An open API service providing dependency metadata for docker images.
Package Usage : generic : busybox
Explore the latest package usage data for busybox in the generic ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 18,705
Total downloads: 29,092,369
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byxiaopeng/v2raya latest
- version: 1.36.1
resin/edison-alpine edge-20170409
This repository is obsolete.
- version: 1.26.2
resin/raspberrypi-alpine edge-20170411
This repository is obsolete.
- version: 1.26.2
bblfsh/php-driver latest
- version: 1.26.2
resin/jetson-tx1-alpine-python 3.7-edge-20190117
This repository is deprecated.
- version: 1.27.2
ydkn/sensu-oss 6.10.0
OSS build of sensu-go (
- version: 1.36.0
resin/parallella-hdmi-resin-alpine edge-20170407
This repository is obsolete.
- version: 1.26.2
juicedata/fio latest
- version: 1.31.1
egovio/pt-calculator-v2 1690-5aebb2e
- version: 1.25.1
appleboy/gh-pages 1.2.1
- version: 1.31.1
rawmind/alpine-jvm8 1.8.181-1
This image is the jvm8 base. It comes from alpine-monit.
- version: 1.28.4
docker/reefer 0.0.5
- version: 1.28.4
egovio/hr-employee latest
- version: 1.25.1
heroku/log-shuttle 0.20.0
HTTP log transporter
- version: 1.35.0
jhipster/jhipster-sample-app latest
This is a sample application created with JHipster
- version: 1.28.4
arm32v6/phpmyadmin 5.2.1-fpm-alpine
phpMyAdmin - A web interface for MySQL and MariaDB.
- version: 1.36.1
arm32v6/flink alpine
Apache Flink® is a powerful open-source distributed stream and batch processing framework.
- version: 1.29.3
resin/kitra710-alpine edge-20190217
This repository is deprecated.
- version: 1.27.2
egovio/rainmaker-pgr 7798-5aebb2e
- version: 1.25.1
graphile/worker next
High performance Node.js/PostgreSQL job queue
- version: 1.36.1
resin/am57xx-evm-alpine-openjdk openjdk-8-jre-20170407
This repository is obsolete.
- version: 1.25.1
egovio/rainmaker-pgr-db 7798-5aebb2e
- version: 1.25.1
containous/docker-etcd latest
etcd in docker
- version: 1.25.0
bianjie/gaia v12.0.0
- version: 1.35.0
tiredofit/leantime 1.0.38
Dockerized Project Managment tool with many configurable options
- version: 1.36.1
semtech/mu-authorization feature-arm64-build
SPARQL wrapper for authorization and reactivity
- version: 1.36.1
alexellis2/nginx-aarch64 latest
- version: 1.25.1
olafnorge/ansible 2.10.17
Radically simple IT automation platform
- version: 1.35.0
resin/bananapi-m1-plus-alpine-openjdk openjdk-7-jre-20190131
This repository is deprecated.
- version: 1.28.4
resin/beaglebone-alpine-openjdk openjdk-8-jre-20170410
This repository is obsolete.
- version: 1.25.1
mesosphere/dispatch-docs 1.3.0-rc1-294-gd8eca21f
- version: 1.31.1
jess/masscan latest
- version: 1.31.1
harisekhon/solr 7.6
Apache Solr (tags 3.1 - 7.6)
- version: 1.31.1
docksal/backstopjs latest
A self-contained Docker image to run BackstopJS with no external dependencies
- version: 1.26.2
mesosphere/marathon-autoscaler v1.0.0
Auto scale apps running under Marathon management on DC/OS
- version: 1.28.4
80x86/git-cz latest
- version: 1.30.1
jenkins/custom-war-packager pr-104
Custom WAR Packager
- version: 1.29.3
olafnorge/ci-secrets-server latest
- version: 1.31.1
wodby/drupal-node latest
Server app for the Node.js Integration Drupal module
- version: 1.26.2
arangodb/ldap-test latest
- version: 1.32.1
nimmis/alpine-golang latest
Docker container with GO programming language build ontop of Alpine to get the size down
- version: 1.29.3
egovio/egov-common-masters-db 3087-5aebb2e
- version: 1.25.1
flmcode/dangerzone latest
- version: 1.35.0
egovio/tenant-db CORE-229-security-audit-d31e34a0a3-4
- version: 1.25.1
huygensing/timbuctoo-elasticsearch-indexer v5.5
Index data from timbuctoo into elasticsearch
- version: 1.26.2
- version: 1.34.1
datawire/verylargedatastore latest
- version: 1.31.1
dockercloud/containerd-cleanup latest
- version: 1.24.2
masstransit/quartz 7
Quartz.NET service for the MassTransit Platform
- version: 1.33.1
resin/rpi-alpine-node 9.11.2-edge-20190131
This repository is deprecated.
- version: 1.27.2
functions/system-metrics 0.2.0
- version: 1.31.1
homeassistant/i386-addon-configurator 5.7.0
- version: 1.36.1
openebs/tests-mysql-client latest
- version: 1.28.4
functions/github-event 0.9.2
- version: 1.31.1
egovio/egov-localization v1.1.3-44558a0602-3
- version: 1.29.3
egovio/pt-services-v2 6296-5aebb2e
- version: 1.25.1
gocd/gocd-agent-alpine-3.10 v21.2.0
(Deprecated) GoCD agent docker image based on Alpine 3.10
- version: 1.30.1
resin/orbitty-tx2-alpine-node 8-edge-20190120
This repository is deprecated.
- version: 1.27.2
s390x/flink alpine
Apache Flink® is a powerful open-source distributed stream and batch processing framework.
- version: 1.29.3
dockercloud/docker-update latest
- version: 1.24.2
resin/orangepi-plus2-alpine-golang 1.9-edge-20190131
This repository is deprecated.
- version: 1.27.2
rancher/webhookinator v0.1.0
- version: 1.29.3
blacklabelops/bitbucket 5.16.0
Dockerized Atlassian Bitbucket
- version: 1.27.2
webhippie/php-caddy 8.3
Docker image for php-caddy
- version: 1.36.1
lfedge/eve-rkt-stage1 4.10.0-amd64
- version: 1.28.4
hasura/shukra bcd010c-diff-31d47413
- version: 1.24.2
alexellis2/overview 0.4.3
- version: 1.27.2
dockette/docker 24-cli
Docker + Docker Compose on Alpine Linux
- version: 1.36.1
monasca/kafka 2.12-2.0.1-0.0.2
Kafka with dynamic configuration, auto hostname detection and topic creaton, and ZK checks
- version: 1.29.3
docker/cnab-app-base v0.9.1-beta3-arm64
Base invocation image for Docker Application CNABs.
- version: 1.31.1
resin/bananapi-m1-plus-alpine-python 3.7-edge-20190131
This repository is deprecated.
- version: 1.27.2
egovio/pt-services-v2-db 6296-5aebb2e
- version: 1.25.1
ikuturso/dashloader latest
- version: 1.27.2
cilium/python-bmemcached latest
- version: 1.31.1
prom/client_golang_examples_simple sparsehistogram
The “simple” example form the Prometheus Go client library.
- version: 1.33.1
rancher/confd v0.12.0-alpha3
Serves as a base confd image for building configuration containers.
- version: 1.24.2
daggerok/jboss-eap-6.4 latest
Docker hub JBoss EAP 6.4 automation build (included 6.4.22 patch)
- version: 1.29.3
lfedge/eve-rkt 3.5.0
- version: 1.29.3
bianjie/rainbow-sync-iris v3.5.1
- version: 1.31.1
plugins/drone-git-push latest
[DEPRECATED] drone-git-push
- version: 1.23.2
dockercloud/cli v1.0.9
- version: 1.26.2
epicsoft/borgbackup edge
Simple BorgBackup Docker Image
- version: 1.36.1
plugins/drone-sftp latest
[DEPRECATED] drone-sftp
- version: 1.24.1
alexellis2/list-functions 0.4.4
- version: 1.27.2
cilium/image-maker 3e2ea4f151593908c362307a1de22e68610d955c-dev
The Dockerfiles for these images are created from
- version: 1.31.1
lfedge/eve-device-trees alpine-3.10
- version: 1.30.1
linuxkit/test-containerd 95300ba5dac0d934ccca3e028450a645e67489da-arm64
LinuxKit containerd test package
- version: 1.35.0
fastandfearless/tailscale fromsource-latest
ubuntu amd64 .... arm
- version: 1.31.1
Repository contains Adeptia Connect Portal.
- version: 1.36.1
tianon/certbot latest
- version: 1.31.1
kartoza/ford3_nginx_conf v1.0.4-20191202
- version: 1.31.1
mritd/demo latest
测试镜像, From Nginx,只有一个 html
- version: 1.36.1
egovio/pt-calculator-v2-db 1691-5aebb2e
- version: 1.25.1
sixeyed/jenkins bday7
- version: 1.31.1
resin/nuc-alpine-openjdk openjdk-8-jre-20170410
This repository is obsolete.
- version: 1.25.1
resin/kitra520-alpine edge-20181020
This repository is deprecated.
- version: 1.27.2
gableroux/gitlab-ci-lint v1.0.0
- version: 1.33.1
arm32v6/openjdk 7-jre-alpine
Pre-release / non-production builds of OpenJDK
- version: 1.29.3
returntocorp/semgrep-dev sha-ea88447
Container with a recent semgrep in it, meant for running jobs inside of it
- version: 1.36.1
diamol/postgres 11.5-linux-arm
- version: 1.30.1