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Package Usage : gem : error_highlight
Explore the latest package usage data for error_highlight in the gem ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 1,041
Total downloads: 3,186,499,021
More details on - JSON
percyio/passenger-ruby32 2.5.0-arm64
- version: 0.5.1
rutvijspit/typesthreetest 1.0
- version: 0.3.0
meyermeyer/base-image latest
- version: 0.5.1
professornemo/openproject-docker latest
- version: 0.3.0
caisilus/ruby_lab 00be93ecf5a609e092954ad0e84cb87a65e05f3d
- version: 0.5.1
iverottesen/kancal 7a9f5100d5c1cac8c9666341a4ed463c26f002a5
- version: 0.5.1
yazan9/beacon-case-reports-ms 20220105-4
- version: 0.3.0
rodrigotavio91/bling_mobly 11fbd491ae04e0e76f3b2c212556a60cb1dc030b
- version: 0.5.1
mateuszbialowas/ship latest
- version: 0.5.1
anatolelucet/sh latest
- version: 0.5.1
amrelboridy/dockerizing-ruby-drkiq latest
- version: 0.3.0
eicweb/debian_stable_base unstable-mr-369-535
- version: 0.3.0
profh/s23-p2-checkpoint2-autograder 0.0.0
- version: 0.3.0
arikarim988/rose latest
- version: 0.5.1
mayuryes99/alpine-test v3
- version: 0.3.0
atoscloud/demo latest
- version: 0.3.0
tizhou86/xpu_rdma_exporter v4.0.27-alpha.1
- version: 0.5.1
fynesy/d84cc119-67d3-447a-b7df-53535bf762b4 b1.20230123.213716
- version: 0.3.0
danishrehan/dockercoins_hasher 1.0
- version: 0.5.1
fynesy/ed0d4598-d0da-42f1-a189-6f639dd69901 b1.20230125.142357
- version: 0.3.0
fynesy/915825a6-ea6e-441e-a839-247c81e9999b b1.20230203.141205
- version: 0.3.0
eicweb/nightly-2023-03-05 latest
- version: 0.3.0
nikrofill/terraspace TF-1.3.9-TS-latest
- version: 0.5.1
eicweb/nightly-2023-03-08 latest
- version: 0.3.0
pyhedgehog/github-linguist latest
- version: 0.5.1
mpcloudplusti/ 1.0.0
- version: 0.3.0
vleango/ruby-rails 3.2.2_7.0.4.3_1
- version: 0.5.1
jelaniwoods/appdev2023-rails-template-test-4-8-h latest
- version: 0.5.1
therabytesintegration/mrsk latest
- version: 0.5.1
profh/s23-p3-checkpoint1-autograder 1.0.0
- version: 0.3.0
mickamy/ruby-node 3.1.2
- version: 0.3.0
blairy/kali-ready-to-roll 20240301_0411
The latest kali-rolling with kali-linux-headless and wordlists installed.
- version: 0.3.0
justinbarclay/gitpod-doom 1.0.0
- version: 0.3.0
eicweb/nightly-2023-03-23 latest
- version: 0.3.0
profh/s23-p3-api-final-autograder predeadline-0.0.0
- version: 0.3.0
vespaengine/vespa-build-almalinux-8 latest
- version: 0.3.0
lj020326/jenkins-swarm-agent latest
- version: 0.3.0
jasonheliosdevshop/helios-panoptes b992802f4d43c7bb9c59f3154862dce20b734583_uncommitted_b0887a9652b437f9
- version: 0.3.0
jelaniwoods/appdev2023-vanilla-railsx3 latest
- version: 0.3.0
jelaniwoods/appdev2023-vanilla-railsx-global latest
- version: 0.3.0
threatpatrols/sshscanfork 0.1.49
SSH configuration and policy scanner, updated (Fork:
- version: 0.5.1
duckduckoon/ruby-function latest
- version: 0.5.1
brodrigo1111/clockbox latest
- version: 0.3.0
eicweb/nightly-2023-03-29 latest
- version: 0.3.0
davidalberici/lock-manager-resource 0.1.0
- version: 0.5.1
saulshanabrook/discourse-hosting latest
- version: 0.5.1
eicweb/nightly-2023-04-28 latest
- version: 0.3.0
omartu/jobs-api latest
- version: 0.3.0
fandrade/wss-remediate 23.1.1
- version: 0.3.0
jelaniwoods/build-paper latest
- version: 0.3.0
liudong2022/wish_api base
- version: 0.3.0
evrardpi/critichub 0.0.3
- version: 0.3.0
madebyjono/chatwoot latest
- version: 0.3.0
ramirezfx/opensuse-tumbleweed-kde-baseimage-arm64 latest
- version: 0.3.0
subclic/ruby 3.2.2-slim-bullseye
Container for Ruby Versions
- version: 0.5.1
eluvia/fluentd-opensearch v1.16-1
- version: 0.3.0
fergalm99/main fluentd
- version: 0.3.0
michaelbean99/sfcc nr-logs-for-sfcc
- version: 0.3.0
gammons1/zynthian latest
- version: 0.3.0
lukecottage/ops-image 0.5.1
- version: 0.3.0
vcmarvin/image-processor 095380f1e7c63e013c6178e862361a5c76c39318
- version: 0.3.0
curtisjhu/farmers-market-backend beta
- version: 0.5.1
bhupenderbhardwaj83/bex latest
- version: 0.5.1
spikyspam/beef 1.0.0
- version: 0.5.1
annasblackhat/flutter-vnc 3.7.5
- version: 0.3.0
ngaziki121/hasher latest
- version: 0.5.1
fynesy/f91233d1-12ec-4938-a0d9-32d4aa1936d8 b1.20230208.165641
- version: 0.3.0
ramirezfx/opensuse-tumbleweed-kde-baseimage latest
- version: 0.3.0
tkowalewski/fake_influence d8d71d7-20221125131709
- version: 0.3.0
fynesy/e9ac4f6e-0ba5-4ee3-ae1e-fe28c13c62bf b1.20230111.195318
- version: 0.3.0
elpaasoci/bosh-cli-v2-cf-cli 5ad84a1165abd41796e9966238007b008ee799ea
- version: 0.3.0
str1fe/flytaxi-ruby 3.2.1
- version: 0.5.1
thiagoalexandria/terraform 1.2.6
- version: 0.3.0
shojikai/rails-api 6ce6cd5afc9042447d8de3342c061b1d4f75b45b
- version: 0.5.1
kimham/csle_hacker_kali_1 0.4.0
Repository for the "hacker_kali_1" Docker image in the Cyber Security Learning Environment (CSLE)
- version: 0.3.0
jbiers/my_rails latest
- version: 0.5.1
oxsecurity/megalinter-worker-documentation v7.8.0
- version: 0.3.0, 0.5.1
psyy/yelb-appserver latest
- version: 0.3.0
litvak/ruby-run 5.0
- version: 0.3.0
visvakula/uat-ruby v1
- version: 0.3.0
agrare/list-departments latest
- version: 0.5.1
dekmobileteam/android_box latest
- version: 0.3.0
parveezalims/ics v1
- version: 0.3.0
troyliu0105/devdocs latest
- version: 0.5.1