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Package Usage : cran : png
Explore the latest package usage data for png in the cran ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 1,045
Total downloads: 4,391,905
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daltoncp/rstudio_celegansbulksequencing 4.2_3
- version: 0.1-8
compbiocore/lee_isg_erv 20230306
- version: 0.1-8
srynobio/diagnostic_rnaseq latest
- version: 0.1-8
jenfisher7/rstudio_sbae latest
- version: 0.1-8
jxprismdocker/test_clincnv latest
- version: 0.1-8
cbgr/cobind 0.9.1
Necessary software to run COBIND pipeline.
- version: 0.1-8
fabianegli/scp-recommendations-2022 1.0
- version: 0.1-8
hoonbiolab/hmftools_cnv v3.8.4
- version: 0.1-8
kumalpha/qiime2-core latest
- version: 0.1-7
ethill/blastr latest
GUI visualization for remote BLAST results
- version: 0.1-7
dragonflyscience/dragonforest-18.04 2022-03-14
- version: 0.1-7
payne6861/ggplot2 v1.0.0
stereonote ggplot2 without ocnda
- version: 0.1-7
lakshmi1998/repo1 firsttry
- version: 0.1-8
chriswyatt/r_perl_jcvi latest
- version: 0.1-8
liquidityai/dev_shiny 5f559b1a6248fca56cd77d4fc4ea36bcb2acc0bf
- version: 0.1-8
gesiscss/binder-r2d-g5b5b759-kzktmr-2deg04-e2ad63 0c1ec31d6a6e5f15c54f19359ac18b78af83eb53
- version: 0.1-8
tomosumi/tidyverse_lavaan2 latest
- version: 0.1-8
bicore/scrattch_mapping 0.51
- version: 0.1-7, 0.1-8
rstatstartu/verse cmdstanr
- version: 0.1-8
mziemann/meth_analysis latest
Based on BioC release 3.14, this image is designed for analysis of infinium methylation array data
- version: 0.1-8
gesiscss/binder-r2d-g5b5b759-mio-2dhiehei-2dgender-5fcitation-5fgap-5fdion-5fet-5fal-54a866 73ad476cb619de6381f81c813a7fbfb60a7ead3c
- version: 0.1-8
dabbleofdevops/r-datascience 4.2.2
- version: 0.1-8
crukmi/nas-app latest
- version: 0.1-7
sludock/sludock18august latest
- version: 0.1-7
ntobias85/abe_repo degust_build
- version: 0.1-8
gesiscss/binder-ds421-2ddocker-2dtutorial-30bf5e 821258d172cef1b4b0dcf56940cba3d0b934b1ad
- version: 0.1-7
lglforfun/rstudio_dev 4.3.2.wooldridge
- version: 0.1-8
estat/skuanalysisallcontry 14-06-2023-095332
- version: 0.1-8
peterjansson/appnuc 0.8.0
Applied nuclear physics relevant software, containerized.
- version: 0.1-7
crukmi/liana_tensor2 0.1.9
- version: 0.1-8
madhu99/sb6 latest
- version: 0.1-8
kellywujy/tidyinferential v0.3.0
An image created based on rocker/tidyverse with inferential analysis R packages added and Python
- version: 0.1-8
cjagla/seurat_shiny latest
- version: 0.1-8
hoonbiolab/hmftools_sv v.2.13.2
- version: 0.1-8
peeyushweav/r-flask base
- version: 0.1-8
jwong086/dsci-310-group-01 latest
- version: 0.1-8
brianyee/rnaseq snakemake_1.0.0
- version: 0.1-8
jmonlong/terra-rstudio-custom 0.0.1
- version: 0.1-8
ciprnd/onyxia-r-python-julia r4.2.3-2023.05.26
- version: 0.1-8
shl198/rna_ppl latest
- version: 0.1-7
jordanwhitlock/setbp1_manuscript_panda_1.0.1 latest
- version: 0.1-8
bicore/gcs_10x_rnaseq_qc 4.2.0
- version: 0.1-7
vnmd/rstudio_2022.07.2 latest
- version: 0.1-7
djmolitor/mobility-and-pollution latest
Docker image for replicating "Intergenerational Economic Mobility and Ambient Air Pollution".
- version: 0.1-8
rcepka/covid 2.4
- version: 0.1-8
gesiscss/binder-r2d-g5b5b759-zajitschekteam-2dlifespananalysis-b9f5ab 9163dcab9cc1ae6e6620a658ed5798daeb17371a
- version: 0.1-7
payne6861/stereonote_non_conda_clusterprofiler_enrichplot v1.0.1
- version: 0.1-7
firriver/crvs latest
- version: 0.1-8
mfsentma/rna latest
- version: 0.1-7
joseper/ntts_benchmarks_r latest
- version: 0.1-8
oatsybob/nwisguishiny 2
- version: 0.1-8
ucigenomics/spatiallibd latest
- version: 0.1-8
danhumassmed/debrowser 1.0.1
Software for Bioinformatics pipelines DEBrowser
- version: 0.1-7
pl92297/rtracklayer latest
- version: 0.1-7
samplix/droplet-viewer-internal latest
- version: 0.1-7
landscapedatacommons/sp-benchmark-exploration-tool 4.2.2
- version: 0.1-8
compbiocore/jupyterhub-docker-images-jh_image 20230524
- version: 0.1-8
weishwu/diffbind 3.6.5
- version: 0.1-8
jorpena/rdataviz-app latest
- version: 0.1-8
peterdjames/r-w-kdb-image-simple latest
- version: 0.1-7
wlc27/dcanr v1
- version: 0.1-8
chiajungl/seurat 4.3.0-5.0
- version: 0.1-8
alexthiery/r_sqldf 0.2
- version: 0.1-7
sharvaribatchx/dada2-filter-learn-errors latest
- version: 0.1-8
qx658/eas-shiny latest
- version: 0.1-8
mitpenguin/analysis dev-20230524
- version: 0.1-8
fgualdr/env_perm_motifs latest
- version: 0.1-8
anacarolinasolvis/r-ver latest
- version: 0.1-8
nspies13/bmp_umap prod
- version: 0.1-8
chiajungl/verse-seurat 4.0.2-4.3
- version: 0.1-7
nsaph/smoke_weights v0
- version: 0.1-8
fgualdr/envr_txdb latest
- version: 0.1-8
sebinno/ide 1.0.1
- version: 0.1-8
yaobio/archr-4g latest
Docker images for ArchR (Analysis of Regulatory Chromatin in R)
- version: 0.1-8
ericsalomaki/mirna 071723
- version: 0.1-8, 0.1-7
gesiscss/binder-r2d-g5b5b759-nmfs-2dopensci-2dbinder-ee66be ce1f765c0a736e03454403bd3e4000650843461f
- version: 0.1-7
archang/seurat-zellk latest
- version: 0.1-8
gesiscss/binder-r2d-g5b5b759-joeroe-2dswasianeolithicfoundercrops-900b81 ef744128f98b02a4a109a2bdf6fb82dbbd53eaea
- version: 0.1-8
paulb1981/ssd_tsetse_data2 latest
- version: 0.1-8
winuthayanon/seurat 4.3.0
- version: 0.1-8
dlopezl/wallace 2.0.5
- version: 0.1-8
archang/stdeconvolve latest
- version: 0.1-7
hbadrane/fungap version3
- version: 0.1-7