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Package Usage : cran : reprex
Explore the latest package usage data for reprex in the cran ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 1,243
Total downloads: 45,921,345
More details on - JSON
fjardim/jupyter_datascience latest
- version: 0.3.0
weishwu/systempiper 12022022
- version: 2.0.2
etretiakov/workbench-session-complete jammy-2023.10.24-custom-12.5
- version: 2.0.2
sktrinh12/bdb-shinyapp base_v1
BDBiosciences metadata shiny app
- version: 0.3.0
hylleraas/singleuser-orca latest
- version: 2.0.1
rapporteket/ltmv-dev main
- version: 2.0.2
qdidiscoveryservices/flowr 1.0
- version: 2.0.1
gcriodeeplearning/r-cpu deprecated-public-image-7be0864c985a3
- version: 2.0.2
markataylor/r_mass_spec v1.0.0
- version: 2.0.2
intelliseqngs/task_ibd-report 1.0.0
- version: 0.3.0
n3ng/fintech-lib latest
- version: 2.0.0
gbirch11/dsc180-replication latest
- version: 2.0.0
prismcmap/qc-screen 26be7aa8ab48
- version: 2.0.1
marorro/gpu-base sha-a54d2f8
- version: 2.0.2
ovik/r-base-tidyverse latest
Base R image with tidyverse
- version: 2.0.2
gcriodeeplearning/r-cpu.3-6 latest
- version: 2.0.0
ocdr/dkube-datascience-rs-tf-gpu-new v1.14
- version: 0.3.0
tercen/tracer_summarize_docker_operator latest
- version: 1.0.0
shl198/sc_ppl 202306
- version: 2.0.2
hoonbiolab/svtools v0.4.0
- version: 2.0.1
scottcame/wa-leg-harvester latest
- version: 0.3.0
gesiscss/binder-edigley-2dspif-b08115 bc38cab69bdfcc9cbe8f17cae8430602a4caed81
- version: 0.1.2
prismcmap/batch-correct-module v0.0.1
- version: 2.0.1
gcriodeeplearning/r-cpu.4-1 latest
- version: 2.0.2
vanessa/data-quality-dashboard latest
- version: 0.3.0
docker4sheng/workflow latest
- version: 2.0.2
jeromecptza/jodierocker latest
- version: 2.0.2
tercen/heatmap_dashboard_operator 0.3.2
- version: 2.0.0, 1.0.0
hoonbiolab/annovar v1.0
- version: 2.0.1
hoonbiolab/testbase v1.1
- version: 0.2.1
phidata/jupyter-r 3.5.2
- version: 2.0.2
gesiscss/binder-quarcs-2dlab-2dshort-2dproject-2dclassical-2dconvergence-c87441 fca36669a24e21fabf20a73a768e132aa0016469
- version: 0.3.0
haileyzhang/fragpipe-analyst v0.23
A Docker container of Fragpipe-Analyst
- version: 2.0.2
geedrn/dajin tensorflow
- version: 2.0.2
prismcmap/base-clue-pseq latest
- version: 2.0.2
sulantha/mincgdcm latest
- version: 0.2.0
839517/soybean_yield_research latest
- version: 2.0.2
dragonflyscience/rsi-r-data 2020-08-28-11-33
- version: 0.3.0
qingji19/rtest 0.1.0
- version: 0.3.0
alessio619/docker-r-studio latest
- version: 2.0.1
gesiscss/orc-example-binder-binder-2dexamples-2dr-974603 855694a5bfe0a62761b7c67e8f3914edd03e990c
- version: 0.2.1
vnmd/afni_21.0.20 latest
- version: 1.0.0
hoonbiolab/fastp v1.1
- version: 2.0.1
peterdjames/r_packs_ex_dev latest
- version: 2.0.2
gsamith/dsc180a-q1-project latest
- version: 2.0.0
markrbower/gapminder_my_analysis first_try
Tutorial from ROpenSciLabs that runs a simple analysis
- version: 0.3.0
gesiscss/orc-example-binder-serhatcevikel-2dbdm-5f2019-e7b363 a37dee9c39208736a74f2f5fb74c33d30bcee81b
- version: 0.3.0
entsupml/r-with-libraries latest
- version: 2.0.2
qdidiscoveryservices/ubuntu-1604-pipeline_docker-r_and_bioconductor latest
- version: 0.3.0
wilfriedguiblet/isomir v0.3
- version: 2.0.2
bensonduong/cylavdor latest
- version: 2.0.0
rnathuji/raise-enclave-iris latest
- version: 2.0.1
tercen/kaplan_meier_operator latest
- version: 1.0.0
dragonflyscience/synthchm-20.04 2023-02-01
- version: 2.0.1
dhspence/docker-wg-basestation latest
- version: 0.3.0
chgyi/trinity 2.8.4
- version: 0.1.2
viascientific/cellxgene_vip_app 1.1.1
- version: 2.0.2
momo91/pytorch latest
- version: 2.0.2
quinnpicard/framework_dock latest
- version: 2.0.0
hoonbiolab/chromothripsis v1.0
- version: 2.0.1
tonyzeng7900/dsc180a_final_proj latest
- version: 2.0.0
mjw49/q1project latest
Dockerhub repo for our Quarter 1 and Quarter 2 Project Code
- version: 2.0.0
crvander/mydocker_img latest
Learning how to create: REPO -> IMAGE -> CONTAINER
- version: 2.0.0
prismcmap/biomarker-module 26be7aa8ab48
- version: 2.0.1
inseefrlab/utilitr 0.9.1
- version: 2.0.2
inseefrlab/funcamp-r-grimoire renovate-crazy-max-ghaction-docker-meta-5.x
- version: 2.0.2
dmachado/bt2100 latest
- version: 2.0.2
inseefrlab/onyxia-rstudio r4.3.2-2023.12.18
A RStudio service built on top of a R environment tailored for datascience.
- version: 2.0.2
inseefrlab/onyxia-r-datascience r4.3.2-gpu-2024.01.08
- version: 2.0.2
nareal/r_docker_tidyverse_spiced_preview latest
This image adds the RStudio preview edition to the nareal/r_docker_tidyverse_spiced image.
- version: 2.1.0
curiobioinformatics/curio-seeker-pipeline 363d9feeef37b9b99915dea19822d0f75d7c8898
- version: 2.0.2
ilariap/taxonomizr_p latest
Tazonomizr + optparse + stringr
- version: 2.0.2
mgibio/starfusion pre-1.11.c-fefaf71
- version: 2.0.0
kisudsoe/r-base latest
- version: 2.0.2
sebrauschert/amplicon_pipeline v0.3.2
A pipeline for amplicon sequencing analysis of marine fish
- version: 2.0.2
txalaparta/jupyterlab_gdal 6.0
Jupyterlab including GDAL 3.4, ODBC Drivers: MSSQL, PostgreSQL, Arrow Flight ODBC & SQLite
- version: 2.0.2
educative1/plotlydashimage latest
- version: 2.0.2
intiquan/iqdesktop latest
- version: 2.0.1
aokad/juncmut-paper 0.0.2
- version: 2.0.2
haileyzhang/phospho-analyst v1.0.1
- version: 2.0.2
tomasjanikaws/app_stockanalyzer latest
- version: 2.0.2
broadcptacdev/activedriver latest
- version: 0.3.0
tercen/tercen-studio-r40 4.0.4-7
- version: 1.0.0
solomon616/shinytestjustfortest20220914 shinystudy
- version: 2.0.2
viascientific/rstudio-app 1.0
- version: 2.0.2
newatlantisorg/na-datascience 5-29-23
A version of the jupyter datascience image with plugins for NA's servers added
- version: 2.0.2
emersonchao/combined latest
- version: 2.0.0
prismcmap/lfc-module develop
- version: 2.0.1
jdkindley/scipy-ml 2.11.0
- version: 2.0.0
qdidiscoveryservices/cellranger7.1.0_py3_r4 latest
- version: 2.0.2
mattjmeier/r-odaf-hc latest
Under Development. Containerized version of the R-ODAF Health Canada Pipeline.
- version: 2.0.2
qingji19/brainager-2 0.1.0
- version: 0.3.0
mkvasnicka/acc-clusters latest
- version: 2.0.2
olejak/gis latest
- version: 0.3.0
kkw002/predict_default latest
- version: 2.0.0