An open API service providing dependency metadata for docker images.
Package Usage : gem : factory_girl
Explore the latest package usage data for factory_girl in the gem ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 129
Total downloads: 72,577,829
More details on - JSON
pantsel/konga 0.14.9
More than just another GUI to KONG Admin API.
- version: 4.5.0
mikesplain/openvas 9
A docker container for OpenVAS
- version: 4.8.0
prom/promdash latest
- version: 4.4.0
edxops/forum olive.master
- version: 4.8.0
regis/openedx-forum 3.4.2
Open edX: the free and open source LMS and CMS platform that scales (forum)
- version: 4.8.0
primetoninc/gitlab 9.1.10
- version: 4.7.0
linkyard/postal 1.0.2
Docker image to run Postal on Kubernetes.
- version: 4.8.0
ahannigan/docker-arachni 1.5.1-0.5.12
Arachni Web Application Scanner running in Docker
- version: 4.8.0
blinker/brochure v3.21.0 in non-wordpress form
- version: 4.5.0
ikuturso/dradis 1.9
- version: 4.8.0
gitpod/dazzle-wsfull-build merged-7bd4de1d505ad84e7d8762c97d3f403065a9d08afd9b685b99edd1d1178f8954
- version: 4.7.0
actency/docker-es-fluentd-kibana latest
This is the Actency Docker image for a logs container working with elasticsearch, fluentd and kibana
- version: 4.5.0
mesosphere/learning-hub-webssh-server 2020-06-30-7888edf
- version: 4.5.0
gitpod/workspace-dotnet-vnc 2022-02-28-07-35-26
Based on workspace-full-vnc this image adds .NET support
- version: 4.7.0
anapsix/gitlab-ci 5.0
GitLab-CI Continuous Integration in Docker container, patched to use SQLite3. External MySQL is supported for persistent configuration. Set GITLAB_URLS variable to your GITLAB installation.
- version: 4.3.0
fazenda/ispoilerbot latest
- version: 4.5.0
gitpod/workspace-flutter legacy-dazzle-v1
- version: 4.7.0
jess/commit-watcher latest
- version: 4.8.0, 4.8.1
gitpod/mdbook branch-prs-upgrade-packages
mdbook based on ws-full
- version: 4.7.0
gitpod/workspace-gecko legacy-dazzle-v1
- version: 4.7.0
gesiscss/binder-geo-2dpython-2dsite-6cc543 f08a1437fb52101b2be4a07713192abb20f0c141
- version: 4.5.0
g8tax/exp-generic-portus default--at-20211104-235909
- version: 4.5.0
gesiscss/binder-pyiron-2dpyiron-1d3bf2 beba4bcd05258a3138934837c8f57b4b35f33a61
- version: 4.5.0
gitpod/workspace-wasm legacy-dazzle-v1
- version: 4.7.0
alvistack/nix-2.3 20220206.1.1
- version: 4.7.0
davefrancis/dradis-ce v1.0
This is a complete install of Dradis-Community addition; added methodologies a bonus!
- version: 4.8.0
gitpod/workspace-dotnet-lts legacy-dazzle-v1
- version: 4.7.0
g8tax/exp-generic-annotation-studio default--at-20210405-235928
- version: 4.5.0, 4.1.0
labs47b/safin develop-4
- version: 4.5.0
gesiscss/binder-jasongrout-2djupyterlab-f0e481 38a823c6c9a9a1162e72c43ffd76647bfe84b6f1
- version: 4.5.0
juliendehos/latex nixos
ugly docker images for latex
- version: 4.7.0
gesiscss/binder-yannickjadoul-2dparselmouth-c0e583 3b9c2e83f37193eca48c94922d44707c109d78ba
- version: 4.5.0
vueopsdev/ruby 2.6.7
- version: 4.9.0
gitpod/workspace-dotnet-lts-vnc legacy-dazzle-v1
- version: 4.7.0
izone/kalilinux wireless
Kalilinux Docker by izone in referene Official Kalilinux Docker
- version: 4.9.0
nacyot/td-agent-syslog-forwarder latest
- version: 4.5.0
gesiscss/binder-jupyterlab-2djupyterlab-2ddata-2dexplorer-3c0c40 e3a6c57ee2c81126caf296bb1d1d4d55d24059c4
- version: 4.5.0
xfbao1986/antenna_ubuntu_1404 latest
- version: 4.8.1, 4.8.0
edxops/go-server latest
- version: 4.4.0
odekappcraft/ac-portal-core 1.0.13
- version: 4.5.0
liupeng0518/ 0.0.46
- version: 4.7.0
agilgob/rails latest
- version: 4.9.0
cube2222/td-agent 2
- version: 4.8.0
mackerell/gitlab-ci dec2022
- version: 4.5.0
ellerbrock/openproject 7.0.1
Project planning and scheduling
- version: 4.7.0
juliendehos/haskellweb reflex
docker images for elm, purescript, haskell-miso and haskell-reflex (using nix)
- version: 4.7.0
yangxuan8282/rpi-gitlab latest
- version: 4.7.0
openapphack/gitlab latest
gitlab docker repository used with openapphack
- version: 4.5.0
mirrorgooglecontainers/fluentd-sidecar-es 1.0
- version: 4.5.0
mrwaip/ui-kit-node 1.0.0
- version: 4.5.0
liupeng0518/ 1.1
- version: 4.5.0
stvstnfrd/forum hawthorn.master
server side of the comment service in the OpenEdX platform
- version: 4.8.0
lxc968/portus 2.0.2-1
portus webserver
- version: 4.5.0
alexinthesky/arachnirpcd latest
- version: 4.5.0
eristoddle/cardano-explorer latest
Cardano blockchain explorer
- version: 4.7.0
camptocamp/octobox latest
- version: 4.8.0
emundo/portus latest
Portus with support for docker secrets
- version: 4.5.0
overatevntech/api-chat-tms-developer version-0.0.1
Service chat tms developer environment
- version: 4.5.0
kartoza/argocd v2.0.5
- version: 4.7.0
gesiscss/binder-quansight-2dlabs-2dpython-2dmoa-a6f58e 1f02519425ab0215896a5fb9be00631c20d34895
- version: 4.7.0
dockygeekyhbar/hrauch-centos-gauntlt latest
- version: 4.8.0
kuriharahitach/docker-goof latest
- version: 4.5.0
liupeng0518/ broken-host_vars-version
- version: 4.7.0
miae/msf latest
Metasploit Framework on Alpine
- version: 4.8.1, 4.8.0
dockygeekyhbar/hrauch-centos-secimg-base latest
- version: 4.8.0
shidaqiu/ 1.1
- version: 4.5.0
9149395197/backend_api latest
- version: 4.5.0
corpusops/portus20180924 latest
- version: 4.5.0
fgurian/arachni latest
- version: 4.8.0
juliendehos/polygames nix-test
- version: 4.7.0
gcriogke/fluentd-gcp 1.21.2
- version: 4.8.0
marorro/gpu-base sha-a54d2f8
- version: 4.5.0
9149395197/registration_service latest
- version: 4.5.0
kanayake/docker-goof latest
- version: 4.5.0
alansyf/fluentd-elasticsearch 1.22
- version: 4.5.0
9149395197/contact_sync_socket latest
- version: 4.5.0
toshiaizawa/nodejs-goof-private latest
- version: 4.5.0
gcriogke/fluentd-elasticsearch v2.4.0
- version: 4.5.0
crazyfoxz/erpnext v13-py3
Clone of pipech/erpnext-docker-debian
- version: 4.5.0
usgcriok8sartifactsprod/fluentd-elasticsearch v2.4.0
- version: 4.5.0
hydration9492/msf-viproy rootlessv2
Metasploit + Viproy
- version: 4.5.0
iamteacher/ 2022.amd64
Open Cook images
- version: 4.4.0
dragonflyscience/bailiwick-ui-nix-build v11
- version: 4.7.0
lapsiufcg/armitage latest
- version: 4.9.0
smart4sa/erpnext latest
- version: 4.5.0
tkg216/docker-goof latest
- version: 4.5.0
maheindra/alpinemalware test
- version: 4.7.0
maheindra/window test
- version: 4.7.0
usgcriok8sartifactsprod/fluentd-sidecar-es 1.2
- version: 4.5.0
allvy/fluentd v0.1.9
- version: 4.8.0
rosalab/abf latest
- version: 4.5.0
sphinkie/vedakb latest
Fork of MR Vautrin openKB, with customized logos
- version: 4.5.0
ohnari/docker-goof latest
- version: 4.5.0
liudong2022/lp_rails3 v1.1
- version: 4.8.0
onenetcom/carto-jw latest
- version: 4.0.0