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Package Usage : cran : polyclip
Explore the latest package usage data for polyclip in the cran ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 451
Total downloads: 1,267,068
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wyangwu/r4.1.2 latest
- version: 1.10-6
bioxfu/xseurat2 latest
- version: 1.10-4
robertplayer/scidap-genelists v3.0.0
- version: 1.10-0
varemo/sam23 latest
- version: 1.10-4
chunjiesamliu/scmocha latest
- version: 1.10-4
unlhcc/rstudio-geospatial-r43 673c480d8370
- version: 1.10-4
gesiscss/binder-r2d-g5b5b759-olayabucaro-2dcrowd-2dsourcing-2dmpidr2023-755d7b d7938a5cd6617bd21876933e244c1f61bc28c89c
- version: 1.10-4
venustiano/dvenv v1.0.5
- version: 1.10-4
denglab/vpfkit latest
- version: 1.10-4
eeholmes/minimal-jhub 20231004
- version: 1.10-4
dpraveen511/spot spot_ec2
- version: 1.10-4
ramanmagar/ufc-app latest
First App
- version: 1.10-4
cblefari/onyxia-rstudio r4.2.3-2024.01.01
- version: 1.10-6
fgualdr/env_norm_gr_idr latest
- version: 1.10-4
yosuketanigawa/rstudio_yt latest
- version: 1.10-4
chiajungl/scrna 4.3.0-5.0
- version: 1.10-4
uhwang3/cp8883 arm_support
- version: 1.10-4
repbioinfo/transformgampoi latest
- version: 1.10-4
jingxin/terrascpipe v0
- version: 1.10-4
lupgmbh/snuc 04072023
Smart Nature Use Case Tegel - Vegetationsmonitoring mit Fernerkundungsdaten
- version: 1.10-4
qdidiscoveryservices/diffbind latest
- version: 1.10-4
sagemathinc/compute-rlang-arm64 latest
- version: 1.10-0
viascientific/rstudio-app-isee 1.0
- version: 1.10-0
jackiezhuqi/bio-rstudio latest
- version: 1.10-4
dantingz/seurat 1.0.2
- version: 1.10-0
winuthayanon/rstudio RS4.3.1BM3.17
- version: 1.10-4
abelhj/rstudio 4.2.3
- version: 1.10-4
nbarrowman/cru-rocker v22
- version: 1.10-4
santandermetgroup/binder-atlas 9202a90
- version: 1.10-0
btrspg/vscode-dkd-env latest
- version: 1.10-4
imegusu/rstudio_rnaseq_all3 latest
RStudio based on bioconductor/bioconductor_docker:RELEASE_3_16 for RNA-Seq
- version: 1.10-4
gaspardr/r-env v1.2
My R environment for analyses and development
- version: 1.10-4
espirado/slurm.controller 23.02
- version: 1.10-4
ycli1995/bioinfo_dev 1.0.1
- version: 1.10-4
arnstrm2/rstudio 4.3.1
R studio with Bioconductor and snRNAseq packages
- version: 1.10-4
dnbelabc4/dnbc4dev 2.0.9
- version: 1.10-0
vasilkor/shiny-verse 1.0.19
- version: 1.10-4
hafen/service-catalog-docker latest
Data science container image for ki service catalog
- version: 1.10-4
dongminshin/sc_ppl 1.65
- version: 1.10-4
koji11235/rnaseq_env latest
- version: 1.10-4
sheddn/singlecell latest
- version: 1.10-0
atttilacs/ds_seurat_5_extras_hdf5r latest
- version: 1.10-4
omicsclass/pan-genome v1.0
- version: 1.10-4
gesiscss/binder-r2d-g5b5b759-keon-2darbabi-2dkcni-2dsummer-2dschool-2dday-2d3-e4e96e fad4fccb2e0c5030283f1b4e665b22eafa490b69
- version: 1.10-0
etretiakov/rocker-session latest
- version: 1.10-4
mlampros/icesat2rbinder 1bcdaed54e71
- version: 1.10-6
mfsentma/atacseq latest
- version: 1.10-4
mziemann/enrichment_recipe latest
Example highly reproducible bioinformatics workflow including transcriptome and pathway analysis.
- version: 1.10-4
bianca7/mompreprocess latest
- version: 1.10-4
vidhyagnanasekaran/rocker-single-cell v1
- version: 1.10-4
igrisch/seuratharmony latest
- version: 1.10-4
giswqs/whiteboxr master
- version: 1.10-4
jeffgillan/pointcloud_to_chm arm64
These containers will launch Rstudio Server with an R-script to convert LiDAR point cloud to raster.
- version: 1.10-6
jylin2022/r_svg_giotto latest
- version: 1.10-4
wilfriedguiblet/fraser v0.1
- version: 1.10-0
darribas/gdsrpy latest
- version: 1.10-4
ksinghal28/generate_pon 1.0
- version: 1.10-4
pl92297/sceqtl latest
- version: 1.10-4
alexthiery/archr_macs2_seurat 3.0
- version: 1.10-4
avi156/rocker-binder-upd 4.2.2
- version: 1.10-4
uvarc/rstudio tam5xe
- version: 1.10-4
natalie23gill/seurat-4-3_soupx-1-6-1_doubletfinder_67fb8b5 1.4
scRNA analysis- a collection of current tools, file used to build it is copied into /
- version: 1.10-4
fgualdr/env_gsea latest
- version: 1.10-4
luslab/archr_dev latest
- version: 1.10-6
alexdhill/vscode complete-seq
Multipurpose developer suite with VSCode base. Supports C++, python, R with notebooks.
- version: 1.10-4
appliedepi/helpdeskshiny latest
- version: 1.10-0
gesiscss/binder-r2d-g5b5b759-seabbs-2didmodelr-838c90 52c4ad197297bf388a6161ceee6d1bc54559ec0f
- version: 1.10-4
rcepka/rcepka_shiny-verse latest
- version: 1.10-6
espirado/slurm.database 23.02
- version: 1.10-4
cplaisier/ccafv2_extra latest
- version: 1.10-6
alexthiery/archr_hicdc 3.0
- version: 1.10-4
derekcorcoran/rfate 3a21f35fd2aa05a03b58d4cb0c5bf6724ebf4048
- version: 1.10-0
cspinc/blm-pva-cv rstudio
- version: 1.10-6
ericsalomaki/rnaseq_r4_2 latest
- version: 1.10-4
omicsclass/metagenomics latest
- version: 1.10-4
alexthiery/archr_dev_macs2 3.0
- version: 1.10-4
costanzopadovano/bioconductor_r_image jupyter_notebook_version
Docker image preconfigured with R and Bioconductor for streamlined bioinformatics data analysis.
- version: 1.10-6
wcmay/geospatial_cron sendgridr
The Rocker geospatial image with supercronic, meant for running data pipelines
- version: 1.10-4
appliedepi/gisexercises latest
- version: 1.10-0
forest2000/seuratv5 latest
Update Seurat to version 5
- version: 1.10-6
abelean/seurat_deg 4.1.0
- version: 1.10-4
cowmoo/ti_dynverse latest
- version: 1.10-4
skydashan/infercnv 1.0.2
- version: 1.10-4
briansha/prepsct latest
- version: 1.10-4
btrspg/r-env latest
- version: 1.10-6