An open API service providing dependency metadata for docker images.
Package Usage : cran : nlme
Explore the latest package usage data for nlme in the cran ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 2,977
Total downloads: 262,222,073
More details on - JSON
rajagile/sparkjoblogs 2
- version: 3.1-137
hoonbiolab/svclone v1.1.1
- version: 3.1-160
kcapd/wings-genomics-full latest
- version: 3.1-129
mirekphd/ml-cpu-r36-rs 20200131
- version: 3.1-143
hoonbiolab/multiqc v1.1
- version: 3.1-152
iandennismiller/rstudio latest
- version: 3.1-137
tercen/tracer_docker_operator_base 1.0.0
- version: 3.1-152
lendrock/rstudioqa3-lendrock latest
- version: 3.1-144, 3.1-152
gesiscss/binder-uw-2dmadison-2ddatascience-2dotu-2dvignette-f2459f 84607c79642d786c08b1d37ac66e84d6d35b38de
- version: 3.1-143
scottcame/australia-federal-2016 latest
- version: 3.1-137
bryanfisk/capybara latest
- version: 3.1-152
biocontainers/ecomet phenomenal-v1.1_cv0.3.39
- version: 3.1-137, 3.1-131
ashish1981/clefos-shiny-server shiny
- version: 3.1-139
xerl/rmd-maker 0.1
- version: 3.1-148
dhspence/docker-cle-cwl latest
from mgibio with cwl in there too
- version: 3.1-124
gesiscss/binder-hms-2ddbmi-2dcontraceptionontwitter-19110a a2821e9882cedeb131ff372cc0feb62f9ddd181b
- version: 3.1-144
vnmd/rstudio_1.4.1106 latest
- version: 3.1-152
sebinno/test_vscode 0.1.1
- version: 3.1-155
jfcal/h2o-r-slim latest
- version: 3.1-143
aot29/harvardx-dv-notebook v1.1
- version: 3.1-141
huitacademictechnology/fas-rstudio-general sha-47ae0c3
- version: 3.1-160
jiandong/notebook cudagl-11-devel-ubuntu20.04
- version: 3.1-150
dragonflyscience/rsi-website 2021-07-20
- version: 3.1-147
rajagile/spark1258 3
- version: 3.1-137
vanessa/sorting_stat latest
Harry Potter sorting hat for R based on Twitter tweets
- version: 3.1-131
luisas/dropseq v3
- version: 3.1-124
atingupta2005/rocker_tidyverse latest
- version: 3.1-141, 3.1-129, 3.1-140
ctomlins/tellread_2022 latest
- version: 3.1-141
ctomlins/score latest
- version: 3.1-144
focaloiddev/r-base latest.slimxx
- version: 3.1-162
dragonflyscience/auxo2022-report 2022-11-15
- version: 3.1-152
hoonbiolab/variantannotation_r v1.1
- version: 3.1-152
alessio619/shinywidgets 4.1.2
- version: 3.1-153
ashish1981/r-ver test
- version: 3.1-144
gesiscss/binder-chrisflath-2dmps-5f2019-085cfd 407ce91ee34e666d3ab3ddc1e7f2e5098c7533e9
- version: 3.1-143
alfranz/shiny-server latest
Shiny Server image Based on shinyverse and some other packages.
- version: 3.1-137
alaskajoslin/jupyter-server-base v2.0.4
- version: 3.1-160
inseefrlab/grimoire-r latest
- version: 3.1-137
dragonflyscience/r-shiny v2
- version: 3.1-147
openanalytics/hello-user2019 latest
- version: 3.1-139
danielepalaia/greenplum-for-kubernetes latest
- version: 3.1-149
elimayost/pwa-daily-metrics-dashboard 127743b
- version: 3.1-155
linqiaozhi/r-workspace latest
- version: 3.1-160
evolbioinfo/r-sra v3.6.1
- version: 3.1-140
hoonbiolab/delly v1.1
- version: 3.1-152
gesiscss/binder-kwb-2dr-2dkwb-2ewtaq-a6d0f6 c59d0d5454e87f705fa5f04af2c363fe1211b952
- version: 3.1-143
mirekphd/ml-gpu-r35-cuda90-rstud devel_9f39157
- version: 3.1-137
nuest/altrnative-paper latest
- version: 3.1-139
hoonbiolab/vcf-kit v1.1
- version: 3.1-152
ogre0403/spark-worker 3.3.0
- version: 3.1-152
robsyme/cosmo latest
- version: 3.1-160
qdidiscoveryservices/glimma 4.2.0
- version: 3.1-157
chriswyatt/svm1071deseq2limma latest
- version: 3.1-153
mattjmeier/r-odaf-hc-prod latest
- version: 3.1-161
qdidiscoveryservices/rocker-tidyverse 4.2.2
- version: 3.1-160
- version: 3.1-147
qdidiscoveryservices/seurat_cell_annotation latest
- version: 3.1-160
hoonbiolab/gatk4_scnv v1.1
- version: 3.1-152
gesiscss/binder-iohanes-2dphspace-a568e3 60d58f89952add3d2321289e7046bbb5f452be45
- version: 3.1-124
tipsarin/kubeflow-rstudio latest
rstudio for kubeflow
- version: 3.1-152
playground7/rstudio-analysis latest
- version: 3.1-131
koki/velocytor 20221015
- version: 3.1-160
hoonbiolab/ascat v1.1
- version: 3.1-152
koki/workflow 20210327
- version: 3.1-152
gesiscss/binder-ajstewartlang-2dbinder-5fdemo-a82af5 b2c39fc6050f1879a6707e4a703da12f7c935b1f
- version: 3.1-139
vanessa/docker-r 3.5.2
A small (alpine base) image with Docker and R installed.
- version: 3.1-137
galclbl/epityping latest
A repository for the epityping tool container
- version: 3.1-160
gesiscss/binder-r-2dspark-2dthe-2dr-2din-2dspark-5eb15d 68b42f8c2b8f78ed9ce68bded4ae6549d2a423d5
- version: 3.1-139
aot29/spectral-analysis latest
A docker container for doing spectral analysis in R.
- version: 3.1-140
davarski/spark301-k8s-minio-base 2.0.0
- version: 3.1-151
gesiscss/binder-carjed-2ddoomsayer-85bbc5 651e939aaf1eaaf8af63957b67b7b5146ab90d6e
- version: 3.1-143
ztamayo/nbridge-os latest
- version: 3.1-137
ghhenry/curio-seeker-pipeline latest
- version: 3.1-160
ocdr/roche-notebook test
- version: 3.1-147
evolbioinfo/treewas v1.0
A phylogenetic tree-based approach to genome-wide association studies in microbes
- version: 3.1-131.1
gesiscss/binder-matthewfeickert-2drootbinder-8a126c 16f4ffeadb269a100a8ca4f41e63c9c2ec455e84
- version: 3.1-139
trust1/shiny v0
- version: 3.1-152
ddiazescandon/funannotate 1.8.15
nextgenusfs/funannotate:latest with eukaryta db, phyml for dn/ds and a conda installation
- version: 3.1-150
intelliseqngs/pharmcat-resources 1.1.0
- version: 3.1-150
ogre0403/spark-history 3.3.0
- version: 3.1-152
rajagile/sparkhs 3
- version: 3.1-137
hoonbiolab/mixcr v1.1
- version: 3.1-152
hoonbiolab/lohhla v1.1
- version: 3.1-152
dragonflyscience/kapiti-reef-fish 2020-07-15
- version: 3.1-147
zjor/datascience-notebook latest
- version: 3.1-131
dragonflyscience/dragonfly-reports-20.04 latest
- version: 3.1-157
jpsmith5/peppro latest
- version: 3.1-160
aot29/dv-notebook latest
- version: 3.1-142
rafgs09/phoenix-jhub vlester2
phoenix jupyterhub
- version: 3.1-152
rkrishnanarjun/credit_default_predict v1.3.0
Repository that hosts the docker image for the ML project credit_default_predict
- version: 3.1-160
alanocallaghan/high-dimensional-stats-r latest
- version: 3.1-161
marcoinacio/two-sample-source-docker latest
Source code for article "Comparing two populations...".
- version: 3.1-124
luisas/rdeanalysis latest
- version: 3.1-144
tercen/cytonorm 0.0.14
- version: 3.1-152, 3.1-144