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Package Usage : deb : debian/ttf-mscorefonts-installer
Explore the latest package usage data for debian/ttf-mscorefonts-installer in the deb ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 60
Total downloads: 41,620,226
More details on - JSON
thecodingmachine/gotenberg 8.12.0
A Docker-powered stateless API for PDF files.
- version: 3.8.1, 3.8
- arch: all
- upstream: msttcorefonts
- distro: debian-12
3liz/qgis-map-server 3.40.3
Qgis 3 HTTP/OWS server
- version: 3.8
- arch: all
- upstream: msttcorefonts
- distro: debian-11
nantic/tryton-base 7.4-draft
- version: 3.8
- arch: all
- upstream: msttcorefonts
- distro: debian-11
nantic/tryton-debian debian10-draft
- version: 3.7
- arch: all
- upstream: msttcorefonts
- distro: debian-10
camptocamp/geoserver 2.25.2
A Docker image that runs GeoServer
- version: 3.8
- arch: all
- upstream: msttcorefonts
- distro: debian-11
tiredofit/libreoffice-online 2.3.3
Dockerized LibreOffice Online with Concurrent Documents/User Limits Removed built from Source
- version: 3.8
- arch: all
- upstream: msttcorefonts
- distro: debian-11
468654/tartube latest
- version: 3.7
- arch: all
- upstream: msttcorefonts
- distro: debian-10
tiredofit/collabora-online 2.4.34
Dockerized Collabora Office Online with customizable options
- version: 3.8.1, 3.8
- arch: all
- upstream: msttcorefonts
- distro: debian-12
qdidiscoveryservices/crispresso2-biopy 2.3.0
Image for running largeAggregrate branch of CRISPResso2
- version: 3.7
- arch: all
- upstream: msttcorefonts
- distro: debian-10
linkease/drawio-image-export 2022121901
- version: 3.8
- arch: all
- upstream: msttcorefonts
- distro: debian-11
qdidiscoveryservices/crispresso2 2.1.3
- version: 3.6
- arch: all
- upstream: msttcorefonts
- distro: debian-10
6dtools/openjdk 11-jre-slim-msfonts
- version: 3.8, 3.7
- arch: all
- upstream: msttcorefonts
- distro: debian-11
adizbek/php-libreoffice v1.4
- version: 3.7
- arch: all
- upstream: msttcorefonts
- distro: debian-10
soportebitall/amsac-tramite-api test
- version: 3.7
- arch: all
- upstream: msttcorefonts
- distro: debian-11
zhangwenjie/gitbook2pdf latest
- version: 3.8
- arch: all
- upstream: msttcorefonts
- distro: debian-11
truecharts/debian-bullseye build20230422200952
- version: 3.8
- arch: all
- upstream: msttcorefonts
- distro: debian-11
jmedinap/pdfapi 20241124_2153
Html to Pdf rendering API
- version: 3.7
- arch: all
- upstream: msttcorefonts
- distro: debian-10
maulanairfan/openjdk 8.2-slim
- version: 3.8
- arch: all
- upstream: msttcorefonts
- distro: debian-11
daonv7/geoserver test
- version: 3.6
- arch: all
- upstream: msttcorefonts
- distro: debian-10
adizbek/docker-php-libreoffice v1.5
- version: 3.7
- arch: all
- upstream: msttcorefonts
- distro: debian-10
almaznv/creatio-app 27042023
- version: 3.7
- arch: all
- upstream: msttcorefonts
- distro: debian-10
verticalsrl/geo-server almaviva-test-updated
- version: 3.8
- arch: all
- upstream: msttcorefonts
- distro: debian-10
kasmweb/debian-bullseye-desktop 1.15.0
Debian Bullseye desktop for Kasm Workspaces
- version: 3.8.1
- arch: all
- upstream: msttcorefonts
- distro: debian-11
appvizo/servicewizardpro latest
- version: 3.8
- arch: all
- upstream: msttcorefonts
- distro: debian-11
randock/pdfg-pdf-generator latest
- version: 3.6
- arch: all
- upstream: msttcorefonts
- distro: debian-9
nftcdn/imgproxy v3.20.0
- version: 3.8
- arch: all
- upstream: msttcorefonts
- distro: debian-11
probesys38/lotemplate v1.6.1
LOTemplateFiller is a software that fills a given document, used as a template.
- version: 3.8.1, 3.8
- arch: all
- upstream: msttcorefonts
- distro: debian-12
g8tax/exp-generic-gotenberg default--at-20240328-235900
- version: 3.8
- arch: all
- upstream: msttcorefonts
- distro: debian-11
juarezer7c/ms-catalogos latest
- version: 3.7
- arch: all
- upstream: msttcorefonts
- distro: debian-11
unitedone/pagerangers.lighthouse.crawler latest
- version: 3.8
- arch: all
- upstream: msttcorefonts
- distro: debian-11
juarezer7c/ms-catalogos-demo latest
- version: 3.7
- arch: all
- upstream: msttcorefonts
- distro: debian-11
truecharts/tartube build20220725165851
- version: 3.7
- arch: all
- upstream: msttcorefonts
- distro: debian-10
uglaybe/debian11-apache-php7.4-v1 latest
- version: 3.8
- arch: all
- upstream: msttcorefonts
- distro: debian-11
jassant97/ms-catalogos-demo latest
- version: 3.7
- arch: all
- upstream: msttcorefonts
- distro: debian-11
m11015098/bbb-docker-jodconverter latest
- version: 3.7
- arch: all
- upstream: msttcorefonts
- distro: debian-10
edlara/entrada-mojui v27
- version: 3.8
- arch: all
- upstream: msttcorefonts
- distro: debian-11
pommalabs/thumbnailer preview
- version: 3.8.1
- arch: all
- upstream: msttcorefonts
- distro: debian-12
sysamos/b2b latest
servicio web b2b llamado eForest
- version: 3.8
- arch: all
- upstream: msttcorefonts
- distro: debian-11
plotbox/php-dev latest
- version: 3.8
- arch: all
- upstream: msttcorefonts
- distro: debian-11
kekebest1234/office-service arm-12.3
- version: 3.8
- arch: all
- upstream: msttcorefonts
- distro: debian-11
mxgao/noffice 18.7.4
The image includes node-v16.19.0, OpenJDK-v11 and libreoffice-
- version: 3.8
- arch: all
- upstream: msttcorefonts
- distro: debian-11
alebrhine/ms-sb-0001-processgoodreport v1.0
- version: 3.8
- arch: all
- upstream: msttcorefonts
- distro: debian-11
huynhcuongem75/register-admission v3.1
- version: 3.8
- arch: all
- upstream: msttcorefonts
- distro: debian-11
jezhik/domla-webui latest
- version: 3.8
- arch: all
- upstream: msttcorefonts
- distro: debian-11
denvicteam/avbcarduralhimexchange prod
- version: 3.8
- arch: all
- upstream: msttcorefonts
- distro: debian-11
alexbotdev/ofs ofs_api_1_0
- version: 3.8
- arch: all
- upstream: msttcorefonts
- distro: debian-11
gamewire/gwcore latest
- version: 3.8
- arch: all
- upstream: msttcorefonts
- distro: debian-11
jemmyzheng/wechat-fake 1.0.9
- version: 3.8
- arch: all
- upstream: msttcorefonts
- distro: debian-12
juarezer7c/ms-creditos-demo latest
- version: 3.7
- arch: all
- upstream: msttcorefonts
- distro: debian-11
wooyang/jeff-membership 1.0.0
- version: 3.8
- arch: all
- upstream: msttcorefonts
- distro: debian-11
attaissir/devdocdash-qual v1
- version: 3.6
- arch: all
- upstream: msttcorefonts
- distro: debian-9
denvicteam/avbcardexchangeworkertoaz customer_blocked
- version: 3.8
- arch: all
- upstream: msttcorefonts
- distro: debian-11
juarezer7c/ms-contabilidad-v1 latest
- version: 3.7
- arch: all
- upstream: msttcorefonts
- distro: debian-11
boyphongsakorn/gotenberg latest
- version: 3.8
- arch: all
- upstream: msttcorefonts
- distro: debian-11
coiteu/dotnet-sdk7-node-18-cypress12 1.0.0
- version: 3.8
- arch: all
- upstream: msttcorefonts
- distro: debian-11
devmahesh/opensource v2
Postgis + Geoserevr
- version: 3.8
- arch: all
- upstream: msttcorefonts
- distro: debian-10
alebrhine/ms-sb-0001-gelectronicfirm-dev v1.0
- version: 3.8
- arch: all
- upstream: msttcorefonts
- distro: debian-11
smidrew/gotenberg 7.8.0-ghostscript-1.0.0
- version: 3.8
- arch: all
- upstream: msttcorefonts
- distro: debian-11
imagestests/geoserver CVE-2024-36401
- version: 3.6
- arch: all
- upstream: msttcorefonts
- distro: debian-9
18958182818/ukserver-qemu v2.1.17
- version: 3.6
- arch: all
- upstream: msttcorefonts
- distro: debian-10