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Package Usage : gem : rgl
Explore the latest package usage data for rgl in the gem ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 11
Total downloads: 194,795
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alvistack/devel-20.04 20240206.1.1
- version: 0.5.10, 0.5.9
chefes/expeditor 2.0.11
- version: 0.5.7
theodore86/vagrantenv-ci 3add5e7
Repository is hosting the docker container of project
- version: 0.5.10
alvistack/devel-18.04 20230612.1.1
- version: 0.5.9, 0.5.10
davidspek/scinote_web_production v0.1.13
- version: 0.5.7
hexletboy/vagrant_basics_initialization_exercise 69948
- version: 0.5.9, 0.5.8
chefes/expeditor-ruby-build feeebf6d-4010-47da-a8d1-bfea6f686051
- version: 0.5.6
kiuber/debian-xfce-vnc v2.0.1
- version: 0.5.9
cnlidong/cool-admin-codespace latest
- version: 0.5.9
spiritlhl/wds 10
- version: 0.5.10
rotorocloud/poc latest
- version: 0.5.10