An open API service providing dependency metadata for docker images.
Package Usage : cran : png
Explore the latest package usage data for png in the cran ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 1,045
Total downloads: 4,391,905
More details on - JSON
prismcmap/lfc 94804f34cf31
- version: 0.1-7
gru4/scan2fixedhg38 latest
- version: 0.1-8
etycksen/sc_deluxe 0.2
- version: 0.1-7
aidangibbons/mortgagemodel latest
- version: 0.1-8
nikhil166/cellxgene_vip_docker v2.4
- version: 0.1-8
gesiscss/binder-r2d-g5b5b759-krisrs1128-2dmbtransfer-5fdemo-dffea6 2d8fd10001f8791f4338d3ba335fde5733370a78
- version: 0.1-8
gesiscss/binder-r2d-g5b5b759-ropensci-2druodk-43df84 a029781285d24d7d315833d1a053a10e13ac97ee
- version: 0.1-7
rayho123/hublti 20240129
- version: 0.1-8
prismcmap/batch_correction 94804f34cf31
- version: 0.1-7
gyusikhwang/tgs v1
- version: 0.1-7
alexsickler/open-pedcan latest
- version: 0.1-7
granatumx/gbox-cellid-sctype 1.0.2
- version: 0.1-8
ashish1981/x86rbaseshinyplumber latest
- version: 0.1-7
micedre/onyxia-r-datascience r4.2.3-gpu-2023.10.09
- version: 0.1-8
rsoni9898/basho_bench latest
- version: 0.1-7
broadcptac/panoply_so_nmf_sankey_report DEV
- version: 0.1-7
prismcmap/compound_summary 94804f34cf31
- version: 0.1-7
candemircan/naturalcogsci april5
Image for the following project:
- version: 0.1-8
mshriver01/share_task_archr latest
- version: 0.1-8
mswawola/api-base latest
The backend base image used in the Jules Verne project.
- version: 0.1-8
aaelonyaeg/strat-aeg-py 20230905
- version: 0.1-8
hongminc1/r_tskit_test latest
- version: 0.1-8
aidangibbons/thedraftapp latest
- version: 0.1-8
dzhakparov/geneselectr-image latest
- version: 0.1-8, 0.1-7
mknudson/share_task_cell_annotation mei-cell-annotation
- version: 0.1-8
mikesiwenwu/eversus_benchmarking v7_s3test
- version: 0.1-8, 0.1-7
brusconi/seurat latest
- version: 0.1-8
dragonflyscience/vtnz 2023-09-05
- version: 0.1-7
biomehub/encodestatsbase 0.0.5
Basic docker image used as a base for EncodeStats.
- version: 0.1-8
omicschef/epigenomechef v1.1.3
- version: 0.1-8, 0.1-7
jordantdocker/income_le_analysis latest
- version: 0.1-8
jlphillips/csci 2024-Spring
MTSU Department of Computer Science Stack
- version: 0.1-8
fluentin55/singlecell_docker 1.2
- version: 0.1-8
ucbscf/stat20-course-materials latest
- version: 0.1-8
alexthiery/archr_seurat_signac_mega 3.2
- version: 0.1-8
aliese/wwl_demand_tracker 2.1
- version: 0.1-8
espirado/slurm.worker 23.02
- version: 0.1-8
andrewsg/archr macs2
- version: 0.1-8
sergioballesterossolanas/robyn latest
- version: 0.1-8
gesiscss/binder-r2d-g5b5b759-carstenlange-2daiblogpackages-f5acfa d6dd0cf9d7cad6225db275435decb7f6976862c1
- version: 0.1-7
jorgeamaya/ci_barcode_terra_dada2_iseq v1
- version: 0.1-8
gesiscss/binder-r2d-g5b5b759-seabbs-2dcste-2dforecasting-2dworkshop-00735f 2e6dfd3f3ab8393613529c0d1a702c0412bf1c21
- version: 0.1-8
jonasmrr/scrnaseq-pipeline latest
- version: 0.1-8
wyangwu/r4.1.2 latest
- version: 0.1-8
bioxfu/xseurat2 latest
- version: 0.1-8
robertplayer/scidap-genelists v3.0.0
- version: 0.1-7
venustiano/rugplot 0.1.0
- version: 0.1-8
gevrony/hidef-seq 1.2
- version: 0.1-7
gesiscss/binder-r2d-g5b5b759-martinschweinberger-2dacqva-5fdimredr-5fwsia-033abc 5c605760e3958ebd096962c4a4cf4930daa50a6b
- version: 0.1-7
varemo/sam23 latest
- version: 0.1-8
arnstrm2/genespace 1.1.4
- version: 0.1-8
lorentzb/decontam 1.2
- version: 0.1-7
ohdsi/whatllhappentome 0.0.5
OHDSI What'll Happen To Me
- version: 0.1-7
chunjiesamliu/scmocha latest
- version: 0.1-8
srynobio/rna latest
- version: 0.1-8
unlhcc/rstudio-geospatial-r43 673c480d8370
- version: 0.1-8
gesiscss/binder-r2d-g5b5b759-olayabucaro-2dcrowd-2dsourcing-2dmpidr2023-755d7b d7938a5cd6617bd21876933e244c1f61bc28c89c
- version: 0.1-8
venustiano/dvenv v1.0.5
- version: 0.1-8
paulotaugc/16scan-metagenomics v2
- version: 0.1-7
akumar25/nersc_ergm latest
- version: 0.1-8
unlhcc/rstudio-verse-r43 673c480d8370
- version: 0.1-8
eeholmes/minimal-jhub 20231004
- version: 0.1-8
mskilab/hetpileups latest
- version: 0.1-7
giusmar/quarto 1.3.433d
- version: 0.1-8
karinaguo/pkg_test RRwf2_v23
- version: 0.1-8
dpraveen511/spot spot_ec2
- version: 0.1-8
mengchen18/xcmsviewer_process latest
- version: 0.1-7
ramanmagar/ufc-app latest
First App
- version: 0.1-8
scwatts/bolt_gpgr 0.1.0
- version: 0.1-8
mfilipuz/r_v423 23.05.09
- version: 0.1-8
ohdsi/howoften_db_diagnostics 0.0.1
OHDSI How Often database diagnostics
- version: 0.1-7
cblefari/onyxia-rstudio r4.2.3-2024.01.01
- version: 0.1-8
fgualdr/env_norm_gr_idr latest
- version: 0.1-8
yosuketanigawa/rstudio_yt latest
- version: 0.1-8
chiajungl/scrna 4.3.0-5.0
- version: 0.1-8
educative1/rbase latest
- version: 0.1-7
bianca7/deseq2 latest
- version: 0.1-8
malachycamp/db_r_122lts v3.5
- version: 0.1-8
uhwang3/cp8883 arm_support
- version: 0.1-8
alif236/rshiny-test latest
- version: 0.1-8
repbioinfo/transformgampoi latest
- version: 0.1-8
gesiscss/binder-r2d-g5b5b759-bodkan-2ddemografr-9dbfb7 bd46e4a833aed6c94d500d47350e77093275be71
- version: 0.1-7
bioedge/edge_24_1_ubuntu18 20231115
- version: 0.1-7, 0.1-8
jingxin/terrascpipe v0
- version: 0.1-8
lupgmbh/snuc 04072023
Smart Nature Use Case Tegel - Vegetationsmonitoring mit Fernerkundungsdaten
- version: 0.1-8
skchronicles/genome-seek_trim_map latest
Official docker image for trimming and alignment with genome-seek
- version: 0.1-8
rshean/shiny-test latest
- version: 0.1-8
qdidiscoveryservices/diffbind latest
- version: 0.1-8
sagemathinc/compute-rlang-arm64 latest
- version: 0.1-7
viascientific/rstudio-app-isee 1.0
- version: 0.1-7
victorhenrique5800/summarizing_fuzzy_tensors_extended_real latest
- version: 0.1-8
digitalproteomes/mh_class 2023
- version: 0.1-8
keithomayot/nlp_ins metronic
- version: 0.1-8
jackiezhuqi/bio-rstudio latest
- version: 0.1-8