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Package Usage : deb : ubuntu/python-pil
Explore the latest package usage data for ubuntu/python-pil in the deb ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 314
Total downloads: 5,857,670
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duckietown/rpi-ros-kinetic-roscore master18
- version: 3.1.2-0ubuntu1.1
- arch: armhf
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-16.04
nvidia/digits 3.3
- version: 2.3.0-1ubuntu3.4
- arch: amd64
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-14.04
duckietown/duckietown-swarm-amd64 latest
- version: 5.1.0-1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-18.04
duckietown/rosbridge-websocket devel20
- version: 3.1.2-0ubuntu1.1
- arch: armhf
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-16.04
arush/gateone http
- version: 3.1.2-0ubuntu1.1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-16.04
duckietown/rpi-duckiebot-base master19-no-arm
rpi-duckiebot-base image
- version: 3.1.2-0ubuntu1.1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-16.04
duckietown/rpi-duckiebot-ros-picam master18
picamera via ros
- version: 3.1.2-0ubuntu1.1
- arch: armhf
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-16.04
bamos/openface 0.2.1
- version: 2.3.0-1ubuntu3.4
- arch: amd64
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-14.04
advrisc/u16.04-imx8lbv1 latest
docker image for imx8
- version: 3.1.2-0ubuntu1.1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-16.04
camptocamp/duplicity latest
Docker image to run duplicity in cron
- version: 3.1.2-0ubuntu1.1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-16.04
duckietown/rpi-duckiebot-web_video_server master18
runs web_video_server
- version: 3.1.2-0ubuntu1.1
- arch: armhf
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-16.04
duckietown/traffic-lights master18
- version: 3.1.2-0ubuntu1.1
- arch: armhf
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-16.04
nvidia/caffe 0.14
- version: 2.3.0-1ubuntu3.4
- arch: amd64
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-14.04
monasca/keystone 1.2.0
Ephemeral Keystone for development use.
- version: 3.1.2-0ubuntu1.1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-16.04
duckietown/rpi-duckiebot-joystick-demo master18
- version: 3.1.2-0ubuntu1.1
- arch: armhf
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-16.04
duckietown/duckietown-swarm-rpi latest
- version: 3.1.2-0ubuntu1.1
- arch: armhf
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-16.04
duckietown/rpi-duckiebot-keyboard-demo master18
control the robot with the keyboard
- version: 3.1.2-0ubuntu1.1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-16.04
advrisc/u18.04-imx8lbv1 latest
docker image for imx8 yocto 3.0
- version: 5.1.0-1ubuntu0.5
- arch: amd64
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-18.04
duckietown/rpi-duckiebot-cs2 latest
- version: 3.1.2-0ubuntu1.1
- arch: armhf
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-16.04
duckietown/rpi-gui-tools master18-more-deps
rpi-gui-tools auto-builder
- version: 3.1.2-0ubuntu1.1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-16.04
inasafe/headless_processor v4.4.0
- version: 3.1.2-0ubuntu1.1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-16.04
izone/freecad latest
FreeCAD - FEM module with Netgen in Docker image for any Linux. NVIDIA Docker and VirtualGL included
- version: 3.1.2-0ubuntu1.1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-16.04
tiryoh/ros-melodic-desktop devel-20230716T0304
ros-melodic-desktop installed on bionic
- version: 5.1.0-1ubuntu0.8
- arch: amd64
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-18.04
duckietown/rpi-duckiebot-logger master18
A container to create logs
- version: 3.1.2-0ubuntu1.1
- arch: armhf
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-16.04
osrf/subt-virtual-testbed latest
Docker images that run the SubT Virtual Testbed
- version: 5.1.0-1ubuntu0.6
- arch: amd64
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-18.04
duckietown/rpi-duckiebot-lanefollowing-demo master18
- version: 3.1.2-0ubuntu1.1
- arch: armhf
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-16.04
beevelop/weblate v2.20.0
Weblate is a translation tool with tight version control integration and a simple & clean UI.
- version: 5.1.0-1ubuntu0.2
- arch: amd64
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-18.04
inasafe/realtime_hazard-processor v4.0.0
- version: 3.1.2-0ubuntu1.1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-16.04
kaixhin/cuda-theano 7.5
Ubuntu Core 14.04 + CUDA + Theano.
- version: 2.3.0-1ubuntu3.4
- arch: amd64
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-14.04
lanrat/xpra-html5 latest
Run X11 apps in your web browser with Xpra and HTML5!
- version: 4.0.0-4
- arch: amd64
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-17.04
flixr/pprz-dev latest
- version: 3.1.2-0ubuntu1.1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-16.04
kbase/kbase sdkbase.latest
- version: 2.3.0-1ubuntu3
- arch: amd64
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-14.04
kaixhin/theano latest
Ubuntu Core 14.04 + Theano.
- version: 2.3.0-1ubuntu3.4
- arch: amd64
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-14.04
seafileltd/seafile-docs 1.2.0
- version: 5.1.0-1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-18.04
duckietown/cslam-visualization latest
- version: 3.1.2-0ubuntu1.1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-16.04
duckietown/rpi-duckiebot-calibration master18
- version: 3.1.2-0ubuntu1.1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-16.04
osrf/vrx v1.1.0
Virtual RobotX (VRX) Docker images.
- version: 5.1.0-1ubuntu0.2
- arch: amd64
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-18.04
duckietown/rpi-ros-kinetic-base master19-arm32v7
- version: 3.1.2-0ubuntu1.1
- arch: armhf
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-16.04
kaixhin/digits latest
Ubuntu Core 14.04 + Pycaffe + DIGITS (CPU-only).
- version: 3.1.2-0ubuntu1.1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-16.04
duckietown/devel-sys-id master18
- version: 3.1.2-0ubuntu1.1
- arch: armhf
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-16.04
kaixhin/cuda-lasagne 8.0
Ubuntu Core 14.04 + CUDA + Lasagne.
- version: 2.3.0-1ubuntu3.4
- arch: amd64
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-14.04
scalingo/scalingo-18 v20
Scalingo Stack image based on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
- version: 5.1.0-1ubuntu0.8
- arch: amd64
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-18.04
duckietown/rpi-ros-kinetic-system-monitor master18
Docker image that deploys a System Monitor node (
- version: 3.1.2-0ubuntu1.1
- arch: armhf
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-16.04
duckietown/rpi-duckiebot-joy-cli latest
- version: 3.1.2-0ubuntu1.1
- arch: armhf
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-16.04
duckietown/docker-ros-vnc daffy
- version: 3.1.2-0ubuntu1.3
- arch: amd64
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-16.04
987846/paddleocr v2.7.1
- version: 3.1.2-0ubuntu1.4
- arch: amd64
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-16.04
niessan/omnetpp-inet omnet-5.5.1-inet-4.2.0
Docker image containing Omnet++ and INET
- version: 5.1.0-1ubuntu0.2
- arch: amd64
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-18.04
osrf/sros latest
Experimental Images of SROS
- version: 3.1.2-0ubuntu1.1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-16.04
flixr/pprz-dep latest
- version: 3.1.2-0ubuntu1.1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-16.04
inasafe/inasafe-test-runner latest
- version: 2.3.0-1ubuntu3
- arch: amd64
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-14.04
kbase/narrprereq 1.3
Narrative prerequisite base image (used by kbase/narrabase).
- version: 2.3.0-1ubuntu3.4
- arch: amd64
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-14.04
kthfsdv/arcs latest
- version: 5.1.0-1ubuntu0.8
- arch: amd64
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-18.04
kaixhin/lasagne latest
Ubuntu Core 14.04 + Lasagne.
- version: 2.3.0-1ubuntu3.4
- arch: amd64
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-14.04
saturnism/deepdream latest
Example Deep Dream Docker Container
- version: 2.3.0-1ubuntu3
- arch: amd64
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-14.04
kaixhin/keras latest
Ubuntu Core 14.04 + Keras.
- version: 2.3.0-1ubuntu3
- arch: amd64
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-14.04
pyroteam/ros_robocup_depend melodic
- version: 5.1.0-1ubuntu0.8, 5.1.0-1ubuntu0.2
- arch: amd64
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-18.04
kasmweb/core-remnux-bionic 1.12.0
REMnux base image for Kasm Workspaces
- version: 5.1.0-1ubuntu0.8
- arch: amd64
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-18.04
kasmweb/core-remnux-focal 1.13.1
REMnux base image for Kasm Workspaces
- version: 6.2.1-3
- arch: amd64
- upstream: pillow-python2
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
fnndsc/docker-swift-onlyone 0.0.1
Dockerfile to create an OpenStack Swift installation with only one replica and user chris
- version: 5.1.0-1ubuntu0.8
- arch: amd64
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-18.04
okdhryk/ros2docker latest
- version: 5.1.0-1ubuntu0.2
- arch: amd64
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-18.04
kaixhin/vnc-ros latest
Ubuntu Core 14.04 + LXDE desktop + Firefox browser + TightVNC server + ROS Indigo Desktop Full.
- version: 2.3.0-1ubuntu3.3
- arch: amd64
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-14.04
duckietown/challenge-aido_lf-duckiebot daffy-arm32v7
- version: 3.1.2-0ubuntu1.1
- arch: armhf
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-16.04
osrf/car_demo latest
- version: 3.1.2-0ubuntu1.1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-16.04
beakernotebook/beaker-base latest
Base image for building beaker docker image
- version: 2.3.0-1ubuntu3.3
- arch: amd64
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-14.04
sitespeedio/visualmetrics 4.0
Visualmetrics dependecies + Chrome + Firefox
- version: 3.1.2-0ubuntu1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-16.04
duckietown/apriltag-processor master19-amd64
- version: 3.1.2-0ubuntu1.1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-16.04
kbase/kbase_base latest
KBase Base Image containing Core services and runtime
- version: 2.3.0-1ubuntu3.3
- arch: amd64
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-14.04
youyu/ubuntu 16.04
Ubuntu 16.04 with OpenCV 2.4.11, Eigen 3.2.10, and Pangolin for ORB SLAM2
- version: 3.1.2-0ubuntu1.3
- arch: amd64
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-16.04
kbase/sdkbase latest
- version: 2.3.0-1ubuntu3
- arch: amd64
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-14.04
harrisonai/cybertron dev_tftorch-latest
AI Build Images
- version: 5.1.0-1ubuntu0.4
- arch: amd64
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-18.04
advrisc/u18.04-rk3399abv10 latest
- version: 5.1.0-1ubuntu0.5
- arch: amd64
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-18.04
duckietown/challenge-aido_lf-duckiebot-bridge daffy-aido4-amd64
- version: 3.1.2-0ubuntu1.3
- arch: amd64
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-16.04
duckietown/gym-duckietown-ros-agent daffy-amd64
- version: 5.1.0-1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-18.04
saturnism/deepdream-cli latest
- version: 2.3.0-1ubuntu3
- arch: amd64
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-14.04
advrisc/u16.04-rklbv1 20190210
Build environment for Advantech products
- version: 3.1.2-0ubuntu1.1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-16.04
vanessa/deepdream 0.0.9
Docker Container for Google's DeepDream project intended for use to create open source art
- version: 2.3.0-1ubuntu3
- arch: amd64
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-14.04
duckietown/car-interface master19
- version: 3.1.2-0ubuntu1.1
- arch: armhf
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-16.04
duckietown/devel-kmeans-unsup master18
- version: 3.1.2-0ubuntu1.1
- arch: armhf
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-16.04
80x86/my-calibre-webserver arm64
my-calibre-webserver arm64
- version: 3.1.2-0ubuntu1.1
- arch: arm64
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-16.04
duckietown/gym-duckietown-server-python2-ros aido1_lf1_r3-v3
- version: 3.1.2-0ubuntu1.1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-16.04
tleyden5iwx/pylearn2 latest
- version: 2.3.0-1ubuntu3
- arch: amd64
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-14.04
tobegit3hub/cloud-tensorflow-run-deploy latest
Cloud TensorFlow run_deploy container
- version: 2.3.0-1ubuntu3
- arch: amd64
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-14.04
nfcore/universc 1.2.4
Mirror of container for UniverSC: a flexible cross-platform SC data processing pipeline
- version: 5.1.0-1ubuntu0.7
- arch: amd64
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-18.04
osrf/vmrc nvidia_current
Virtual Maritime RobotX Challenge (VMRC) Docker images.
- version: 3.1.2-0ubuntu1.1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-16.04
duckietown/supercamera master19
- version: 3.1.2-0ubuntu1.1
- arch: armhf
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-16.04
duckietown/aido1_log_processing-v3b-evaluator latest
- version: 3.1.2-0ubuntu1.1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-16.04
dhspence/docker-haloplex_demux latest
Custom demultiplexing utility for HaloplexHS
- version: 3.1.2-0ubuntu1.1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-16.04
duckietown/duckiebot_hw_checks daffy
Automated HW checks
- version: 3.1.2-0ubuntu1.1
- arch: armhf
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-16.04
ctomlins/aligners latest
- version: 3.1.2-0ubuntu1.1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-16.04
duckietown/rpi-duckietown-swarm latest
- version: 3.1.2-0ubuntu1.1
- arch: armhf
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-16.04
advrisc/u18.04-rklbv1 latest
- version: 5.1.0-1ubuntu0.5
- arch: amd64
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-18.04
tobegit3hub/cloud-tensorflow-run-train latest
Cloud TensorFlow run_train container
- version: 2.3.0-1ubuntu3
- arch: amd64
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-14.04
mirrorgooglecontainers/queue-health-graph v20160627
- version: 2.3.0-1ubuntu3
- arch: amd64
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-14.04
duckietown/rosbridge_kinetic daffy-amd64
- version: 3.1.2-0ubuntu1.1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: pillow
- distro: ubuntu-16.04