An open API service providing dependency metadata for docker images.
Package Usage : cran : stats4
Explore the latest package usage data for stats4 in the cran ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 3,171
Total downloads: 264,444,891
More details on - JSON
gnwanne/atac latest
- version: 4.2.2
viascientific/cellxgene_vip_app 1.1.1
- version: 4.2.3
byjin/sqtl 2.0
r docker for sqtl-seeker2( try )
- version: 4.2.2
mugicrow/pfal_variant_call v1.0.1
bcftools-based variant calling pipeline
- version: 4.2.2
sebeclemence/deseq2 v1.38.1
- version: 4.2.2
momo91/pytorch latest
- version: 4.2.3
quinnpicard/framework_dock latest
- version: 4.1.0
sreejithfocaloid/shiny latest.slimxx
- version: 4.2.3
lemoniada/test pipeline
- version: 4.2.2
janithwanni/rhino-base latest
- version: 4.2.2
vnmd/afni_20.3.01 latest
- version: 3.6.0
jelaniwoods/appdev2023-vanilla-railsx-global2 latest
- version: 3.6.3
jelaniwoods/appdev2023-rails-template-wip latest
- version: 3.6.3
intelliseqngs/task_mt-anno 1.0.1
- version: 4.1.2
hoonbiolab/chromothripsis v1.0
- version: 4.1.1
harshjain12/imagefinal v1
- version: 4.2.1
almahmoud/jupyter-bioc-gxy 21.10
- version: 4.1.2
saurabhjha1/spark-es latest
- version: 3.5.1
tonyzeng7900/dsc180a_final_proj latest
- version: 4.1.0
mjw49/q1project latest
Dockerhub repo for our Quarter 1 and Quarter 2 Project Code
- version: 4.1.0
luisas/rannotation_forcats latest
- version: 3.6.3
akashdocker29/rstudio_with_installed_package latest
- version: 3.6.3
tercen/pamsoft_grid_shiny_operator d667fa40
- version: 4.0.4
gesiscss/binder-michaellomuscio-2dtidy-2dtext-2dmining-449af9 89b66d682ed8eb4be6eda48e573c7b8a606c7f1e
- version: 3.6.2
gesiscss/orc-example-binder-christiankahmann-2dilcm-5fbinder-31aa1b 5f49926dc286efce35ab5d5d196ebb1863b462ae
- version: 3.5.0
gesiscss/binder-2018-2dcomputational-2dtools-2dassignment-5fproblem-5fset-695749 08b573f1e5b579db12fdd35b7682a71c56f3f158
- version: 3.6.2
crvander/mydocker_img latest
Learning how to create: REPO -> IMAGE -> CONTAINER
- version: 4.1.0
aoliver44/nutrition_tools 0.3.0a.8
Docker image for running helpful scripts, especially related to ML analyses in nutrition
- version: 4.2.0
qdidiscoveryservices/sc_pip_r_and_py latest
- version: 4.0.3
intelliseqngs/bioconductor r-coverage-stats_v0.1
- version: 3.6.1
prismcmap/biomarker-module 26be7aa8ab48
- version: 4.0.2
hexinc/e2e-image poetry-1.6.1
- version: 4.1.2, 4.3.0
amd64/r-base 4.3.2
R is a system for statistical computation and graphics.
- version: 4.3.1, 4.3.2
inseefrlab/utilitr 0.9.1
- version: 4.2.3
inseefrlab/funcamp-r-grimoire renovate-crazy-max-ghaction-docker-meta-5.x
- version: 4.0.5
dmachado/bt2100 latest
- version: 4.2.2
inseefrlab/onyxia-rstudio r4.3.2-2023.12.18
A RStudio service built on top of a R environment tailored for datascience.
- version: 4.3.2, 4.2.3
inseefrlab/onyxia-r-minimal r4.2.3-gpu-2023.08.28
A minimal R environment installed through rocker's install scripts.
- version: 4.2.3
inseefrlab/onyxia-r-datascience r4.3.2-gpu-2024.01.08
- version: 4.3.2, 4.3.1
nareal/r_docker_tidyverse_spiced_preview latest
This image adds the RStudio preview edition to the nareal/r_docker_tidyverse_spiced image.
- version: 4.3.2
jbloedow/lin_ap_r_webserver 0.6
- version: 4.2.2
biocontainers/batman phenomenal-v1.2.12.0_cv1.1.72
Bayesian Automated Metabolite Analyser for NMR spectra (BATMAN).
- version: 3.2.3
curiobioinformatics/curio-seeker-pipeline 363d9feeef37b9b99915dea19822d0f75d7c8898
- version: 4.2.3
ccdlstaging/dr_base 549216c6fa7f6c80a5d78287c8814330f150428c
- version: 3.4.4
slwu0209/misp2022 1.0
- version: 3.5.2
fmarciano89/all-spark-notebook-custom 1.0.3
- version: 4.2.2
ilariap/taxonomizr_p latest
Tazonomizr + optparse + stringr
- version: 4.2.2
bpeppericr/protein-analysis latest
- version: 4.2.2
truecharts/rstudio build20230422170006
- version: 4.3.0
mgibio/starfusion pre-1.11.c-fefaf71
- version: 3.6.3
sjwidmay/stitch_nf 20231102150525418cf5
- version: 4.2.0
mparikhbroad/soupx 1.0.0
- version: 4.0.4
trovediary/trove-r-lambda fe6938408727bd468d029689048c815c1046eb6a
R image, based on AWS lambda `provided` image, with Trove packages pre-installed
- version: 4.2.2
veitveit/tppworkflow dev
- version: 3.6.1
hoonbiolab/ccle-cga v0.2
- version: 3.4.4
kisudsoe/r-base latest
- version: 4.2.3
mdivr/rstudio v3.0
- version: 4.2.2
sebrauschert/amplicon_pipeline v0.3.2
A pipeline for amplicon sequencing analysis of marine fish
- version: 4.3.0
txalaparta/jupyterlab_gdal 6.0
Jupyterlab including GDAL 3.4, ODBC Drivers: MSSQL, PostgreSQL, Arrow Flight ODBC & SQLite
- version: 4.3.1
mdivr/rstudio_v1.3 v2.0
- version: 4.2.2
evolomicsmbbt/rna_seq latest
- version: 4.1.2
digitalhumanities/cqpweb 1.12
- version: 4.2.2
nciccbr/ccrgb_annovar v1.0
- version: 3.6.3
intiquan/iqdesktop latest
- version: 4.1.3
fauxneticien/yerrampe test
- version: 4.1.2
rhub/clang16 latest
- version: 4.4.0
harshjain12/imagelatest17 1.0
- version: 4.2.1
aokad/juncmut-paper 0.0.2
- version: 4.2.2
tercen/t_test_operator 1.1.3
- version: 4.2.0
koki/crandev 20230814
- version: 4.3.0
haileyzhang/phospho-analyst v1.0.1
- version: 4.2.1
tercen/compare_means_operator 0.1.9
- version: 4.2.0
catherinemiget/rstudio latest
- version: 4.3.0
tomasjanikaws/app_stockanalyzer latest
- version: 4.2.3
broadcptacdev/activedriver latest
- version: 3.6.3
tercen/flowcut_operator latest
- version: 4.2.0
tercen/normalyzer_operator 0.1.4
- version: 4.2.0
tercen/tercen-studio-r40 4.0.4-7
- version: 4.0.4
muicoder/spilo-9.6 1.3-p4
- version: 3.2.3
solomon616/shinytestjustfortest20220914 shinystudy
- version: 4.2.3
viascientific/rstudio-app 1.0
- version: 4.2.3, 4.1.2
jnugent42/root_v6_24_06 centos_7
- version: 3.6.0
albertea/numbat_light 02
- version: 4.2.1
newatlantisorg/na-datascience 5-29-23
A version of the jupyter datascience image with plugins for NA's servers added
- version: 4.2.3
mtorresm55/r_env_4_1_0 v1.0
- version: 4.1.0
emersonchao/combined latest
- version: 4.1.0
fgualdr/envimpulse latest
- version: 4.2.2
chrisamiller/turboid 0.1
- version: 4.2.3
manchangdx/xubuntu-vnc cmb
- version: 3.2.3
biodepot/rbase 4.3.2__bookworm-slim
- version: 4.2.3
cjha15/dockerfile BC
- version: 4.0.3