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Package Usage : cran : datasets
Explore the latest package usage data for datasets in the cran ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 3,171
Total downloads: 264,444,891
More details on - JSON
almurphy/mungesumstats latest
- version: 4.3.0
lopesi2bc/surfmap 2.1.0
- version: 4.1.2
msantoso98/picard 2.20.1
- version: 3.6.3
andrewatmp/qiime_unzip latest
- version: 4.2.3
prismcmap/qc 94804f34cf31
- version: 4.0.2
etycksen/dragen4 4.2.4
- version: 4.3.1
broadcptacdev/activedriver_mimp latest
- version: 3.6.3
hblu1985/r-keras latest
based on rocker/tidyverse added keras with tensorflow-cpu
- version: 4.2.2
eozgul/r-session-complete centos7-09-June-2023.custom
- version: 3.6.2, 3.6.1, 4.0.5, 3.6.3, 4.1.3, 4.2.2, 4.2.3, 4.1.2
dhspence/docker-rstudio-python latest
- version: 4.2.2
gru4/scan2workinghg38 latest
- version: 4.1.3
e73kiel/rstudio latest
- version: 4.3.0
gfanz/solexaqa latest
Sequence quality stats and visualisation of second-gen sequencing data.
- version: 4.0.4
yshen99/mssl latest
- version: 4.2.2
indraniel/chip-pipeline-annotation v1
- version: 4.2.3
stefanucciluca/tregopathies latest
- version: 4.2.0
prismcmap/lfc 94804f34cf31
- version: 4.0.2
biohpc/scrna2023 2.0.1
- version: 4.2.2
jeffersonlab/cvmfs fedora36
- version: 4.1.3
gru4/scan2fixedhg38 latest
- version: 4.1.3
biocorecrg/microbiomeprofile 0.4
- version: 4.1.3
harshaldeokar/us_medgenome_v12 latest
- version: 3.6.3
etycksen/sc_deluxe 0.2
- version: 4.2.0
aidangibbons/mortgagemodel latest
- version: 4.3.1
mgaloto/bs4dashdolar 01
- version: 4.2.3
relevancelab/rstudio 4.2.1
- version: 4.2.1
maulik23/scalepopgen 0.1.2
- version: 4.2.2
nikhil166/cellxgene_vip_docker v2.4
- version: 3.6.3
gesiscss/binder-r2d-g5b5b759-krisrs1128-2dmbtransfer-5fdemo-dffea6 2d8fd10001f8791f4338d3ba335fde5733370a78
- version: 4.3.0
coursekata/essentials-notebook sha-929ea58
- version: 4.1.2, 4.3.1
pieratio/tickerwebshot latest
- version: 4.2.3
islasgeci/progress_feral_cat_eradication latest
- version: 4.2.2
gesiscss/binder-r2d-g5b5b759-ropensci-2druodk-43df84 a029781285d24d7d315833d1a053a10e13ac97ee
- version: 4.1.3
ah3inz3l/rstudio-server 2024-04-0-daily-172
rstudio-server (daily channel) on ubuntu:22.04.
- version: 4.1.2
rayho123/hublti 20240129
- version: 4.3.1
prismcmap/batch_correction 94804f34cf31
- version: 4.0.2
gyusikhwang/tgs v1
- version: 4.1.2
alexsickler/open-pedcan latest
- version: 3.6.0
gesiscss/binder-r2d-g5b5b759-thaanya95-2dconda-5fbinder-5f7030-5081ac 5213111f705d029c09622177b2903abd1ddbdf73
- version: 4.0.5
earthlabcu/imgspec-js2 3
- version: 4.1.3
granatumx/gbox-cellid-sctype 1.0.2
- version: 4.0.3
cbgr/jaspar_downstream_tffm 0.3.1
- version: 3.6.0
ashish1981/x86rbaseshinyplumber latest
- version: 4.1.3
graefox/rapid_cns2 latest
- version: 4.1.2
micedre/onyxia-r-datascience r4.2.3-gpu-2023.10.09
- version: 4.3.1
gesiscss/binder-r2d-gd3c7441-smac-2dgroup-2dcourse-5fdata-5fanalytics-df5349 c1e042c4fdcfd8ba47938a97d5e626609ac876a5
- version: 4.2.1
devopscrc/jupyter-claasp before-andrea
- version: 4.2.1
rsoni9898/basho_bench latest
- version: 4.0.4
broadcptac/panoply_so_nmf_sankey_report DEV
- version: 3.6.3
sgccrfc/gisolainstall latest
- version: 3.6.3
prismcmap/compound_summary 94804f34cf31
- version: 4.0.2
candemircan/naturalcogsci april5
Image for the following project:
- version: 3.6.3
abbeybrem/docker-repo todockerhub
- version: 4.0.4
brodriguesco/ess_dev_env main-b3b08e1a990b5cfb843132ffd84c79a400f89c90
- version: 4.3.1
mshriver01/share_task_archr latest
- version: 4.1.2
proteogenomics/missing-value-imputation latest
- version: 4.2.1
shawnchi/imputationserver v1.71
- version: 3.4.4
mswawola/api-base latest
The backend base image used in the Jules Verne project.
- version: 4.3.1
sgccrfc/sac latest
- version: 3.6.3
gesiscss/binder-r2d-g5b5b759-j-2d5chneider-2dsubcommunitiesos-1d71dd ffd6a283c3f7a4a4e8343367a114419b46ae284d
- version: 4.2.2
aaelonyaeg/strat-aeg-py 20230905
- version: 4.3.1
iker0610/clinais-codalab-miniconda latest
- version: 4.0.4
spark77/tt-1 latest
- version: 4.3.1
hongminc1/r_tskit_test latest
- version: 4.2.2
mbabinski17/gottcha2 0.2
- version: 4.2.0
aidangibbons/thedraftapp latest
- version: 4.3.1
dzhakparov/geneselectr-image latest
- version: 4.1.2, 4.3.1
evafastpf/commot 0.1
- version: 3.6.3, 4.1.2
gesiscss/binder-r2d-g5b5b759-bobshriver-2drestorationecology-3ec4fc d0bcef2ca11c778e3adcbb33b789ae9ed4a09c97
- version: 4.1.3
berombau/combio-project-2022-2023 latest
- version: 4.2.3
mknudson/share_task_cell_annotation mei-cell-annotation
- version: 4.1.2
fcsest/r-packages latest
- version: 4.3.0
gesiscss/binder-r2d-gd3c7441-jupyterlab-2djupyterlab-2ddemo-b2f8d0 75ab1750f37b27db8e135c2c4f2139da6b641609
- version: 3.6.3
eerlich/r-expanded latest
- version: 4.3.0
dwils152/yeast-orthology v1.3
- version: 3.6.3
mikesiwenwu/eversus_benchmarking v7_s3test
- version: 4.1.2, 4.3.1
brusconi/seurat latest
- version: 3.6.3, 4.3.0
dimedrol/rafswagger 1.1
R-language Azure Function with Swagger API documentation
- version: 3.5.2
dragonflyscience/vtnz 2023-09-05
- version: 4.2.0
gesiscss/binder-r2d-g5b5b759-5d4fd05dbdb833be1c1051c1938cadf7-d8ed81 ba4cc98e3be7576e1f60780019aba42b850cd724
- version: 3.6.3
msantoso98/cnv-tools 3.0.1
- version: 3.6.3
kubussku/helloworld latest
- version: 4.1.2
biomehub/encodestatsbase 0.0.5
Basic docker image used as a base for EncodeStats.
- version: 4.3.1
scigility/ml-runtime-rstudio-r4.2 2022.10.37
- version: 4.2.3
cheori/rstudio 0.2.2
- version: 4.3.1
chiajungl/rstudio 4.2.2
- version: 4.3.0