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Package Usage : cran : modeltools
Explore the latest package usage data for modeltools in the cran ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 141
Total downloads: 288,357
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estat/rdc301-upload 08-12-2023-083956
- version: 0.2-23
nandhinis08/projectathon6-miracum1-step2-hamburg-debug latest
- version: 0.2-23
weizhoujp/r-chtc-v1 latest
- version: 0.2-23
genular/base_image 2.0.0
Base image used in PADNORA -
- version: 0.2-23
nahyunkong/sv-pipeline latest
- version: 0.2-23
stevenpawley/rstats-ml latest
Image for general machine learning in R
- version: 0.2-23
bigomics/omicsplayground v3.4.3
Self-service analytics for big omics data
- version: 0.2-23
bigomics/omicsplayground-base ub2204_v4
- version: 0.2-23
vanallenlab/g2c_pipeline batch_fx_fix_yl_v2
- version: 0.2-23
meenaljhajharia/bda-docker latest
- version: 0.2-23
gesiscss/binder-r2d-g5b5b759-slcladal-2dinteractive-2dnotebooks-2denvironment-0b0926 ed7ef35669d3c862cf4eeb6508fce6463d0669d7
- version: 0.2-23
fallingstar10/hbsigrocker latest
- version: 0.2-23
genular/pandora 2.0.0
- version: 0.2-23
sgiamberardinorti/dge_analysis 202304171546_x86_64
202304171546 : Rv4.2.3 / argparse ________________ 202303100921 : Rv4.2.2 / no argparse
- version: 0.2-23
astrand/testinvpath abc
- version: 0.2-23
carbotrain/carbotrain latest
- version: 0.2-23
weizhoujp/rchtc 4.3.0
- version: 0.2-23
tariship/dev_sync_directories latest
- version: 0.2-23
andimajore/unpast_eval_container_asthma latest
- version: 0.2-23
harshaldeokar/us_medgenome_v12 latest
- version: 0.2-23
brusconi/seurat latest
- version: 0.2-23
dragonflyscience/vtnz 2023-09-05
- version: 0.2-23
biomehub/encodestatsbase 0.0.5
Basic docker image used as a base for EncodeStats.
- version: 0.2-23
bioxfu/xseurat2 latest
- version: 0.2-23
andimajore/unpast_eval_container_bc latest
- version: 0.2-23
chunjiesamliu/scmocha latest
- version: 0.2-23
gesiscss/binder-r2d-g5b5b759-otrecoding-2dotrecod-6856ab b9168b9f50d6e29617d4cd99a47c201bcd59b75c
- version: 0.2-23
yosuketanigawa/rstudio_yt latest
- version: 0.2-23
jingxin/terrascpipe v0
- version: 0.2-23
keithomayot/nlp_ins metronic
- version: 0.2-23
ycli1995/bioinfo_dev 1.0.1
- version: 0.2-23
vasilkor/shiny-verse 1.0.19
- version: 0.2-23
gesiscss/binder-r2d-g5b5b759-marine-2danalyst-2doceanicfronts-b5d981 4f07ff25e963563e979a5f60c21432ae4866dc7b
- version: 0.2-22
etretiakov/rocker-session latest
- version: 0.2-23
qbituniverse/titanic-ai-api latest
- version: 0.2-23
ghost525/rstudio test
rstudio image using rserver
- version: 0.2-23
gesiscss/binder-r2d-g5b5b759-frosttho-2ddoessizematter-3d8837 ae594365c38f25818dafca69cd7c5194077f06b6
- version: 0.2-23
kubran/odcf_aceseqcalling v6
- version: 0.2-23
darribas/gdsrpy latest
- version: 0.2-23
mdbrannock/network_transform debug
- version: 0.2-23
gm088/svm 071123
- version: 0.2-23
omicsclass/metagenomics latest
- version: 0.2-23
costanzopadovano/bioconductor_r_image jupyter_notebook_version
Docker image preconfigured with R and Bioconductor for streamlined bioinformatics data analysis.
- version: 0.2-23
skydashan/infercnv 1.0.2
- version: 0.2-23
gesiscss/binder-r2d-gd3c7441-christiankahmann-2dlcm-5fbinderhub-b7eb67 21891c5c38e3f9093b5e3934ac07c6e61ebd1734
- version: 0.2-22