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Package Usage : deb : ubuntu/cm-super
Explore the latest package usage data for ubuntu/cm-super in the deb ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 477
Total downloads: 339,940,393
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jupyter/scipy-notebook x86_64-python-3.11.6
Scientific Jupyter Notebook Python Stack from
- version: 0.3.4-17
- arch: all
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
jupyter/all-spark-notebook x86_64-spark-3.5.0
Python, Scala, R and Spark Jupyter Notebook Stack from
- version: 0.3.4-17
- arch: all
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
jupyter/tensorflow-notebook x86_64-tensorflow-2.14.0
Scientific Jupyter Notebook Python Stack w/ TensorFlow from
- version: 0.3.4-17
- arch: all
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
jupyter/pyspark-notebook x86_64-spark-3.5.0
Python and Spark Jupyter Notebook Stack from
- version: 0.3.4-17
- arch: all
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
jupyter/datascience-notebook x86_64-python-3.11.6
Data Science Jupyter Notebook Python Stack from
- version: 0.3.4-17
- arch: all
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
blang/latex ubuntu
- version: 0.3.4-9
- arch: all
- distro: ubuntu-16.04
comsatel/jupyter 0.2.0
- version: 0.3.4-17
- arch: all
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
bichselb/latex-plus latest
Docker image supplying latex and some convenience tools
- version: 0.3.4-9
- arch: all
- distro: ubuntu-16.04
unidata/scsu-fall-2022 20220927
- version: 0.3.4-17
- arch: all
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
gesiscss/binder-rubydata-2dbinder-af0da2 b77e1d22eafca6c2ba3a22a8c4ea723b24f7c07e
- version: 0.3.4-15
- arch: all
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
hylleraas/singleuser 53
- version: 0.3.4-15
- arch: all
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
aiblabco/jupyterlab-gpu 1.0.14
- version: 0.3.4-11
- arch: all
- distro: ubuntu-18.04
bgruening/docker-jupyter-notebook latest
Jupyter running in a docker container. This image can be used to integrate Jupyter into Galaxy
- version: 0.3.4-15
- arch: all
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
aiblabco/jupyterlab 1.0.14
- version: 0.3.4-15
- arch: all
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
hilster/build_docs latest
Container to build and upload docs using sphinx.
- version: 0.3.4-17
- arch: all
- distro: ubuntu-23.04
araalinetworks/devproxy 0.9.91
- version: 0.3.4-17
- arch: all
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
dragonflyscience/niwaverse 2020-08-11
- version: 0.3.4-11
- arch: all
- distro: ubuntu-18.04
beevelop/latex v1.1.0
LaTeX for whale lovers
- version: 0.3.4-15
- arch: all
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
dragonflyscience/dragonverse-18.04 latest
- version: 0.3.4-11
- arch: all
- distro: ubuntu-18.04
yegor256/papers latest
For PDF papers from LaTeX
- version: 0.3.4-9
- arch: all
- distro: ubuntu-16.04
gesiscss/binder-tpaviot-2dpythonocc-2dbinderhub-0118ce 212fdd4636969e06ff6e27885df3807e3c9105ce
- version: 0.3.4-15
- arch: all
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
dragonflyscience/sharknado 2024-06-10
- version: 0.3.4-15, 0.3.4-17
- arch: all
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
wmit/scipy-tesseract wm3
- version: 0.3.4-15
- arch: all
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
robinhoodis/sphinx 0.0.62
- version: 0.3.4-17
- arch: all
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
davidspek/kubeflow-datascience-notebook 0.8.6
This image contains the regular jupyter/datascience-notebook edited for it to work in kubeflow.
- version: 0.3.4-15
- arch: all
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
kydim/pyspark-notebook latest
- version: 0.3.4-17
- arch: all
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
dragonflyscience/shellington 2021-09-14
- version: 0.3.4-11
- arch: all
- distro: ubuntu-18.04
dragonflyscience/wfm-reports-20.04 2022-10-14
- version: 0.3.4-15
- arch: all
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
ferlabcrsj/all-spark-notebook 3.2.0
Spark notebook images
- version: 0.3.4-15
- arch: all
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
finsberg/latex_full latest
- version: 0.3.4-11
- arch: all
- distro: ubuntu-18.04
dragonflyscience/dragonforest-20.04 20220711_1155
- version: 0.3.4-15
- arch: all
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
unidata/unidatahub 2024Feb28_210523_a522
- version: 0.3.4-15
- arch: all
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
aalbaali/latex dev
Latex container
- version: 0.3.4-17
- arch: all
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
openanalytics/shinyproxy-juypter-datascience latest
Running Jupyter notebooks inside ShinyProxy
- version: 0.3.4-15
- arch: all
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
izone/jupyter cuda11.2-tf2.7-python39
Project Tensorflow ROCm for Jupyterhub
- version: 0.3.4-15
- arch: all
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
wmit/scipy-pymc3 wm1
- version: 0.3.4-15
- arch: all
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
dragonflyscience/kakapodock 2024-07-15
- version: 0.3.4-15
- arch: all
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
davidspek/kubeflow-tf-notebook zero-to-gans-0.2
- version: 0.3.4-11
- arch: all
- distro: ubuntu-18.04
izone/base-notebook rocm3.5-tf2.2.0-dev
- version: 0.3.4-15
- arch: all
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
apnpucky/ubuntu-python-latexmk 202409181609-latest
- version: 0.3.4-15
- arch: all
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
deltaclock/xelatex latest
- version: 0.3.4-17
- arch: all
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
imagepit/review25-gulp 1.0.0
- version: 0.3.4-11
- arch: all
- distro: ubuntu-18.04
agrumery/pyagrum-notebook latest
- version: 0.3.4-17
- arch: all
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
dragonflyscience/nefd-18.04 2021-12-09
- version: 0.3.4-11
- arch: all
- distro: ubuntu-18.04
rafalskolasinski/kwant-devenv 0.1
Develop Kwant - easy way
- version: 0.3.4-9
- arch: all
- distro: ubuntu-16.04
mobigroup/pygmtsar 2024-01-22
PyGMTSAR (Python InSAR) - Easy and Fast Satellite Interferometry For Everyone
- version: 0.3.4-17
- arch: all
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
andreformento/latex latest
- version: 0.3.4-9
- arch: all
- distro: ubuntu-16.04
gesiscss/binder-jongablop-2dcallistolab-675e0e 1fe2e2f97ccbeb1c9aa1fb9169b48b5d96c3efa8
- version: 0.3.4-11
- arch: all
- distro: ubuntu-18.04
anwait/latex dev
- version: 0.3.4-17
- arch: all
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
hissingpanda/docassemble 1.4.23
- version: 0.3.4-17
- arch: all
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
elicocorp/notex-v2.0 latest
Notex rst editor image Original repo here:
- version: 0.3.4-9
- arch: all
- distro: ubuntu-14.04
kazumayamamoto/dsc180a-q1-project latest
- version: 0.3.4-15
- arch: all
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
openimage/jupyter gpu
- version: 0.3.4-17
- arch: all
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
authsec/emre-bb-28 latest
- version: 0.3.4-17
- arch: all
- distro: ubuntu-22.10
dommgifer/tensorflow-custom 2.1.0-kale-0.7.0-gpu
- version: 0.3.4-15
- arch: all
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
truecharts/jupyter-pyspark build20230428091452
- version: 0.3.4-17
- arch: all
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
dragonflyscience/dragonfly-reports-14.04 latest
Docker for generating Dragonfly reports, based on Ubuntu 14.04, with texlive and selected R packages
- version: 0.3.4-9
- arch: all
- distro: ubuntu-14.04
truecharts/jupyter-scipy build20230428101049
- version: 0.3.4-17
- arch: all
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
truecharts/jupyter-tensorflow build20230428111219
- version: 0.3.4-17
- arch: all
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
truecharts/jupyter-all-spark build20230428071441
- version: 0.3.4-17
- arch: all
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
dragonflyscience/antip-ipm-18.04 2022-06-23-2
- version: 0.3.4-17
- arch: all
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
dragonflyscience/dragonverse-22.04 2024-09-26
- version: 0.3.4-17
- arch: all
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
dragonflyscience/antips-tracks 2022-12-19
- version: 0.3.4-15
- arch: all
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
truecharts/jupyter-datascience build20230428071446
- version: 0.3.4-17
- arch: all
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
1science/jupyter python-3.8.8
1science version of jupyter/pyspark-notebook
- version: 0.3.4-15
- arch: all
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
gesiscss/binder-melizalab-2dcomp-2dneurosci-e415a7 beee93080a778bee64852ce97b7f6be21371aefe
- version: 0.3.4-15
- arch: all
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
cremarco/mantis-jupyter latest
- version: 0.3.4-17
- arch: all
- distro: ubuntu-22.04
gesiscss/binder-oslocyclotronlab-2dompy-aa35ed 3b4f5c498e5537b9ebae141a7f781b2700778e70
- version: 0.3.4-11
- arch: all
- distro: ubuntu-18.04
gesiscss/binder-rubydata-2ddocker-2dstacks-1262ce f88c5a4c7b1f7d08fe3716ccac908a0377245ede
- version: 0.3.4-15
- arch: all
- distro: ubuntu-20.04
theontechnologyllc/ubuntu_builder_image2204 latest
- version: 0.3.4-17
- arch: all
- distro: ubuntu-22.04