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Package Usage : generic : cryptodev
Explore the latest package usage data for cryptodev in the generic ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 37
Total downloads: 277,737
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dickhub/openwrt 9.12.31
for arm use rpi2, for arm64 use rpi4, and thereis x86_64 /sbin/init macnet if needed --privileged
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virking/openwrt x86
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danxiaonuo/uola x86_64
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udembles/umps-builder latest
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msly/openwrt R9.12.31
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rutenioum/onecloud_openwrt R23.1.1_v02
玩客云 openwrt固件
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advrisc/u16.04-for-ti-wise-paas_y2.4 latest
Build environment for TI RMM-EI
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zhaoguomanong/koolshare latest
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guoxiangguo/owrt gdx20221209
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zhaoguomanong/openwrt_self_compile x86_64_openwrt-04.15.2023
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dickhub/sulinggg-openwrt-mini latest
unofficial mirror from :
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hululuxi/lede-mini x86_64
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ysjiang4869/openwrt amd64_0.45.33_1.5
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hululuxi/immortalwrt-mini x86_64
immortalwrt-mini based openwrt 21.02
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xmq851029/openwrt k
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kouhj/openwrt-builder-ax6s latest
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kouhj/openwrt-builder-x64 latest
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acostach/iotg8p martirel
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gssiwmd/openwrt-x86-64 latest
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divyadock/secretstore-1 latest
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divyadock/sec-apps latest
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acostach/iotgreg 1
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divyadock/sec-command latest
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divyadock/vault-t1 latest
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divyadock/sec-redis latest
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piaoyizy/openwrt-aarch64 latest
openwrt ARM64版,基于Lean最新源码编译,集成ssrplus+ 、passwall、openclash,N1,贝壳云等适用,每3天自动更新。
- version: *
ugvfpdcuwfnh/passwall 1.0
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9jmr/openstlinux ubuntu_22_04_jammy_mickledor_6_1_SDK
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tingshow163/openwrt 2023.11.19
使用 构建的镜像打包成 docker
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niliaerith/openwrt latest
- version: *
ziwer/openwrt x86_64
immortalwrt 功能强大
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shrikantjha/yocto_acc shr
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tearsful/openwrt-x86 latest
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xuzhengtong/openwrt-aarch64 latest
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