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Package Usage : deb : ubuntu/cuda-cuxxfilt-11-4
Explore the latest package usage data for ubuntu/cuda-cuxxfilt-11-4 in the deb ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 118
Total downloads: 237,769
More details on - JSON
kerberos/hub-ml nvidia-1.0.1189479675
- version: 11.4.120-1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
openalpr/buildimages bionic-jetson46-alpr
Build images used for Continuous Integration
- version: 11.4.120-1
- arch: arm64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
carlidel/dynamic_indicators v21
- version: 11.4.120-1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
gpucitesting/miniforge-cuda-pr282 11.4-devel-ubuntu20.04
- version: 11.4.120-1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
wamvtan/yolox_trainer latest
- version: 11.4.120-1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
gpucitesting/miniforge-cuda-pr285 11.4-devel-ubuntu20.04
- version: 11.4.120-1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
pixelzai/gpu-worker-v3-prod latest
- version: 11.4.120-1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-18.04
nsbb/nlp_lg triton2
- version: 11.4.120-1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-18.04
jihu1011/mobilenerf-tf latest
- version: 11.4.120-1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
hieupth/mambabook root-cu114-devel
- version: 11.4.120-1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
pzullo/alterego slim
Docker iamges for alterego development
- version: 11.4.120-1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
abhigyanr/ai4bharat asr-conf
- version: 11.4.120-1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
dockerymh/promod3 0.0.3
- version: 11.4.120-1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
kokeichang/test2 all
- version: 11.4.120-1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
rgabdullin/environment v1.1
- version: 11.4.120-1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
thorenv/ros humble-pytorch-l4t-r34.1.1
- version: 11.4.167-1
- arch: arm64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
wurstmeister/paperspace-dl latest
- version: 11.4.120-1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
pixelzai/x-worker latest
- version: 11.4.120-1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-18.04
myzhar/test zed-ros2-wrapper_l4t35_1_humble_master
Test Docker images
- version: 11.4.239-1
- arch: arm64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
dschmenk/ds-jet-triton latest
- version: 11.4.239-1
- arch: arm64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
mcxai/dfl 0.0.1
- version: 11.4.100-1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
draj5/ros2-foxy-zed-cuda-subs latest
- version: 11.4.120-1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
gpuci/rapidsai-arm64 23.08-cuda11.4-devel-ubuntu20.04-py3.9
- version: 11.4.120-1
- arch: arm64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
robolaunchio/arcelik-robot cuda-11.4-opencv-4.5.3-foxy-vest-v3
- version: 11.4.120-1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
palmtrey/buildplate_rendering 3.0.4
- version: 11.4.120-1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-18.04
smartpetdocker/jetpack5 gait_analysis
- version: 11.4.239-1
- arch: arm64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
dspd/sw_etl_kf ub_18_cuda_11_4_3_rtmdet_v1
- version: 11.4.120-1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-18.04
tuapuikia/faceswap master
- version: 11.4.120-1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
cognimbus/ros-deep-learning patrol
- version: 11.4.239-1
- arch: arm64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
godoram/cuda12 20.04
- version: 11.4.120-1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-18.04
radvisionen/sdp-base latest
- version: 11.4.239-1
- arch: arm64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
deepops/mpi-nccl-tf latest
Use CUDA=11.4.0; Added TF benchmark from github,
- version: 11.4.120-1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
nguyentritai2906/mambabook 1.4.0-cu118-devel-ubuntu20.04
- version: 11.4.120-1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
cqwangdonghua/qt-linux-dev v2
- version: 11.4.120-1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
felliks/lora training
- version: 11.4.120-1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
icelandicicecream/ai-api-lora latest
- version: 11.4.120-1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
xnming/opensource instruct-pix2pix
- version: 11.4.120-1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
unimonkiez/l4t-opencl 35.4.1
- version: 11.4.300-1
- arch: arm64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
takumaynd/block_pose_est latest
- version: 11.4.120-1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
cccmore/nvidia-orin-dandong v0.1.5
- version: 11.4.239-1
- arch: arm64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
samiemostafavi/pr3d pr3d
- version: 11.4.120-1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-18.04
franlucchini/anomaly_model 0.2
- version: 11.4.120-1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
spacev/u20_gl_blender latest
- version: 11.4.120-1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
thanhlongvt98/deepstream 6.0.1-dev
- version: 11.4.120-1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-18.04
juhyung1021/nvidia_cuda_cpp_vscode_docker local
- version: 11.4.120-1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
dhkim1/ps latest
- version: 11.4.43-1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
aimedia/opencv_cuda_gst 0.6
- version: 11.4.120-1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-18.04
pint1022/stable-diffussion latest
- version: 11.4.120-1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-18.04
bombfuock/final 1.1
- version: 11.4.239-1
- arch: arm64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
krcosmos/unistransformer latest
- version: 11.4.43-1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
liangkailiu/pdnn-testbed v0.3
- version: 11.4.120-1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-18.04
ironoa/leonardo_ros2_jetson latest
- version: 11.4.300-1
- arch: arm64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
aimmophillip/train 3.0
- version: 11.4.120-1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
2261775582/my_triton_server r35_2_1
- version: 11.4.300-1
- arch: arm64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
xmzhao/kubruntu 20230531
- version: 11.4.120-1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
dustynv/llama_cpp gguf-r36.2.0
- version: 11.4.300-1
- arch: arm64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
xingruiy/dpvo latest
- version: 11.4.120-1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
vladnae/dfl latest
- version: 11.4.100-1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
wadecheng/mask-detection v1.0
- version: 11.4.239-1
- arch: arm64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
memomarge/docker-yolo-cuda-cudnn-multistage v1.0-1155189572
- version: 11.4.239-1
- arch: arm64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
dustynv/riva-client python-r35.2.1
- version: 11.4.300-1
- arch: arm64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
nntacanvas/cnvs-jetson jetnano-llama-cpp-python
- version: 11.4.300-1
- arch: arm64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
heavy02011/ros foxy-desktop-l4t-r35.3.1_002
ros2 image based on
- version: 11.4.300-1
- arch: arm64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
centaurusinfra/sd basic-py310
- version: 11.4.120-1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-18.04
stvision/yolact_edge 11.4_cuda8.2
- version: 11.4.120-1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-18.04
devinhenkel/pytorch-jupyter latest
- version: 11.4.300-1
- arch: arm64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
yskncat/llvm-mkl latest
- version: 11.4.120-1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
liang114381/colmap latest
colmap with cuda
- version: 11.4.120-1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
yycho0108/ptr-vessl adb2a6491f47d77142eafb98ef6a6907e44160f1
- version: 11.4.120-1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
dustynv/cmake pip-r35.2.1
- version: 11.4.300-1
- arch: arm64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
toolboc/nv-oobabooga r35.2.1
- version: 11.4.300-1
- arch: arm64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
ironoa/leonardo_ros2_base_jetson desktop
- version: 11.4.300-1
- arch: arm64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
naisy/jetson-jp511-deepstream62-triton-base latest
- version: 11.4.300-1
- arch: arm64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
iidcramlab/cobra_rygeng latest
- version: 11.4.120-1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
allenohya/butd latest
- version: 11.4.120-1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
raidavid/rai_saas_flask_nx latest
- version: 11.4.239-1
- arch: arm64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
hkustswarm/d2slam OmniNxt
- version: 11.4.239-1, 11.4.300-1
- arch: arm64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
voltrondata/cuda-actions-runner v2.319.1-ubuntu-22.04-2c884f0
- version: 11.4.120-1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
robolaunchio/focal agnostic-xfce-amd64
- version: 11.4.120-1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
taoyun951753/hb_deeprec d5d395c-deeprec-py3.6-cu114-ubuntu18.04-changetf-n4
HB and DeepRec developer image. After image done, run 'build/run make -j$(nproc)' to make whl pkg.
- version: 11.4.120-1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-18.04
stereolabs/iot-beta 0.73.0-runtime-jetson-l4t35.1-zed4.0
- version: 11.4.239-1
- arch: arm64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
horizonrobotics/jax slot-attention-video
- version: 11.4.120-1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
dustynv/text-generation-webui r35.4.1-cp310
- version: 11.4.300-1
- arch: arm64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
norlabulaval/dn-control DN-hot-foxy-ros-core-l4t-r35.2.1
- version: 11.4.300-1
- arch: arm64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
dustynv/stable-diffusion-webui r36.2.0
- version: 11.4.300-1
- arch: arm64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
nelivacn/fat_gpu_ubuntu v1.4
- version: 11.4.120-1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-18.04
dustynv/minigpt4 r35.3.1
- version: 11.4.300-1
- arch: arm64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
nimbushaystack/haystack_noetic_person_follower_base v2.1_squash
- version: 11.4.239-1
- arch: arm64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
nyuultraviolet/cv-dockerfile nanoowl
CV Dockerfile for retrieving up-to-date codebase.
- version: 11.4.300-1
- arch: arm64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
dustynv/text-generation-inference r35.3.1
- version: 11.4.300-1
- arch: arm64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
cblmemo/sky_base ssh
- version: 11.4.120-1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-18.04
naisy/jetson-jp511-ros1-noetic-fast-lio 20230609
- version: 11.4.300-1
- arch: arm64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
dustynv/l4t-diffusion r35.3.1
- version: 11.4.300-1
- arch: arm64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
wanghui78mia/reflective-clothes-detect-yolov5 v2.0-group9-final-GPU
- version: 11.4.239-1
- arch: arm64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
kokorozashikentashiro/nvidia-cuda11.4.3-python3.10.12-amd64 latest
- version: 11.4.120-1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
jerrykeung666/ubuntu_20.04_vulkan v1.7
- version: 11.4.120-1
- arch: amd64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
dustynv/sam r36.2.0
- version: 11.4.300-1
- arch: arm64
- upstream: cuda-cuxxfilt
- distro: ubuntu-20.04