An open API service providing dependency metadata for docker images.
Package Usage : conan : bincrafters/libjpeg
Explore the latest package usage data for bincrafters/libjpeg in the conan ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 48
Total downloads: 27,966
More details on - JSON
eosio/eosio-web-ide v0.1.1
- version: 9c
- channel: stable
eosio/eosio-explorer fill-pg-1.3
fill-pg image customised for eosio-explorer
- version: 9c
- channel: stable
dmiller15/octopus 0.6.3
- version: 9c
- channel: stable
legleux/clio_builder latest
- version: 9c
- channel: stable
legleux/ct latest
- version: 9c
- channel: stable
eosio/nodeos-webauthn latest
Version of nodeos built with support for webauthn.
- version: 9c
- channel: stable
eosio/key-value-example v1.0.0
- version: 9c
- channel: stable
blocknetdx/eos v2.0.5
Official Blocknet EOS Images
- version: 9c
- channel: stable
murculus/kudu-thirdparty x86_64
Prebuilt Kudu thirdparty dependencies, only the uninstrumented part.
- version: 9c
- channel: stable
alexkuzko/omim release-96
Manual builds of the based on official CI Linux image
- version: 9c
- channel: stable
dragonflyscience/antips-tracks 2022-12-19
- version: 9c
- channel: stable
quantumbrilliance/sdk-demo deploy
- version: 9c
- channel: stable
lj2339762641/conffuzz latest
- version: 9c
- channel: stable
murculus/kudu-release x86_64
Prebuilt Kudu developer image with thirdparty and Kudu release mode.
- version: 9c
- channel: stable
murculus/kudu-debug x86_64
Prebuilt Kudu developer image with thirdparty and Kudu debug mode.
- version: 9c
- channel: stable
ninerealmlabs/ts-env python-3.10-56d3ff6
Environment from ninerealmlabs/docker-jupyter-stacks for time-series analysis & forecasting
- version: 9c
- channel: stable
legleux/clio-rpm-builder 2022-09-17
- version: 9c
- channel: stable
bsjacky/signal_utility 1.0.10
- version: 9c
- channel: stable
lj2339762641/mysql dev
- version: 9c
- channel: stable
jaetoxi/eosgitpod v0.0.1
- version: 9c
- channel: stable
legleux/rpm_builder latest
- version: 9c
- channel: stable
legleux/bb_boost 1_75_0
- version: 9c
- channel: stable
dhspence/docker-glimpse latest
- version: 9c
- channel: stable
gesiscss/binder-jpmattern-2dbayesian-5fcbiomes-831a2d dda456579afeba4ca47271538915d400a572ef70
- version: 9c
- channel: stable
gesiscss/binder-housw-2dbayesian-5fcbiomes-587065 52216554d72ff29a82d8017d9860bfb889104e45
- version: 9c
- channel: stable
buchholztim/usdtools latest
- version: 9c
- channel: stable
mmaigler/hystrath latest
Hypersonic and rarefied gas dynamics based on OpenFOAM.
- version: 9c
- channel: stable
stevenmburns/align latest
- version: 9c
- channel: stable
abhigyanr/ai4bharat-classlm-latest latest
- version: 9c
- channel: stable
legleux/boost_175_mac latest
- version: 9c
- channel: stable
montrixdev/vs16_buildtools latest
- version: 9c
- channel: stable
wjdals9058/rtsp_cpp 03
- version: 9c
- channel: stable
legleux/rip_bil latest
- version: 9c
- channel: stable
panoramanecto/python-core19 latest
- version: 9c
- channel: stable
jnugent42/wagasci_thirdparty centos_7
- version: 9c
- channel: stable
ubuntu 16.04
- version: 9c
- channel: stable
lynxidocker/caffe-lyngor-lynsdk-opencv-ubuntu20.04-hp-x86_64 1.9.0
- version: 9c
- channel: stable
lj2339762641/conffuzz-mysql 1122
- version: 9c
- channel: stable
panoramanecto/python-core22 latest
- version: 9c
- channel: stable
yuan88yuan/kylin_arm64 v10-sp1
- version: 9c
- channel: stable
ztang301/exph vHipSTR
- version: 9c
- channel: stable
iszagh/cmdstan_python 2
- version: 9c
- channel: stable
gejingquan/afl_docker_dnu gjq9
- version: 9c
- channel: stable
intel4coro/multiverse-2dframework-2dmultiverse-2ddocker-5538db 7798d3b1cf00d91bf8949b5bf3687483814b5df4
- version: 9c
- channel: stable
lynxidocker/feature-torch-tensorflow-caffe-lyngor-lynsdk-opencv-ubuntu18.04-hp-x86_64 1.11.0_1.11.0_nh_1
- version: 9c
- channel: stable
seunghoonwoo/v1scan_code latest
- version: 9c
- channel: stable
chusunhao/ocs2 latest
- version: 9c
- channel: stable
tylern4/opticks latest
- version: 9c
- channel: stable