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Package Usage : deb : debian/pngquant
Explore the latest package usage data for debian/pngquant in the deb ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 221
Total downloads: 80,824,295
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webdevops/php-apache-dev 8.3-alpine
PHP with Apache for Development (eg. with xdebug)
- version: 2.12.2-1
- arch: amd64
- distro: debian-10
webdevops/php-apache 8.3
Apache with PHP-FPM (based on webdevops/php)
- version: 2.12.2-1, 2.17.0-1
- arch: amd64
- distro: debian-10
discourse/base 2.0.20240902-0349
Official Discourse Image
- version: 2.13.1-1
- arch: amd64
- distro: debian-11
webdevops/php-nginx 8.3
Nginx with PHP-FPM
- version: 2.12.2-1, 2.17.0-1
- arch: amd64
- distro: debian-10
paperlessngx/paperless-ngx 2.14.5
- version: 2.17.0-1, 2.13.1-1
- arch: amd64
- distro: debian-12
lycheeorg/lychee v5.5.1
- version: 2.17.0-1
- arch: amd64
- distro: debian
webdevops/php-nginx-dev 8.3
PHP with Nginx for Development (eg. with xdebug)
- version: 2.12.2-1, 2.17.0-1
- arch: amd64
- distro: debian-10
webdevops/php 8.3
PHP (FPM and CLI) service container
- version: 2.17.0-1
- arch: amd64
- distro: debian-12
pimcore/pimcore php8.2.25-supervisord-v1.3
Pimcore Images
- version: 2.17.0-1, 2.13.1-1
- arch: amd64
- distro: debian-12
discourse/discourse_test 1.4.0
- version: 2.13.1-1
- arch: amd64
- distro: debian-11
massgov/drupal-container 1.2.0-rc2-dev
Drupal application container
- version: 2.13.1-1
- arch: amd64
- distro: debian-11
discourse/discourse_dev 20241119-0437
- version: 2.13.1-1
- arch: amd64
- distro: debian-11
flownative/beach-php 8.3.14
A Docker image providing PHP-FPM for Flownative Beach and Local Beach.
- version: 2.13.1-1
- arch: amd64
- distro: debian-11
previousnext/php 7.1-dev
PHP containers for running on Skipper hosting
- version: 2.3.0-1
- arch: amd64
- distro: debian-8
webdevops/php-official 8.3
Official PHP images with webdevops customization
- version: 2.17.0-1
- arch: amd64
- distro: debian-12
esst/php 8.4-fpm-nginx-alpine
- version: 2.13.1-1
- arch: amd64
- distro: debian-11
webdevops/typo3 latest
TYPO3 container with automatic TYPO3 installer (via composer)
- version: 2.5.0-2
- arch: amd64
- distro: debian-9
webdevops/piwik latest
Piwik application container (latest Version will be installed with ONBUILD)
- version: 2.12.2-1
- arch: amd64
- distro: debian-10
adrianabo/php 8.0.6-fpm-buster
- version: 2.12.2-1
- arch: amd64
- distro: debian-10
cyber01/php74-fpm-pstar 0.0.2
- version: 2.13.1-1
- arch: amd64
- distro: debian-11
g8tax/exp-generic-discourse default--at-20220512-235900
- version: 2.12.2-1
- arch: amd64
- distro: debian-10
dragonflyscience/node-gatsby v55
An image that contains node, yarn, gatsby & cypress
- version: 2.13.1-1
- arch: amd64
- distro: debian-11
alexcheng/jdk-node-ruby latest
JDK + Node + Ruby
- version: 2.5.0-2
- arch: amd64
- distro: debian-9
overatevntech/management-restaurant 0.0.42
Hệ thống quản lý và xây dựng dữ liệu dành cho nhà hàng
- version: 2.13.1-1
- arch: amd64
- distro: debian-11
elunic/dev-vbox 8.3
- version: 2.12.2-1, 2.5.0-2
- arch: amd64
- distro: debian-10
discourse/letter-avatars-app 20240506.064349
- version: 2.17.0-1
- arch: amd64
- distro: debian-12
kkchaulagain/omni_gateway v1.0.13
- version: 2.13.1-1
- arch: amd64
- distro: debian-11
kkchaulagain/omni_message v1.0.0
- version: 2.13.1-1
- arch: amd64
- distro: debian-11
tiredofit/discourse 3.2.2
Dockerized Discourse Forum
- version: 2.13.1-1
- arch: amd64
- distro: debian-11
grupocometa/php8.1 latest
- version: 2.13.1-1
- arch: amd64
- distro: debian-11
primasoftstudio/lovvit-hq-2 f4a8fe4463b0e4ba70967c300a367d13eb4e0f90
- version: 2.13.1-1
- arch: amd64
- distro: debian-11
primasoftstudio/aptn-php-fpm73 k8s
- version: 2.13.1-1
- arch: amd64
- distro: debian-11
saschahuber/saas-template freelancer-all-in-one-worker-2024.12.67506bb2
- version: 2.13.1-1
- arch: amd64
- distro: debian-11
odytrice/prolificvfx 3fc0a22f
- version: 2.5.0-2
- arch: amd64
- distro: debian-9
kkchaulagain/darvis_gateway master
- version: 2.13.1-1
- arch: amd64
- distro: debian-11
bullnium/blocksafu-laravel-be latest
- version: 2.13.1-1
- arch: amd64
- distro: debian-11
1creator/php latest
- version: 2.12.2-1
- arch: amd64
- distro: debian-10
overatevntech/management-techres-admin 0.0.11
web admin
- version: 2.13.1-1
- arch: amd64
- distro: debian-11
overatevntech/management-supplier 0.0.10
web supplier
- version: 2.13.1-1
- arch: amd64
- distro: debian-11
kkchaulagain/omni_business v1.0.0
- version: 2.13.1-1
- arch: amd64
- distro: debian-11
primasoftstudio/apidummydocker latest
- version: 2.12.2-1
- arch: amd64
- distro: debian-10
primasoftstudio/phpfpm-app 0.3.3
- version: 2.12.2-1
- arch: amd64
- distro: debian-10
primasoftstudio/adnet21botdash 87cea4650359dc9c91bd9b81a5ad547d209c4f77
- version: 2.12.2-1
- arch: amd64
- distro: debian-10
kkchaulagain/omni_auth v1.0.0
- version: 2.13.1-1
- arch: amd64
- distro: debian-11
dccruhr/dccdev-webserver 0.2.2
DDEV Webserver based image
- version: 2.13.1-1
- arch: amd64
- distro: debian-11
truecharts/paperless-ng build20230428071415
- version: 2.13.1-1
- arch: amd64
- distro: debian-11
primasoftstudio/bulkapivendordr 1cdbb7db862a9884b82e23d1c51aa2872725716f
- version: 2.12.2-1
- arch: amd64
- distro: debian-10
kristianlast/bdgpro-api latest
- version: 2.17.0-1
- arch: amd64
- distro: debian-12
progoak/autobook latest
- version: 2.12.2-1
- arch: amd64
- distro: debian-10
grupocometa/api-140 latest
- version: 2.13.1-1
- arch: amd64
- distro: debian-11
primasoftstudio/adnet21botlogic dc00d6aad2a6525c40668406a461b8befc51aaec
- version: 2.12.2-1
- arch: amd64
- distro: debian-10
primasoftstudio/lovvit-landing-core 74b3920555eaa0f6471b84d98a4ef5fc4ab37fd4
- version: 2.12.2-1
- arch: amd64
- distro: debian-10
primasoftstudio/lovvit-app-2 b02188fb631678f11028aa1f6cb2e74277f300e1
- version: 2.13.1-1
- arch: amd64
- distro: debian-11
kkchaulagain/proaffix-be main
- version: 2.13.1-1
- arch: amd64
- distro: debian-11
kzareba/future-php 8.2.4
- version: 2.13.1-1
- arch: amd64
- distro: debian-11
primasoftstudio/lovvit-landing-2 b40d5c5dad88f7ff1a82ea4dac4e3dd392361979
- version: 2.12.2-1
- arch: amd64
- distro: debian-10
mzzsfy/dujiaoka 12-08_14-47-46
- version: 2.12.2-1
- arch: amd64
- distro: debian-10
primasoftstudio/switching-client-app ffff93b82ff65fdc41a4356df0b9833a3bbf4933
- version: 2.13.1-1
- arch: amd64
- distro: debian-11
zoonda/pimcore-php81-fpm 1.5
- version: 2.13.1-1
- arch: amd64
- distro: debian-11
zoonda/php81-fpm-pimcore latest
- version: 2.13.1-1
- arch: amd64
- distro: debian-11
kkchaulagain/proaffix main
- version: 2.13.1-1
- arch: amd64
- distro: debian-11
kkchaulagain/darvis master
- version: 2.13.1-1
- arch: amd64
- distro: debian-11
mattlqx/pixelfed 0.11.4
- version: 2.13.1-1, 2.12.2-1
- arch: amd64
- distro: debian-11
primasoftstudio/adnet21botcounter 0932e44de83644228bb62a2e045c28f7e74dcc8c
- version: 2.12.2-1
- arch: amd64
- distro: debian-10
primasoftstudio/bulkapivendor 42a802b379712ab9dbf4ab0fa8e4136594bda947
- version: 2.12.2-1
- arch: amd64
- distro: debian-10
kkchaulagain/gateway master
- version: 2.13.1-1
- arch: amd64
- distro: debian-11
xenny/suctf_2019_checkin latest
- version: 2.5.0-2
- arch: amd64
- distro: debian-9
primasoftstudio/aptn-php-fpm74 k8s
- version: 2.13.1-1
- arch: amd64
- distro: debian-11
ttungbmt/php-fpm 7.4
- version: 2.13.1-1
- arch: amd64
- distro: debian-11
primasoftstudio/lovvit-landing-coupon 612ebf51adc6474dc601e2624077f34eed44c440
- version: 2.12.2-1
- arch: amd64
- distro: debian-10
kkchaulagain/darvis_auth master
- version: 2.13.1-1
- arch: amd64
- distro: debian-11