An open API service providing dependency metadata for docker images.
Package Usage : cran : png
Explore the latest package usage data for png in the cran ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 1,045
Total downloads: 4,391,905
More details on - JSON
de0ch/irace-tuning latest
- version: 0.1-7
hoonbiolab/testbattenberg v1.0
- version: 0.1-7
gesiscss/binder-r2d-g5b5b759-pderyckesciensano-2dphiri-5fusecase-5fc-4d1f73 729f83efa96fff45a0e030dab0e2a541c4826cfd
- version: 0.1-7
dragonflyscience/dragonpy-20.04 2022-03-09
- version: 0.1-7
ohtichechaivetafahwohdei/dev v0
Dev images for CI/CD
- version: 0.1-8
sebimer/samba-v4-qiime2 2022.11
- version: 0.1-8
gcriogooglesamples/rethinking v2
- version: 0.1-7
almahmoud/terra-jupyter bioc
- version: 0.1-7
iita/rya-api latest
- version: 0.1-7
felixschlesinger/assign_types v0.2
- version: 0.1-8
vegesnam/metaboanalyst 11thApr
- version: 0.1-8
kdgosik/main-gitpod latest
- version: 0.1-8
ruben6um/satijalab_seurat_slingshot_muscat_harmony_glmgampoi_svglite latest
- version: 0.1-7
emersonchao/dsc180b latest
- version: 0.1-8
educative1/r_packages latest
- version: 0.1-8
bixbeta/cluster_profiler v1
- version: 0.1-7
rsoren/hmtbook_quarto latest
- version: 0.1-8
shena4746/ubuntu-python-poetry 3.11.1qr
ubuntu:jammy based python + poetry
- version: 0.1-8
tercen/cytonorm_docker 0.0.12
- version: 0.1-7
brianyee/celligrate 55ba642
- version: 0.1-8
sbouslama/sb-mpxv-nf alpha3
- version: 0.1-7
payne6861/desingle v1.0.0
stereonote desingle without conda
- version: 0.1-7
ethill/qiime2 latest
docker container for qiime2
- version: 0.1-8
egivens045/mmm latest
Image for MMM modeling with ammmp and ammmplus
- version: 0.1-8
bioboris/narrative aug24
- version: 0.1-7
avi156/rocker-geospatial-micromamba 4.2.2
- version: 0.1-8
brianyee/r-essentials 1.0.0
- version: 0.1-8
daltoncp/rstudio_celeganssinglecell 4.2_12
- version: 0.1-8
gcriodeeplearning/r-cpu.4-2 deprecated-public-image-d43aa702a33ce
- version: 0.1-8
chaunceyzhou/awesome_rnaseq v1.3
- version: 0.1-7
peeyushweav/weav_c5_flask v1.0.22
- version: 0.1-8
hway/seurat2scanpy_converter latest
- version: 0.1-8
maxellpwilson/r-transcript-table latest
- version: 0.1-8
koki/seurat2isee 20221125
- version: 0.1-7
weishwu/chipseeker 1.34.1
- version: 0.1-8
kobybernie/dl app
- version: 0.1-8
dsouzd04/himc_zellkonverter 1.6.5
- version: 0.1-7
duclare123/vizcnv_dev latest
Visualization tool for WGS analysis
- version: 0.1-8
tnnandi/saige-doe 2
- version: 0.1-8
rdshear/biochail_with_jre8 latest
- version: 0.1-7
ikeller13/r-st-normalising 4.2.2
- version: 0.1-8
mahdi1996ariamehr/dockk latest
- version: 0.1-7
qwerty3435ab/xel_bb_deeplearning v2.0
- version: 0.1-8
codechenx/mice_aspergillus_infection_lung_project latest
- version: 0.1-8
alexeymakhonin/bioinf-2022-notebook latest
- version: 0.1-8
qkdrk7777775/conda_py_r_ide gpu
You can use R and python in conda environment, and can use jupyter, code server, and rstudio ide.
- version: 0.1-8
denghb001/centos v1.1
- version: 0.1-8
fauzul/fuseq_wes_hg19 1.0
- version: 0.1-8
alkoenig08/harmonyseurat latest
Docker container built on satijalab/seurat with Broad Institute's "Harmony" package installed.
- version: 0.1-8
lurcio/rstudio-test 2
- version: 0.1-8
andyvs/testimage 3.0
- version: 0.1-8
crukmi/liana_tensor 0.1.9
- version: 0.1-8
viascientific/deseq2-docker 2.0
- version: 0.1-8
gesiscss/binder-eurostat-2dprost-93f355 19a93baa9ae55e698f0c5f7f2548fbe559b3473f
- version: 0.1-7
neutronstar21/rocker_tidyverse_2023_05_05_v1 latest
- version: 0.1-8
hirowat2/rbase 14-01-2023-212139
- version: 0.1-7
13883956158/shinyproxy-r 4.2.2
- version: 0.1-8
gesiscss/binder-psysciacc-2dpsa001subset-9bb8e8 70fce51870be59bc10b29de6dbba407d77acf69c
- version: 0.1-7
gesiscss/binder-nuest-2dreproducible-2dresearch-2dand-2dgiscience-a0d852 6616ca68a58afb2ba3ea9d5801884db55f5dcd76
- version: 0.1-7
gesiscss/binder-alfpinchak-2drbindertest-53894f a6ddf190e62d6bc3239549071855953bddf23991
- version: 0.1-7
educative1/rcourse v3
- version: 0.1-7
rhowellge/nanodx v1
- version: 0.1-7
repbioinfo/detectseq latest
- version: 0.1-7
eriksf/r-geospatial 4.2.2
- version: 0.1-8
gesiscss/binder-smwindecker-2dvic-2ecarbon-d873b3 1b28c38ab9973169172ffcdb72817e9153567aac
- version: 0.1-7
kiriwhan/eccodesr latest
An image that can work with grib files
- version: 0.1-8
leopach/verse_gapminder_gsl firsttry
- version: 0.1-8
lishuangshuang3/dnbc4dev latest
- version: 0.1-7
almahmoud/teachmultipleximaging-biocanvil main
- version: 0.1-7
gesiscss/binder-edjeeongithub-2drstan-2dexample-20439b 58968603f7e7c4d3b967285aa1147dd249e58230
- version: 0.1-7
apollodorus/genentech-jp v1
- version: 0.1-7
tercen/anova_operator latest
- version: 0.1-7
mhettich0years/r-images v1.1.2
- version: 0.1-8
payne6861/clutserprofiler v1.0.0
- version: 0.1-7
mtkdata/verse_gapminder_gsl course_203_r
Container for R with gapminder and gsl for UC Berkeley course 203
- version: 0.1-8
shashankti/bioc_docker v1
- version: 0.1-8
zwcdocker/seurat latest
- version: 0.1-7
gesiscss/binder-lanaherman-2dappr-2d2018-2d19-2e8a32 c8ce3cffe035935b588eae4cfd265b2ad3d0bc19
- version: 0.1-7
r2bit/bit-edu-server latest
bit-edu is an open-source scientific and technical education environment built on Docker.
- version: 0.1-7
gskelton/commodity_project latest
- version: 0.1-7
cheungweilim/pit-apps latest
Build with R package for PIT applications
- version: 0.1-8
compbiocore/dscov_sct 20221201
- version: 0.1-8
payne6861/stereonote v1.0.0
- version: 0.1-7
crukmi/cytof-browser-lite 1.1.0
- version: 0.1-7
hoonbiolab/hmftools_linx v1.23.1
- version: 0.1-8
gesiscss/binder-kozo2-2dsakigakemtg2019-214397 c9d150b74c2eb09683e7fadd99703bda92c291cd
- version: 0.1-7
gesiscss/binder-r2d-g5b5b759-karthik-2dbinder-2dtest-649047 db6941e4903ed4e97d65e6c67b0d43c624659327
- version: 0.1-7
gesiscss/binder-r2d-g5b5b759-bitbacchus-2dlandscapemetrics-534342 419e1888d2a366045ff96c1118759fb246b0924d
- version: 0.1-7
yosuketanigawa/rocker-geospatial-seurat latest
Docker image of Seurat installed on R Studio
- version: 0.1-8