An open API service providing dependency metadata for docker images.
Package Usage : cran : mime
Explore the latest package usage data for mime in the cran ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 2,180
Total downloads: 176,355,154
More details on - JSON
technologymaze/jupyter-datascience latest
- version: 0.12
gesiscss/binder-afukushima-2dmseap-da77e1 2dbb713c0800051cdfb6cfb89d5d8fbbb1884026
- version: 0.5
gesiscss/binder-cameronraysmith-2dmlreview-5fnotebooks-41c02e 8efc3dd5da522364c30e4cf95a7f72d901884fb3
- version: 0.7
ntobias85/abe_repo degust_build
- version: 0.12
shashankti/rimage v1
- version: 0.12
aiboot/r-paaron fixed
- version: 0.12
koningb/smart-solar latest
- version: 0.12
yoswarah/fast-api delta23
test fast api
- version: 0.9
gesiscss/binder-ds421-2ddocker-2dtutorial-30bf5e 821258d172cef1b4b0dcf56940cba3d0b934b1ad
- version: 0.7
paulhager2/atn latest
- version: 0.12
gesiscss/binder-r2d-g5b5b759-roshanpbhatta23-2dmy-2dfirst-2dbinder1-d43e6f 8b5cd52e7257d415d0e64870df6978ad9b621f9b
- version: 0.12
lglforfun/rstudio_dev 4.3.2.wooldridge
- version: 0.12
tetrahydrofuran/dockerfile-practice v0.1.0
- version: 0.12
vnmd/afni_23.0.04 20230216
- version: 0.12
estat/skuanalysisallcontry 14-06-2023-095332
- version: 0.12
peterjansson/appnuc 0.8.0
Applied nuclear physics relevant software, containerized.
- version: 0.12
crukmi/liana_tensor2 0.1.9
- version: 0.12
gesiscss/binder-r2d-gd3c7441-vandaele-2dmixmod-2dnotebook-a9ac65 a05f6f8147ba35ef023bf65830ce04dec18170a0
- version: 0.11
madhu99/sb6 latest
- version: 0.12
ankislyakov/my_jupyter_v v1
- version: 0.12
kellywujy/tidyinferential v0.3.0
An image created based on rocker/tidyverse with inferential analysis R packages added and Python
- version: 0.12
cjagla/seurat_shiny latest
- version: 0.12
hoonbiolab/hmftools_sv v.2.13.2
- version: 0.12
jop010/replication latest
- version: 0.11
scottyang17/cogs118a_cuda latest
- version: 0.11
appliedepi/stats_course latest
- version: 0.12
peeyushweav/r-flask base
- version: 0.12
jwong086/dsci-310-group-01 latest
- version: 0.12
uzochukka/project_image latest
- version: 0.12
brianyee/rnaseq snakemake_1.0.0
- version: 0.12
riazarbi/zarbitrage 20230523
- version: 0.12
rossonet/zeppelin-lab latest
- version: 0.10
jmonlong/terra-rstudio-custom 0.0.1
- version: 0.12
ciprnd/onyxia-r-python-julia r4.2.3-2023.05.26
- version: 0.12
shl198/rna_ppl latest
- version: 0.12
jordanwhitlock/setbp1_manuscript_panda_1.0.1 latest
- version: 0.12
infuseaictiml/model-r-keras-mnist v0.2.0
- version: 0.10
gesiscss/binder-r2d-g5b5b759-cropbox-2dcropbox-2ejl-4ccb11 ea7887b6503fe0e91013f415e94e9990521ec4bd
- version: 0.12
anmokhta/dsc180b-proj2 latest
- version: 0.11
bicore/gcs_10x_rnaseq_qc 4.2.0
- version: 0.12
vnmd/rstudio_2022.07.2 latest
- version: 0.12
djmolitor/mobility-and-pollution latest
Docker image for replicating "Intergenerational Economic Mobility and Ambient Air Pollution".
- version: 0.12
yeanukkim/terra-tidyverse latest
- version: 0.12
gesiscss/binder-r2d-g5b5b759-zajitschekteam-2dlifespananalysis-b9f5ab 9163dcab9cc1ae6e6620a658ed5798daeb17371a
- version: 0.7
ciprnd/onyxia-rstudio-sparkr r4.1.3-spark3.3.1-2023.05.26
- version: 0.12
tannedruse101/customer_complaint_analyzer v0.6.0
- version: 0.12
payne6861/stereonote_non_conda_clusterprofiler_enrichplot v1.0.1
- version: 0.12
artotim/pamda main
Container ready to generate analysis data from a molecular dynamic trajectory.
- version: 0.9
ammarb99/dsci-310-midterm latest
- version: 0.12
firriver/crvs latest
- version: 0.12
mfsentma/rna latest
- version: 0.12
mercury/nf_qc_scrna v2
- version: 0.12
cznewt/jupyter-tools latest
- version: 0.12
joseper/ntts_benchmarks_r latest
- version: 0.12
gmillot/r_v4.1.2_ig_clustering_v1.2 gitlab_v9.8
- version: 0.12
thicknavyrain/supergradients latest
- version: 0.7
madhavsub/rstudio latestseurat
- version: 0.12
oatsybob/nwisguishiny 2
- version: 0.12
ucigenomics/spatiallibd latest
- version: 0.12
jelaniwoods/tidyverse-wip4 latest
- version: 0.12
danhumassmed/debrowser 1.0.1
Software for Bioinformatics pipelines DEBrowser
- version: 0.12
jvspadao/rpython latest
- version: 0.12
pl92297/rtracklayer latest
- version: 0.9
samplix/droplet-viewer-internal latest
- version: 0.12
toczuba/mousemetaboliteatlas latest
- version: 0.12
williamwu7/repac v.99
- version: 0.12
hiyos/180b latest
- version: 0.11
gesiscss/binder-r2d-g5b5b759-heroalone-2dgwas-5fhandson-5fwien-83141f 12998fa9493566ef60d36e8190503fc21a0d8bf9
- version: 0.12
landscapedatacommons/sp-benchmark-exploration-tool 4.2.2
- version: 0.12
alessio619/socialimpactdeploy v1.1.1
- version: 0.12
chasestolworthy/rethinking latest
- version: 0.9
chasestolworthy/base2 latest
- version: 0.9
compbiocore/jupyterhub-docker-images-jh_image 20230524
- version: 0.12
weishwu/diffbind 3.6.5
- version: 0.12
jorpena/rdataviz-app latest
- version: 0.12
carlsvelzm/code-ml latest
- version: 0.12
peterdjames/r-w-kdb-image-simple latest
- version: 0.10
bandpassednoise/carregs latest
- version: 0.9
xlight/jupyter-notebook-w-pypi latest
- version: 0.7
chiajungl/seurat 4.3.0-5.0
- version: 0.12
alexthiery/r_sqldf 0.2
- version: 0.12
sharvaribatchx/dada2-filter-learn-errors latest
- version: 0.12
evaristor/muter latest
- version: 0.12
purnendu89/unmatched_2 latest
- version: 0.12
qx658/eas-shiny latest
- version: 0.12
abolwin/clientreporting-base latest
- version: 0.12
mitpenguin/analysis dev-20230524
- version: 0.12