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Package Usage : deb : ubuntu/fonts-tlwg-kinnari
Explore the latest package usage data for ubuntu/fonts-tlwg-kinnari in the deb ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 1,045
Total downloads: 340,131,900
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hexletboy/js_polymorphism_hotels_challenge 50505
- version: 1:0.7.1-3
- arch: all
- upstream: fonts-tlwg
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
hexletboy/gulp_watch_exercise 71097
- version: 1:0.7.3-1
- arch: all
- upstream: fonts-tlwg
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
hexletboy/linux_administration_processes_and_signals_exercise 66472
- version: 1:0.7.3-1
- arch: all
- upstream: fonts-tlwg
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
ashish1981/multiarch-r 4.1.2
- version: 1:0.7.2-1build1
- arch: all
- upstream: fonts-tlwg
- distro: ubuntu-21.10
hexletboy/js_introduction_to_oop_rand_exercise 65811
- version: 1:0.7.3-1
- arch: all
- upstream: fonts-tlwg
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
hexletboy/bootstrap_basic_utilities_exercise 76227
- version: 1:0.7.3-1
- arch: all
- upstream: fonts-tlwg
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
hexletboy/gulp_gulpfile_exercise 69220
- version: 1:0.7.3-1
- arch: all
- upstream: fonts-tlwg
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
deltaclock/xelatex latest
- version: 1:0.7.3-1
- arch: all
- upstream: fonts-tlwg
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
hexletboy/js_compound_data_pairs_on_math_exercise 65773
- version: 1:0.7.3-1
- arch: all
- upstream: fonts-tlwg
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
hexletboy/css_sass_programming_px_to_rem_exercise 75671
- version: 1:0.7.3-1
- arch: all
- upstream: fonts-tlwg
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
hexletboy/js_compound_data_triple_exercise 64707
- version: 1:0.7.3-1
- arch: all
- upstream: fonts-tlwg
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
hexletboy/js_react_popup_exercise 74500
- version: 1:0.7.3-1
- arch: all
- upstream: fonts-tlwg
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
hexletboy/js_functions_hard_way_composition_exercise 72552
- version: 1:0.7.3-1
- arch: all
- upstream: fonts-tlwg
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
hexletboy/css_transform_2d_translate_exercise 73405
- version: 1:0.7.3-1
- arch: all
- upstream: fonts-tlwg
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
hexletboy/js_functions_hard_way_carrying_exercise 65964
- version: 1:0.7.3-1
- arch: all
- upstream: fonts-tlwg
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
hexletboy/css_sass_pattern_selectors_exercise 47684
- version: 1:0.7.1-3
- arch: all
- upstream: fonts-tlwg
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
hexletboy/gulp_package_exercise 69221
- version: 1:0.7.3-1
- arch: all
- upstream: fonts-tlwg
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
hexletboy/js_compound_data_pairs_on_strings_exercise 74002
- version: 1:0.7.3-1
- arch: all
- upstream: fonts-tlwg
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
hexletboy/js_trees_puzzle_exercise 65253
- version: 1:0.7.3-1
- arch: all
- upstream: fonts-tlwg
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
hexletboy/js_asynchronous_programming_promise_class_full_challenge 50475
- version: 1:0.7.1-3
- arch: all
- upstream: fonts-tlwg
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
hexletboy/js_polymorphism_http_client_adapter_exercise 70810
- version: 1:0.7.3-1
- arch: all
- upstream: fonts-tlwg
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
hexletboy/js_polymorphism_hotels_exercise 75622
- version: 1:0.7.3-1
- arch: all
- upstream: fonts-tlwg
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
hexletboy/js_asynchronous_programming_promise_class_catch_exercise 72850
- version: 1:0.7.3-1
- arch: all
- upstream: fonts-tlwg
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
hexletboy/css_transform_2d_scale_exercise 76244
- version: 1:0.7.3-1
- arch: all
- upstream: fonts-tlwg
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
hexletboy/css_sass_programming_fibonacci_exercise 71838
- version: 1:0.7.3-1
- arch: all
- upstream: fonts-tlwg
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
hexletboy/css_content_sonnet_exercise 76283
- version: 1:0.7.3-1
- arch: all
- upstream: fonts-tlwg
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
hexletboy/css_content_gradient_exercise 76277
- version: 1:0.7.3-1
- arch: all
- upstream: fonts-tlwg
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
hexletboy/css_sass_programming_adaptive_exercise 73656
- version: 1:0.7.3-1
- arch: all
- upstream: fonts-tlwg
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
hexletboy/js_asynchronous_programming_promise_class_reject_exercise 75187
- version: 1:0.7.3-1
- arch: all
- upstream: fonts-tlwg
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
hexletboy/git_basics_checkout_exercise 37947
- version: 1:0.7.1-3
- arch: all
- upstream: fonts-tlwg
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
hexletboy/vagrant_basics_initialization_exercise 69948
- version: 1:0.7.3-1
- arch: all
- upstream: fonts-tlwg
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
hexletboy/js_sequences_same_parity_exercise 65607
- version: 1:0.7.3-1
- arch: all
- upstream: fonts-tlwg
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
authsec/emre-bb-28 latest
- version: 1:0.7.3-1
- arch: all
- upstream: fonts-tlwg
- distro: ubuntu-22.10
hexletboy/js_collections_difference_exercise 65886
- version: 1:0.7.3-1
- arch: all
- upstream: fonts-tlwg
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
mirekphd/ml-cpu-r35-nx devel_fdbf539
- version: 1:0.6.2-2.1
- arch: all
- upstream: fonts-tlwg
- distro: ubuntu-16.04
hexletboy/linux_administration_supervisor_exercise 74852
- version: 1:0.7.3-1
- arch: all
- upstream: fonts-tlwg
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
hexletboy/js_frontend_architecture_initialization_exercise 73476
- version: 1:0.7.3-1
- arch: all
- upstream: fonts-tlwg
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
hexletboy/js_collections_from_pairs_exercise 64975
- version: 1:0.7.3-1
- arch: all
- upstream: fonts-tlwg
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
ashish1981/multiarch-r-plugins 4.1.2
- version: 1:0.7.2-1build1
- arch: all
- upstream: fonts-tlwg
- distro: ubuntu-21.10
hexletboy/web_testing_basics_crud_exercise 75733
- version: 1:0.7.3-1
- arch: all
- upstream: fonts-tlwg
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
hexletboy/linux_administration_interfaces_exercise 65466
- version: 1:0.7.3-1
- arch: all
- upstream: fonts-tlwg
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
hexletboy/js_basics_functions_parameters_exercise 76497
- version: 1:0.7.3-1
- arch: all
- upstream: fonts-tlwg
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
hexletboy/css_grid_keyboard_exercise 76261
- version: 1:0.7.3-1
- arch: all
- upstream: fonts-tlwg
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
hexletboy/js_sequences_union_exercise 75674
- version: 1:0.7.3-1
- arch: all
- upstream: fonts-tlwg
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
hexletboy/js_collections_findodd_exercise 74501
- version: 1:0.7.3-1
- arch: all
- upstream: fonts-tlwg
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
hexletboy/js_sequences_select_by_selector_exercise 73759
- version: 1:0.7.3-1
- arch: all
- upstream: fonts-tlwg
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
hexletboy/js_redux_toolkit_entity_adapter 57601
- version: 1:0.7.2-1build1
- arch: all
- upstream: fonts-tlwg
- distro: ubuntu-21.04
hexletboy/js_basics_functions_return_exercise 74728
- version: 1:0.7.3-1
- arch: all
- upstream: fonts-tlwg
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
hexletboy/js_basics_logical_operations_exercise 76057
- version: 1:0.7.3-1
- arch: all
- upstream: fonts-tlwg
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
hexletboy/js_basics_variables_expressions_exercise 75542
- version: 1:0.7.3-1
- arch: all
- upstream: fonts-tlwg
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
hexletboy/js_asynchronous_programming_promise_class_eventloop_exercise 72653
- version: 1:0.7.3-1
- arch: all
- upstream: fonts-tlwg
- distro: ubuntu-22.04