An open API service providing dependency metadata for docker images.
Package Usage : deb : ubuntu/packagekit
Explore the latest package usage data for ubuntu/packagekit in the deb ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 9,015
Total downloads: 3,207,957,758
More details on - JSON
onlyoffice/documentserver-ee 7.5
- version: 1.2.5-2ubuntu2
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
kamirshab/gilang dua
- version: 1.1.13-2ubuntu1.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
fastai/jekyll latest
- version: 1.2.5-2ubuntu2
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
onlyoffice/documentserver-de 7.5.1
ONLYOFFICE Developer Edition
- version: 1.2.5-2ubuntu2
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
opensourcemano/keystone 14
Keystone Interface
- version: 1.1.13-2ubuntu1.1, 1.2.5-2ubuntu2
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
codercom/enterprise-pycharm ubuntu
- version: 1.1.13-2ubuntu1.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
celedhrim/kodi-server nexus
Kodi headless for server/NAS
- version: 1.2.5-2ubuntu2
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-22.10
anasty17/mltb dev
Official Docker Image For mirror-leech-telegram-bot
- version: 1.2.5-2ubuntu2
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
countly/countly-server 23.11.6
Official Countly mobile analytics docker repository
- version: 1.1.13-2ubuntu1.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
gitpod/workspace-mongodb 2023-12-21-11-39-51
- version: 1.2.5-2ubuntu2
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
yandex/clickhouse-deb-builder 21495-39465b3fb6f158fae0a795608db976d275663310
- version: 1.1.13-2ubuntu1.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
antrea/antrea-ubuntu-arm64 v1.13.1
- version: 1.2.5-2ubuntu2
- arch: arm64
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
antrea/antrea-ubuntu-arm v1.14.1
- version: 1.2.5-2ubuntu2
- arch: armhf
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
yandex/clickhouse-stateless-test 21495-39465b3fb6f158fae0a795608db976d275663310
- version: 1.1.13-2ubuntu1.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
termux/package-builder latest
Image for building termux packages
- version: 1.2.5-2ubuntu2
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
phusion/passenger-full 2.6.0
Base image for Ruby, Python, Node.js and Meteor web apps, "full" variant
- version: 1.2.5-2ubuntu2, 1.1.13-2ubuntu1.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
yandex/clickhouse-binary-builder 21495-39465b3fb6f158fae0a795608db976d275663310
- version: 1.1.13-2ubuntu1.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
yandex/clickhouse-stateful-test 21495-39465b3fb6f158fae0a795608db976d275663310
- version: 1.1.13-2ubuntu1.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
didstopia/starbound-server latest
Provides a dedicated linux server for Starbound that runs in a Docker container.
- version: 1.1.13-2ubuntu1.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
qgis/qgis release-3_32
This is the official docker repository for
- version: 1.2.5-2ubuntu2
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
gitpod/workspace-mysql 2023-12-21-11-39-51
- version: 1.2.5-2ubuntu2
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
tozd/meteor-testing ubuntu-focal-2.13.3
Docker image for testing of Meteor apps.
- version: 1.1.13-2ubuntu1.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
antrea/antrea-ubuntu-amd64 v1.14.0
- version: 1.2.5-2ubuntu2
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
ojpfight/jenkins latest
- version: 1.2.5-2ubuntu2
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
antrea/base-ubuntu antrea-v1.15
- version: 1.2.5-2ubuntu2
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
oxidesales/oxideshop-docker-selenium S3FF94
Custom Selenium container
- version: 1.1.13-2ubuntu1.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
cimg/aws 2023.12.1
- version: 1.2.5-2ubuntu2
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
webdevops/base ubuntu-22.04
Docker base containers
- version: 1.2.5-2ubuntu2
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
tensorflow/tfx 1.15.0.dev20230914
- version: 1.1.13-2ubuntu1.1, 1.2.5-2ubuntu2
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
edxops/discovery 3287b5d997ebd478df558e7d43bef82738ba8e6ca8356
- version: 1.1.13-2ubuntu1.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
edxops/edxapp olive.master
- version: 1.1.13-2ubuntu1.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
cimg/deploy 2023.12.1
- version: 1.2.5-2ubuntu2
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
codercom/enterprise-webstorm ubuntu
- version: 1.1.13-2ubuntu1.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
clickhouse/stateless-test 57596-f482dbae1053aed0efb284edd1873c726b9343c7
- version: 1.1.13-2ubuntu1.1, 1.2.5-2ubuntu2
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
codercom/enterprise-java ubuntu
- version: 1.1.13-2ubuntu1.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
google/tf-serving-scann 2.11.0
TF Serving linked to the ScaNN nearest neighbor search ops
- version: 1.1.13-2ubuntu1.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
yandex/clickhouse-stress-test 21495-39465b3fb6f158fae0a795608db976d275663310
- version: 1.1.13-2ubuntu1.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
codercom/enterprise-golang ubuntu
- version: 1.1.13-2ubuntu1.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
breakdowns/mega-sdk-python latest
- version: 1.1.13-2ubuntu1.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
codercom/enterprise-goland ubuntu
- version: 1.1.13-2ubuntu1.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
harness/ff-proxy v2.0.0-rc.5
- version: 1.1.13-2ubuntu1.1, 1.2.5-2ubuntu2
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
clickhouse/binary-builder 57596-f482dbae1053aed0efb284edd1873c726b9343c7
- version: 1.1.13-2ubuntu1.1, 1.2.5-2ubuntu2
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
duckietown/dt-gui-tools ente-staging-arm64v8
- version: 1.1.13-2ubuntu1.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
domjudge/gitlabci 2.1
- version: 1.1.13-2ubuntu1.1
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
gitpod/workspace-postgres 2023-12-21-11-39-51
- version: 1.2.5-2ubuntu2
- arch: amd64
- distro: ubuntu-22.04