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Package Usage : deb : ubuntu/xmlto
Explore the latest package usage data for ubuntu/xmlto in the deb ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 75
Total downloads: 1,311,674
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pivotalrabbitmq/ci-java latest
- version: 0.0.28-2.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
termux/package-builder latest
Image for building termux packages
- version: 0.0.28-2.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
advrisc/u12.04-imx6lbv3 20170831
Build environment for Advantech RISC products
- version: 0.0.25-1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-12.04
advrisc/u16.04-imx8lbv1 latest
docker image for imx8
- version: 0.0.28-0.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-16.04
advrisc/u18.04-imx8lbv1 latest
docker image for imx8 yocto 3.0
- version: 0.0.28-2
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-18.04
pivotalrabbitmq/website-packaging latest
- version: 0.0.28-2.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
danxiaonuo/openwrtenv 20.04
- version: 0.0.28-2.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
advrisc/u18.04-rk3399abv10 latest
- version: 0.0.28-2
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-18.04
advrisc/u16.04-rklbv1 20190210
Build environment for Advantech products
- version: 0.0.28-0.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-16.04
advrisc/u12.04-quarklbv2 20160706
Build environment for Advantech RISC products (Quark Series)
- version: 0.0.25-1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-12.04
advrisc/u18.04-rklbv1 latest
- version: 0.0.28-2
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-18.04
dockitava/package-builder latest
- version: 0.0.28-2.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
jbcool17/mon-v8 latest
- version: 0.0.28-2.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-19.10
advrisc/u18.04-mt8395abv1 latest
- version: 0.0.28-2
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-18.04
sebinno/test_vscode 0.1.1
- version: 0.0.28-2.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
prosyslab/bug-bench-shadowsocks-libev 3.1.0
- version: 0.0.28-2.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
advrisc/u18.04-imx8abv10 latest
- version: 0.0.28-2
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-18.04
yangchuansheng/lede latest
- version: 0.0.28-2
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-18.04
prosyslab/bug-bench-debian-security-support 20210806
- version: 0.0.28-2.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
willerpp/becker-imgbase-codebuild-std 6.0
- version: 0.0.28-2.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
hieubt1/ipf-builder latest
- version: 0.0.28-2.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
initdc/xuantie-900 latest
- version: 0.0.28-2.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
prosyslab/bug-bench-libxtst6 20210730
- version: 0.0.28-2.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
prosyslab/bug-bench-libx11-data 20210730
- version: 0.0.28-2.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
prosyslab/bug-bench-libxcomposite1 20210730
- version: 0.0.28-2.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
prosyslab/bug-bench-libxaw7 20210731
- version: 0.0.28-2.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
prosyslab/bug-bench-guilt 20210808
- version: 0.0.28-2.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
prosyslab/bug-bench-xdg-utils 20210731
- version: 0.0.28-2.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
prosyslab/bug-bench-libice6 20210730
- version: 0.0.28-2.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
prosyslab/bug-bench-libsm6 20210730
- version: 0.0.28-2.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
prosyslab/bug-bench-libwayland-client0 20210731
- version: 0.0.28-2.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
prosyslab/bug-bench-libxi6 20210730
- version: 0.0.28-2.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
prosyslab/bug-bench-libxext6 20210730
- version: 0.0.28-2.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
prosyslab/bug-bench-libxdmcp6 20210730
- version: 0.0.28-2.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
prosyslab/bug-bench-libxmuu1 20210730
- version: 0.0.28-2.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
prosyslab/bug-bench-libdbus-1-3 20210730
- version: 0.0.28-2.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
prosyslab/bug-bench-libgif7 20210731
- version: 0.0.28-2.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
prosyslab/bug-bench-libxt6 20210731
- version: 0.0.28-2.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
prosyslab/bug-bench-latrace 20210809
- version: 0.0.28-2.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
prosyslab/bug-bench-pm-utils 20210730
- version: 0.0.28-2.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
prosyslab/bug-bench-libwinpr2-2 latest
- version: 0.0.28-2.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
prosyslab/bug-bench-deheader 20210808
- version: 0.0.28-2.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
prosyslab/bug-bench-cockpit-bridge 20210804
- version: 0.0.28-2.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
prosyslab/bug-bench-bolt 20210804
- version: 0.0.28-2.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
jessezamora/ascom-yocto-builder latest
- version: 0.0.28-0.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-16.04
prosyslab/bug-bench-asciidoc-common 20210804
- version: 0.0.28-2.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
prosyslab/bug-bench-x11proto-core-dev 20210805
- version: 0.0.28-2.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
prosyslab/bug-bench-dstat 20210731
- version: 0.0.28-2.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
prosyslab/bug-bench-evtest 20210807
- version: 0.0.28-2.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
prosyslab/bug-bench-x11proto-fixes-dev 20210806
- version: 0.0.28-2.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
prosyslab/bug-bench-linux-libc-dev-mips-cross 20210806
- version: 0.0.28-2.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
prosyslab/bug-bench-gitmagic 20210805
- version: 0.0.28-2.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
prosyslab/bug-bench-xdg-desktop-portal-gtk latest
- version: 0.0.28-2.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
wonilljo/build_yocto 1.0
This repository is a build environment for the yocto.
- version: 0.0.28-0.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-16.04
yusiwen/ss-v2ray v3.3.5
- version: 0.0.28-2
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-18.04
tombuyu/mt7620a_build_env_test latest
- version: 0.0.25-2
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-14.04
sebinno/ide 1.0.1
- version: 0.0.28-2.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
olemartinh/docker_test_base latest
- version: 0.0.28-2.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
fistki/perf init
- version: 0.0.28-2.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
robindai/firefly build
- version: 0.0.28-2
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-18.04
yuan88yuan/petalinux-base v1
- version: 0.0.28-2.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
xfiretrace/systemtap v0.0.1
- version: 0.0.28-2.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
gubenkoved/shadowsocks latest
- version: 0.0.28-2.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
paldier/swrt-docker 20231117
- version: 0.0.28-2
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-18.04
titanide/jetbrains-goland v20231101-89a4219
- version: 0.0.28-2.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
titanide/template-base v20240131-c12143a
- version: 0.0.28-2.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
levyowls/febos-front latest
- version: 0.0.28-2.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
9jmr/openstlinux ubuntu_22_04_jammy_mickledor_6_1_SDK
- version: 0.0.28-2.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
guitar24t/ck-ros2-hal latest
- version: 0.0.28-2.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
murakamicct/aws-codebuild-node16-lastools201 latest
- version: 0.0.28-2.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
nirjhariitk/jupyter-sgx latest
- version: 0.0.28-2.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
kavya697/image11 latest
- version: 0.0.28-2.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
jeq430/myubuntu v3
- version: 0.0.28-2.1
- arch: arm64
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
jiangxinshang/asciidoc 1.2
- version: 0.0.28-2.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
iainttho/ubuntu 24.10.02
- version: 0.0.28-2.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-22.04