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Package Usage : ebuild : dev-libs/glib
Explore the latest package usage data for dev-libs/glib in the ebuild ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 8
Total downloads: 947
More details on - JSON
kendo910/mysql-old latest
- version: 2.52.3
scollick/flatcar 3874.0.0
- version: 2.74.5, 2.76.4
apnpucky/gentoo-apn 202401142340-latest
- version: 2.76.3, 2.74.6
ohhmm/generator latest
- version: 2.74.5
apnpucky/gentoo-lhapdf 6.5.4-latest
- version: 2.76.3
apnpucky/gentoo-rivet3-hepmc3 3.1.8-hepmc3-latest
- version: 2.76.3
apnpucky/gentoo-rivet3-pythia8-hepmc2-lhapdf-looptools 3.1.9-8.3.09-hepmc2-6.5.4-2.15-202403140818-latest
- version: 2.76.4
apnpucky/gentoo-rivet3-pythia8-hepmc3-lhapdf-looptools 3.1.9-8.3.09-hepmc3-6.5.4-2.15-202403140806-latest
- version: 2.76.3