and NoSQL databases.
- version: 7.0.9, 7.0.11, 6.0.20
ppc64le/redis 7.4.1
Redis is the world’s fastest data platform for caching, vector search, and NoSQL databases.
- version: 7.0.9, 7.0.10
i386/redis 7.4.1
Redis is the world’s fastest data platform for caching, vector search, and NoSQL databases.
- version: 7.0.9, 7.0.11
jumpserver/redis 7.2.5
Redis is an open source key-value store that functions as a data structure server.
- version: 6.2.7
redislabs/redisai 1.2.5
- version: 6.2.5
corpusops/redis 7.4-bookworm
- version: 6.2.6
redislabs/ng-redis-raft 74b43ad8946e63f18cd4c4fe5cee46df55ba553d
Redis with redis raft module
- version: 255.255
discourse/discourse_dev 20241119-0437
- version: 7.0.7
rapidfort/redis-cluster 7.4.1
RapidFort optimized, hardened image for Redis™ Cluster
- version: 7.0.8, 7.2.1, 7.0.11
rapidfort/redis 7.4.1
RapidFort optimized, hardened image for Redis™
- version: 7.2.1, 7.0.8
aldryn/redis latest
- version: 3.0.7
testlagoon/api-redis pr-3801
- version: 5.0.14
amolkemtec/redis 6.2
- version: 6.2.10
loads/redis 7.0-sentinel
- version: 7.0.5
llparse/redis 3.2.6
- version: 3.2.6
datasense/deploy v0.1
- version: 6.0.16
testlagoon/redis-5 pr-864
- version: 5.0.14