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Package Usage : composer : symfony/polyfill-intl-grapheme
Explore the latest package usage data for symfony/polyfill-intl-grapheme in the composer ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 2,065
Total downloads: 2,312,006,066
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qonstrukt/php 8.3.0-v7-fpm-node20
Developer-friendly, general purpose PHP images for Docker.
- version: v1.27.0, v1.28.0
kooldev/phpqa 7.4
- version: v1.28.0
thecodingmachine/workadventure-maps phaser370
- version: v1.27.0, v1.28.0
docksal/behat latest
A self-contained Docker image to run Behat with no external dependencies
- version: v1.20.0
ownyourbits/nextcloudpi-arm64 v1.51.6
- version: v1.23.1, v1.24.0
tiredofit/leantime 1.0.38
Dockerized Project Managment tool with many configurable options
- version: v1.22.1, v1.26.0, v1.27.0, v1.28.0
thecodingmachine/deeployer latest
Ease the creation of environments using docker-compose or Kubernetes
- version: v1.23.1
ebsproject/b4r dev
- version: v1.22.1
hexletboy/php_basics_require_exercise 75441
- version: v1.26.0
jakzal/phpqa-nightly 230924-alpine
Nightly builds for jakzal/phpqa
- version: v1.27.0, v1.28.0
hexletboy/php_basics_type_hinting_exercise 73073
- version: v1.26.0
papango/kanboard 2.0.1
- version: v1.22.1, v1.20.0
hexletboy/php_associative_arrays_hash_table_exercise 72477
- version: v1.26.0
1maa/php-dev 8.3
PHP tooling image
- version: v1.28.0
hexletboy/php_basics_errors_exercise 75611
- version: v1.26.0
hexletboy/php_associative_arrays_using_exercise 73969
- version: v1.26.0
hexletboy/php_functions_reduce_exercise 70948
- version: v1.26.0
hexletboy/php_basics_references_exercise 71282
- version: v1.26.0
ismdeep/monitor latest
- version: v1.20.0
gitpod/workspace-nix 2023-12-21-11-39-51
- version: v1.28.0
hexletboy/php_object_oriented_design_configuration_exercise 72981
- version: v1.26.0
hexletboy/php_basics_namespace_import_exercise 75753
- version: v1.26.0
hexletboy/php_arrays_foreach_exercise 75899
- version: v1.26.0
hexletboy/php_associative_arrays_operations_exercise 65558
- version: v1.26.0
testlagoon/tests pr-3627
- version: v1.27.0
hexletboy/php_sicp_function_in_args_exercise 65923
- version: v1.26.0
ownyourbits/nextcloud-x86 v1.47.1
NextCloudPi Nextcloud container, without any NCP extras
- version: v1.23.1
- version: v1.28.0, v1.27.0, 1.x-dev, dev-main
hexletboy/php_sicp_iterative_process_exercise 65177
- version: v1.26.0
hexletboy/php_functions_filter_exercise 66008
- version: v1.26.0
hexletboy/php_basics_arithmetic_exercise 76394
- version: v1.26.0, v1.28.0
hexletboy/php_arrays_syntax_exercise 75893
- version: v1.26.0
hexletboy/php_mvc_post_form_exercise 66307
- version: v1.26.0
hexletboy/php_object_oriented_design_collect_exercise 69987
- version: v1.26.0
hexletboy/php_arrays_stack_exercise 75890
- version: v1.26.0
hexletboy/php_arrays_strings_exercise 75904
- version: v1.26.0
alvistack/devel-20.04 20231126.1.1
- version: v1.27.0, v1.28.0
hexletboy/php_functions_closure_exercise 72381
- version: v1.26.0
hexletboy/php_object_oriented_design_carbon_exercise 65657
- version: v1.26.0
hexletboy/php_arrays_nested_loops_exercise 75896
- version: v1.26.0
hexletboy/php_arrays_nested_arrays_exercise 75902
- version: v1.26.0