An open API service providing dependency metadata for docker images.
Package Usage : generic : php-cli
Explore the latest package usage data for php-cli in the generic ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 6,912
Total downloads: 7,271,238,316
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maihai/invoiceninja_v5 latest
- version: 8.2.14
previousnext/php 7.1-dev
PHP containers for running on Skipper hosting
- version: 7.1.30
kolaente/polr latest
A Dockerimage for the polr URL-Shortener
- version: 7.0.21
yobasystems/alpine-php-wordpress latest
Wordpress running on Alpine Linux [docker] [amd64/armhf/aarch64]
- version: 8.1.26
webdevops/php-official 8.3
Official PHP images with webdevops customization
- version: 8.3.1, 8.0.30
oceanbt/nextcloud-with-supervisor 26
- version: 8.1.17, 8.2.14
devilbox/php-fpm-5.3 jessie-0.31
Devilbox PHP-FPM 5.3 (base image) [multi-arch]
- version: 5.3.29
nystudio107/php-dev-base 8.2-alpine
- version: 8.1.15, 8.2.12
mirrorgooglecontainers/hpa-example latest
- version: 5.6.14
cytopia/dvwa php-7.1-0.7
DVWA (Damn Vulnerable Web Application) with additional local priv escalation challenges
- version: 7.1.33
falnyr/php-ci 7.2-no-xdebug
Dockerfiles with PHP CI purposes including mysqli extension, extended from geertw/docker-php-ci.
- version: 7.2.0beta3
kooldev/phpqa 7.4
- version: 7.4.33
flownative/php 8.3.1
- version: 8.2.3, 8.2.4, 8.3.1, 8.2.11
bitnami/wordpress-intel 6.1.1-debian-11-r6
- version: 8.0.26
nystudio107/php-prod-base 8.2-alpine
- version: 8.1.15, 8.2.12
devilbox/php-fpm-7.4 latest
Devilbox PHP-FPM 7.4 (base image) [deprecated]
- version: 7.4.18
rapidfort/wordpress 6.3
RapidFort optimized, hardened image for Wordpress
- version: 8.1.17, 8.2.11, 8.2.9
testlagoon/php-7.4-fpm pr-640
- version: 7.4.33
testlagoon/php-7.4-cli-drupal pr-640
- version: 7.4.33
cobytes/ci-build-wordpress 8.2-composer2
CI Build image for WordPress based on Alpine
- version: 8.1.27
docksal/behat latest
A self-contained Docker image to run Behat with no external dependencies
- version: 7.3.25
flownative/composer 8.2.13
- version: 8.2.3, 8.2.4, 8.2.13, 8.2.10
visiblevc/wordpress 0.26.0-php8.0
Wordpress development environment
- version: 8.0.6
cloudflare/phan latest
Dockerization of the Phan PHP static analysis tool
- version: 7.2.18
toby1991/docker-laravel 7.2
- version: 7.2.0
saleschamp/php 7.3-nodejs
- version: 7.3.27
aspettl/docker-email-autodiscover latest
jsmitsnl/docker-email-autodiscover with STARTTLS (port 587) instead of SSL (port 465) for SMTP
- version: 8.1.27
wodby/webgrind 1-1.30.1
- version: 7.4.33
akeneo/data-generator 2.0
- version: 7.2.25
- version: 8.2.12, 8.2.0
nimmis/alpine-apache-php5 latest
This is docker images of Alpine with apache2 and php5/composer
- version: 5.6.32
devilbox/php-fpm-5.2 stretch-0.60
Devilbox PHP-FPM 5.2 (base image) [multi-arch]
- version: 5.2.17
archanium/dreamshop-php 8.0
- version: 8.0.12
bblfsh/php-driver latest
- version: 7.2.11
helloz/onenav 0.9.33
- version: 7.3.33
arm32v6/phpmyadmin 5.2.1-fpm-alpine
phpMyAdmin - A web interface for MySQL and MariaDB.
- version: 8.2.14, 8.1.17
10up/wordpress-ci php-8.2
WordPress continuous integration container with common set of build tools
- version: 8.1.24, 8.2.13
tiredofit/leantime 1.0.38
Dockerized Project Managment tool with many configurable options
- version: 8.0.28, 8.2.13
mck7/php-fpm 7.4.x
Container definition for running a faster version of php
- version: 7.4.33
flownative/composer2 8.2.14
Composer 2.x
- version: 8.2.14, 8.2.4, 8.2.10, 8.2.3
lightswitch05/php-version-audit 1-bullseye
Tool to easily check a given PHP version against a regularly updated list of CVE exploits
- version: 8.2.14
webhippie/php-caddy 8.3
Docker image for php-caddy
- version: 8.3.1, 7.4.33
occitech/magento php5.5-apache
- version: 5.5.38
marmaladegmbh/php 7.4-fpm
- version: 7.4.33, 7.0.33
wodby/xhprof 2-3.7.6
PHP Xhprof traces basic viewer.
- version: 7.4.33
nimmis/alpine-apache-php7 latest
This is docker images of Alpine with apache2 and php7/composer
- version: 7.4.26
wodby/matomo 4-1.61.0
- version: 8.1.23, 8.1.26, 8.1.18, 8.1.16, 8.1.17
ebsproject/b4r dev
- version: 7.4.10
opsforge/grav-docker latest
Automated build repo for the grav project.
- version: 7.3.27
evissolutions/php-build-environment 8.2-fpm-alpine-dev
Docker images for continous integration and deployment of PHP applications
- version: 8.2.13
tianon/phpmyadmin latest
DEPRECATED; phpMyAdmin is a free software tool to handle the administration of MySQL over the Web
- version: 7.2.34
alexjose/laravel-ci 7.1
PHP Build for Laravel CI Testing
- version: 7.1.15
acweblabs/nginx-php7.3-fpm latest
- version: 7.3.33
jakzal/phpqa-nightly 230924-alpine
Nightly builds for jakzal/phpqa
- version: 8.2.10, 8.2.5, 8.2.3
riftbit/protoc tools-22
Protobuf, gRPC and plugins containers
- version: 8.1.12
cappuc/gitlab-ci-laravel php8.3
Php image with tools used for testing of laravel apps.
- version: 8.1.16
tiredofit/wordpress unit
Dockerized Wordpress Image with customizable options
- version: 8.2.10, 8.0.28, 8.0.27
yiisoftware/yii-php 8.2-fpm-latest-nginx-min
Official Docker images suitable for Yii 3.x
- version: 8.2.11, 8.2.3
10up/phpfpm 7.1
phpfpm Image used with wp-local-docker
- version: 7.1.32
arm32v7/owncloud 9-fpm
ownCloud is a self-hosted file sync and share server.
- version: 7.0.33
linuxserver/budge 0.0.9-ls91
- version: 8.2.12, 8.1.18, 8.1.16
jitesoft/php-fpm 7.3
Deprecated repository, see jitesoft/php for new runtime versions.
- version: 7.3.33
papango/kanboard 2.0.1
- version: 7.3.17