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Package Usage : cran : nlme
Explore the latest package usage data for nlme in the cran ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 2,977
Total downloads: 262,222,073
More details on - JSON
839517/agronomic_us latest
- version: 3.1-157
gesiscss/orc-example-binder-christiankahmann-2dgesisnotebookwithcustomdb-5f3154 2bc4309bb12000015807880c1607401e08f5fb26
- version: 3.1-137
crukmi/target-snakemake-docker latest
- version: 3.1-139
luisas/rdropbead latest
- version: 3.1-143
arbennett/base-geoscience latest
A basic set of tools for geoscience analysis, built on jupyter/datascience-notebook
- version: 3.1-160
chgyi/metawrap latest
- version: 3.1-131
yling454/mltk-container-spark 5.0.6
- version: 3.1-158
maschroder/atlantgisbackend latest
- version: 3.1-152
hoonbiolab/freebayes v1.1
- version: 3.1-152
novascomp/pseudonymizationpkcs11 latest
- version: 3.1-152
rhub/debian-gcc11-devel latest
- version: 3.1-149
intelliseqngs/prodia_gatk- 1.0.1
- version: 3.1-150
nciccbr/ccrgb_hlaminer v2
- version: 3.1-144
dragonflyscience/fanz-olsen-p-report v1
- version: 3.1-147
canaantt/r-shiny-base latest
- version: 3.1-131.1
gesiscss/binder-ingodahn-2dnotebooks-a67faa d6b73d1c4e2d4a0656a755fa3d52dedad64da115
- version: 3.1-131.1
qdidiscoveryservices/pipeline_reporter lastest
- version: 3.1-149
tolproject/tol-prod-xenial 3.4
- version: 3.1-131.1
vnmd/afni_20.1.17 latest
- version: 3.1-139
tercen/tracksom_operator 0.1.5
- version: 3.1-152, 3.1-144
mdurant/user latest
- version: 3.1-139
dhspence/docker-rmats latest
- version: 3.1-144
ocdr/rstudio-verse latest
Base image for tensorflow and keras pakages. Created from ocdr/rstudio-base
- version: 3.1-142
hoonbiolab/bcftools v1.1
- version: 3.1-152
rhub/debian-gcc10-devel latest
- version: 3.1-148
keithgraham5/cnvrobot_v4_2 latest
- version: 3.1-150
helderprado/jupyter-stack-server latest
- version: 3.1-159
tanmayagarwal/data-science-salary-predictor d1dd813f
- version: 3.1-160
mlepetit/rnormalisation 1.0
- version: 3.1-152, 3.1-144
intelliseqngs/prodia_task_nipt-anno 1.0.6
- version: 3.1-144
hoonbiolab/star-fusion v1.0
- version: 3.1-144
koki/bindsc 20220609
- version: 3.1-157
gesiscss/binder-r2d-g5b5b759-pderyckesciensano-2dphiri-5fusecase-5fb-b8eec2 bddc3670435e9d5c5472882575e187b1f68ad974
- version: 3.1-157
libuxuan/cnfutures_codeserver microsoft
- version: 3.1-155
tolproject/dss_tol 5.0.1_3.4
- version: 3.1-137
kboltonlab/enspara jupyter3.0
- version: 3.1-148
evolbioinfo/r-gisaid v4.1.2
- version: 3.1-153
gesiscss/binder-zhentaoshi-2dmsc-2dnotes-cf8206 539d2303723dc395e9312bfa9b70e11d9babc439
- version: 3.1-143
markshill/clustering_tree_building-env latest
- version: 3.1-157
luisas/rde latest
- version: 3.1-144
gesiscss/binder-zenodo-2d1470939-66bf55 1470939
- version: 3.1-143
pavel5465/php latest
- version: 3.1-137
vnmd/afni_20.3.02 latest
- version: 3.1-139
sheddn/bioinformatics-tools latest
- version: 3.1-155
dragonflyscience/dragonverse-gls v2
- version: 3.1-152
ashish1981/zbatchmonitoring v1.0.2
- version: 3.1-145
evolbioinfo/treestructure a831a66
treestructure R package (Volz et al. bioRxiv 704528; doi:
- version: 3.1-124
intelliseqngs/task_cov-microdel 1.0.0
- version: 3.1-144
harshjain12/latest14 1.0
- version: 3.1-159
afcai2c/r-studio-geo latest
- version: 3.1-152
intelliseqngs/prodia_task_vcf-qc 1.0.7
- version: 3.1-155
tercen/karolinska_demultiplex_docker_operator 0.1.1
- version: 3.1-152
hoonbiolab/telomeasure v1.1
- version: 3.1-152
atttilacs/omardspcode latest
- version: 3.1-160
anthonychu/r-func 0.1
- version: 3.1-137
fjardim/jupyter_datascience latest
- version: 3.1-145
intelliseqngs/prodia_task_bam-wisecondorx 1.0.4
- version: 3.1-144
fazenda/rdc301armbian latest
- version: 3.1-144
weishwu/systempiper 12022022
- version: 3.1-157
etretiakov/workbench-session-complete jammy-2023.10.24-custom-12.5
- version: 3.1-163
biodancer/nasap_performance latest
write later
- version: 3.1-155
ocdr/roche-rstudio test
- version: 3.1-120
afcai2c/rstudio-dl 20230120il5
R Studio with deep learning libraries installed.
- version: 3.1-160
sktrinh12/bdb-shinyapp base_v1
BDBiosciences metadata shiny app
- version: 3.1-149, 3.1-151
vnmd/afni_20.2.03 latest
- version: 3.1-139
aalamsoft/qbotexec latest
- version: 3.1-131
hylleraas/singleuser-orca latest
- version: 3.1-155
rapporteket/ltmv-dev main
- version: 3.1-160
qdidiscoveryservices/flowr 1.0
- version: 3.1-157
udbhav8897/mygithubactions latest
- version: 3.1-152
gesiscss/binder-czxa-2dhchinamap-481670 bd9bd85d1ddafbd8f2b3f82542eb5825342b7229
- version: 3.1-143
uriahf/rtichoke_api main
- version: 3.1-162
kaizhang/scatac-bench 0.2.1
- version: 3.1-162
archilles/asso 20230613
- version: 3.1-152
inseefrlab/shiny-app-template main
- version: 3.1-153
gcriodeeplearning/r-cpu deprecated-public-image-7be0864c985a3
- version: 3.1-163
crukcibioinformatics/mgareferencebuilder 1.0.0
- version: 3.1-160
koki/urchin_workflow_r 20220531
- version: 3.1-157
leepc12/test-jupyterhub v0.2.0
- version: 3.1-162
markataylor/r_mass_spec v1.0.0
- version: 3.1-160
intelliseqngs/task_ibd-report 1.0.0
- version: 3.1-144
ahbbcc/r-covid latest
- version: 3.1-152
n3ng/fintech-lib latest
- version: 3.1-152
gbirch11/dsc180-replication latest
- version: 3.1-152
gesiscss/binder-krassowski-2djupyterlab-2dlsp-28f8bf fe8bbe2900a02b8fffc7771e200c4caaf647bcb6
- version: 3.1-143
tomershvueli/vscode-app 20210421-132145-264ac40ad
- version: 3.1-152
intelliseqngs/mobigen_plot v0.1
- version: 3.1-131
qdidiscoveryservices/mcpcounter 20200618
- version: 3.1-152
prismcmap/qc-screen 26be7aa8ab48
- version: 3.1-157
marorro/gpu-base sha-a54d2f8
- version: 3.1-160
almahmoud/bioc-manager RELEASE_3_14
- version: 3.1-153
mrkevindc/varscan latest
- version: 3.1-150
fgualdr/envrperm latest
- version: 3.1-160
vnmd/afni_20.2.16 latest
- version: 3.1-139
biodepot/r-bioc 4.2.2__ubuntu_22.04
- version: 3.1-160
ovik/r-base-tidyverse latest
Base R image with tidyverse
- version: 3.1-158