An open API service providing dependency metadata for docker images.
Package Usage : generic : leds_mc13783
Explore the latest package usage data for leds_mc13783 in the generic ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 65
Total downloads: 166,174
More details on - JSON
kdeneon/plasma latest
Minimal Plasma image of KDE Neon.
- version: *
- version: *
kdeneon/all user
Complete image of KDE Neon.
- version: *
alvistack/devel-20.04 20240206.1.1
- version: *
hpccbuilds/build-ubuntu-18.04 community_8.12.0-rc4
- version: *
hpccbuilds/vcpkg-ubuntu-18.04 latest
- version: *
chandanwiai/dummy-repo v3
- version: *
alvistack/gitlab-runner-14.2 20211023.0.0
- version: *
alvistack/gitlab-runner-13.11 20210619.1.1
- version: *
firemindltd/base-install-docker-image-browser latest
- version: *
alvistack/gitlab-runner-13.12 20210718.1.1
- version: *
alvistack/gitlab-runner-14.3 20211121.1.1
- version: *
alvistack/gitlab-runner-14.1 20210921.1.2
- version: *
alvistack/gitlab-runner-13.8 20210322.1.0
- version: *
alvistack/gitlab-runner-14.6 20220220.1.1
- version: *
alvistack/gitlab-runner-14.5 20220115.1.1
- version: *
alvistack/gitlab-runner-13.6 20210114.1.0
- version: *
alvistack/gitlab-runner-14.4 20211217.1.1
- version: *
olejak/vizdoom latest
Ubuntu + NoVNC + VizDoom
- version: *
alvistack/gitlab-runner-14.0 20210823.1.1
- version: *
alvistack/gitlab-runner-13.7 20210220.1.0
- version: *
alvistack/gitlab-runner-13.5 20201220.0.0
- version: *
alvistack/gitlab-runner-14.7 20220321.1.1
- version: *
zanattabruno/cudurunfapi_ru_nfapi latest
- version: *
zanattabruno/cudurunfapi_cu_nfapi latest
- version: *
zanattabruno/cudurunfapi_du_nfapi latest
- version: *
intelliseqngs/bco-app-a-thon latest
- version: *
ramirezfx/linuxmint-baseimage xfce-vera
- version: *
ramirezfx/linuxmint-desktop mate-latest
- version: *
rubelw/git-sync latest
- version: *
peolivei/ubuntu-20-lts-rtk-microk8s v1.25_v0.1.0-alpha2
- version: *
corentdocker/customervm latest
- version: *
olejak/slam latest
slam vdi
- version: *
prosyslab/bug-bench-supermin 20210802
- version: *
rishianand/core-ubuntu-22-lts-k3s v1.24.6-k3s1_v0.0.0-f9453e6
- version: *
qcfe/packer-and-buildah 23033104
- version: *
ansred/ubuntu-full latest
- version: *
santhoshs/core-ubuntu-22-lts-k3s v1.24.6-k3s1
- version: *
kpiyush17/stylus-iso-base v0.0.0-c32f467
- version: *
yangzheng001/zheng 0.1
ubuntu20.04 including dependencies for orb_slam2
- version: *
developerjskim/dockerize base
- version: *
flexfitnwm/kairos test
- version: *
corentdocker/ubuntu22 22.2.23
- version: *
borisu/basehive latest
This is a docker container of the HiveOS 0.6-219-stable img. It is a full import of the filesystem.
- version: *
massalinux/gowholesale-xdebug latest
- version: *
ramirezfx/ubuntu-mate-desktop-arm64 latest
- version: *
yuan88yuan/kylin_arm64 v10-sp1
- version: *
giantswarm/guestfs 1.0.0
- version: *
cloreai/hiveos 0.3
HiveOS image for CLORE.AI
- version: *
bketelsen/vanilla-os v0.0.12
- version: *
3pings/vmware-demo k3s-1.25.2-v3.4.1-test
- version: *
3pings/flash-p6os ubuntu-cncf-v1.21.12
- version: *
alfonsofortunato/kubevirt-dep-counter latest
- version: *
franzu/test-byoi latest
- version: *
alexcher748/kairos-custom-image 0.0.7
- version: *
dysfu/neolix_k8s_image v1
- version: *
albabsc/compss-matmul 3.3-sshd
Matrix multiplication matrix to be executed with the COMPSs framework. Image base is albabsc/compss
- version: *
sspphh/cuda 12.1.0-runtime-ubuntu22.04
- version: *
zhouxiaolong1985/openvpn latest
- version: *
- version: *
ramirezfx/ubuntu-mate-desktop latest
- version: *
clanktron/kairos-ubuntu-kubevip-k3s latest
- version: *
franzu/byoi-kubevirt-counter latest
- version: *
peolivei/internal k3s-1.29.0-v4.3.0-localui
- version: *