An open API service providing dependency metadata for docker images.
Package Usage : cran : dichromat
Explore the latest package usage data for dichromat in the cran ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 271
Total downloads: 43,526,274
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broadinstitute/genomes-in-the-cloud 2.1.1
Genomes-in-the-cloud is a genomic analysis pipeline project developed by the Broad Institute.
- version: 2.0-0
broadinstitute/gatk3 3.8-1
Official release repository for GATK versions 3.x
- version: 2.0-0
rocker/geospatial 4.4.2
Docker-based Geospatial toolkit for R, built on versioned Rocker images
- version: 2.0-0.1
dit4c/dit4c-container-qgis latest
DIT4C image for QGIS
- version: 2.0-0
rocker/binder 4.4.1
Adds binder to rocker/tidyverse, providing JupyterHub access on rocker containers
- version: 2.0-0.1
rocker/ropensci 3.4.1
- version: 2.0-0
rocker/ml-verse 4.4.1
- version: 2.0-0.1
mirekphd/ml-cpu-r40-rs-cust 20230912
- version: 2.0-0.1
mirekphd/ml-cpu-r36-rs-cust latest
- version: 2.0-0.1
artemklevtsov/r-alpine 3.3.1
R docker images based on the alpine:latest
- version: 2.0-0
mirekphd/ml-cpu-r36-base latest
- version: 2.0-0.1
kbase/kbase sdkbase.latest
- version: 2.0-0
dragonflyscience/niwaverse 2020-08-11
- version: 2.0-0
kbase/narrprereq 1.3
Narrative prerequisite base image (used by kbase/narrabase).
- version: 2.0-0
biocontainers/ipo develop
A Tool for automated Optimization of XCMS Parameters
- version: 2.0-0
mirekphd/ml-cpu-r35-rs 20190201
- version: 2.0-0
afcai2c/r-studio-dl latest
R Studio with Deep Learning AI/ML packages installed [builds upon jlab-eda]
- version: 2.0-0
beakernotebook/beaker-base latest
Base image for building beaker docker image
- version: 2.0-0
kbase/kbase_base latest
KBase Base Image containing Core services and runtime
- version: 2.0-0
kbase/sdkbase latest
- version: 2.0-0
anzaika/selectoscope_base latest
Base image with all pipeline parts for selectoscope.
- version: 2.0-0
dhspence/docker-sicer latest
- version: 2.0-0
biocontainers/mitohifi 3.0.0_cv1
- version: 2.0-0
tercen/operator_base 1.0.5
- version: 2.0-0
namshi/docker-r-base ashiddo11-patch-1
Base image for r projects.
- version: 2.0-0
intelliseqngs/resources longranger_v0.1
- version: 2.0-0
dhspence/docker-basestation latest
- version: 2.0-0
qdidiscoveryservices/py3_cellranger 6.1.2
- version: 2.0-0
mirekphd/ml-cpu-r35-jnb devel_2b2752c
- version: 2.0-0
biocontainers/bioconductor-cummerbund v2.16.0-2-deb_cv1
- version: 2.0-0
gesiscss/binder-wshuyi-2ddemo-2dgganimate-2dnycflights-d5bc2b 5f3e2bb06e5a294f29984b39e72ce8f748e488e3
- version: 2.0-0
biocontainers/bioconductor-biovizbase v1.22.0-2-deb_cv1
- version: 2.0-0
nuest/tidyverse-versioned 3.4.1
- version: 2.0-0
vanessa/repo2docker-r latest
- version: 2.0-0
vanessa/keras-r latest
simple container with R wrapper for Keras neural network library
- version: 2.0-0
nuest/verse-versioned 3.4.1
- version: 2.0-0
inseefrlab/travail-collaboratif 0.1.0
- version: 2.0-0.1
ctomlins/minion_qc latest
- version: 2.0-0
vanessa/prostate-raps latest
Dockerized prostate cancer re-ocurrence and survival prediction
- version: 2.0-0
biocontainers/speaq phenomenal-v2.3.1_cv1.0.1.13
- version: 2.0-0
gesiscss/binder-wshuyi-2ddemo-2dsummarytools-2dbinder-ee5456 90e5897962e0d3d761fe7dc8dc5ffe8903e81473
- version: 2.0-0
izone/anaconda gpu
Anaconda3 5.2.0, R-Notebook and PySpark v2.3.2
- version: 2.0-0
biocontainers/bioconductor-gviz v1.18.1-1-deb_cv1
- version: 2.0-0
chgyi/bio 3.5.1
- version: 2.0-0
canaantt/notitia-ocpu latest
This is part of zager/notitia.
- version: 2.0-0
biocontainers/bioconductor-qvalue v2.6.0-1-deb_cv1
- version: 2.0-0
biocontainers/bioconductor-deseq2 v1.14.1-1-deb_cv1
- version: 2.0-0
vanessa/explore_drug_database latest
explore the official French's drug database
- version: 2.0-0
tolproject/mmsdiag-process 0.3.0
- version: 2.0-0
biocontainers/bioconductor-savr v1.12.0-1-deb_cv1
- version: 2.0-0
biocontainers/bioconductor-phyloseq v1.19.1-2-deb_cv1
- version: 2.0-0
ojbc/analytics-opencpu-demo latest
- version: 2.0-0
scottcame/shiny latest
- version: 2.0-0
mirekphd/ml-cpu-r35-nx devel_fdbf539
- version: 2.0-0
dragonflyscience/dragonfly-reports-14.04 latest
Docker for generating Dragonfly reports, based on Ubuntu 14.04, with texlive and selected R packages
- version: 2.0-0
dhspence/docker-manta 1.5.0
- version: 2.0-0
gesiscss/binder-gbonomib-2dmlteachings-358c59 66daed0821ab7c5137094d1f010dcb32b8c2b8d0
- version: 2.0-0
inseefrlab/onyxia-r ds-r4.1.2-gpu-2022.09.08
A R environment with a collection of standard data science packages.
- version: 2.0-0.1
v4tech/dev-offline latest
An everything and the kitchen-sink build. Full Anaconda (python 2.7) and R build.
- version: 2.0-0
ojbc/analytics-opencpu latest
- version: 2.0-0
cepremap/dynare-jupyter v0.1.4
Debian stable + Dynare + Jupyter
- version: 2.0-0
luissalgadofreire/h2o-pysparkling onbuild
Creates a machine learning environment using h2o's sparkling water in pysparkling mode.
- version: 2.0-0
mirekphd/ml-cpu-r35-rdp 20180918
- version: 2.0-0
testalabgh/downstream signac-1.4.0
- version: 2.0-0.1
veitveit/compomicsworkflow dev
- version: 2.0-0
gesiscss/binder-darribas-2dgds-5fucm19-a1b96e 27cbafcf6a865910a18b835a4efc47e9fd532696
- version: 2.0-0
luisas/gatk latest
- version: 2.0-0
scottcame/tidyverse-mariadb latest
- version: 2.0-0
genomehubs/mitohifi latest
- version: 2.0-0
gesiscss/binder-tlbbd-2dspring2018-2dlab-5f10-b89db5 85cb00a8af28ec9af53e79e947b0f4ff648544a6
- version: 2.0-0
vanessa/rstudio-neuro latest
Dockerized rstudio with some statistics and neuro packages!
- version: 2.0-0
v4tech/dev-offline3 latest
An everything and the kitchen-sink build. Full Anaconda (python 3) and R build.
- version: 2.0-0
gesiscss/binder-statomics-2dsga2019-4a5361 1c74d6b57a18a85f98e3380f8356a4a6b5413520
- version: 2.0-0
tipsarin/rstudio 4.1.3viraltrack
- version: 2.0-0
dhspence/docker-vep 93
- version: 2.0-0
luissalgadofreire/jupyter-spark onbuild
Creates an environment for local jupyter notebook based pyspark data science projects.
- version: 2.0-0
mirekphd/ml-cpu-r35-guac devel_6f33d1e
- version: 2.0-0
ztamayo/mnap_deps1 latest
Dockerfile 1 for MNAP dependencies.
- version: 2.0-0
rocker/vscode latest
- version: 2.0-0
luisas/gatk-haplotypecaller latest
- version: 2.0-0
luissalgadofreire/zeppelin-spark onbuild
Creates a spark data science environment using Apache Zeppelin as the web UI.
- version: 2.0-0
gesiscss/binder-tlbbd-2dsp2018-2dlab-5f10-9db2c2 85cb00a8af28ec9af53e79e947b0f4ff648544a6
- version: 2.0-0
vanessa/mandalas latest
generate beautiful colored mandalas with R
- version: 2.0-0
afcai2c/r-studio-valex latest
- version: 2.0-0
dragonflyscience/paua_world 2020-07-22
- version: 2.0-0
dragonflyscience/overseer2022-report 2024-01-22
- version: 2.0-0.1
mirekphd/ml-gpu-r35-cuda90 devel_00b4e38
- version: 2.0-0
qdidiscoveryservices/batch_correction latest
- version: 2.0-0
gesiscss/binder-tlbbd-2dspring2018-2dlab-5f01-2282c8 5269efa938a9cdcb0ed1c3f032b44329e58c84ba
- version: 2.0-0
biocontainers/tamenmr phenomenal-v1.0_cv0.5.10
- version: 2.0-0
scottcame/dw-sf-demo-loader latest
Image to support a demonstration of syncing salesforce data to
- version: 2.0-0
inseefrlab/onyxia-jupyter-r r4.4.2-2024.12.16
- version: 2.0-0.1
gesiscss/binder-tlbbd-2dspring2018-2dlab-5f03-666af7 7f548fca8d136939e10410662702a657b66a9f9c
- version: 2.0-0
vanessa/seurat latest
- version: 2.0-0
ztamayo/mnap_deps2 latest
Dockerfile 2 for MNAP dependencies.
- version: 2.0-0
tolproject/mms-report 0.0.0
- version: 2.0-0