An open API service providing dependency metadata for docker images.
Package Usage : composer : hirak/prestissimo
Explore the latest package usage data for hirak/prestissimo in the composer ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 68
Total downloads: 25,212,705
More details on - JSON
cachethq/docker 2.3.18
An open source status page system, for everyone.
- version: 0.3.10
shopsysbot/php-fpm ci-commit-cce24592a64e1a5b9fd0c45d6d92835f206bf6fa
- version: 0.3.8
geerlingguy/drupal-vm 6.0.0
DEPRECATED - The official Drupal VM Docker image.
- version: 0.3.10
testlagoon/php-7.4-cli-drupal pr-640
- version: 0.3.10
dockette/php71 latest
Ready-to-use image for PHP 7.1. And also Composer with prestissimo.
- version: 0.3.9
outrigger/build php74
- version: 0.3.10
testlagoon/php-7.3-cli-drupal latest
- version: 0.3.10
testudio/drupal8-web-test php7.3-20200222
Environment for Drupal 8 CMS.
- version: 0.3.10
phundament/app 4.5.0
Phundament 4 application image
- version: 0.2.4
dockette/php71-fpm latest
Ready-to-use image for PHP 7.1 + FPM. And also Composer with prestissimo.
- version: 0.3.9
testlagoon/php-7.2-cli-drupal latest
- version: 0.3.10
testlagoon/php-7.4-cli pr-640
- version: 0.3.10
bavaan/magento-unit-tests-action 7.1-latest
- version: 0.3.10
testlagoon/php-7.3-cli latest
- version: 0.3.10
dockette/devstack php56
My LAMP/Devstack Dockerfile
- version: 0.3.10
dmstr/yii2-app 0.7.1
- version: 0.3.10
testlagoon/php-7.2-cli latest
- version: 0.3.10
itsnix/php custom-6.9
a custom PHP image
- version: 0.3.10
polandy/taapoan4-cachet latest
- version: 0.3.9
sourcegraph/codeintel-php insiders
- version: 0.3.7
sourcegraph/xlang-php insiders
- version: 0.3.7
edb90/lando-php-sockets latest
devwithlando/php with sockets enabled
- version: 0.3.8
ismailbaskin/base-php-docker 1.2
Extend php7 alpine image
- version: 0.3.7
larcbp/wordpress-runtime 5.7-bedrock-newsource-postfix
- version: 0.3.9
yappabe/blackfire-php latest
An extension of yappabe/php with Blackfire.
- version: 0.3.8
polandy/cachethq_cachet latest
- version: 0.3.9
lakshminp/php-base 7.2
- version: 0.3.10
uselagoon/php-7.3-cli 21.11.1
- version: 0.3.10
schmunk42/planck-aye 0.6.0
- version: 0.3.7
stilliard/php-test psalm-upgrade
- version: 0.3.10
edb90/ci-docker latest
- version: 0.3.8
schmunk42/codeception experimental
Experimental build
- version: 0.3.4
miroff/php7.4-tests latest
- version: 0.3.10
uselagoon/php-7.2-cli 21.8.0
- version: 0.3.10
cyradin/php 7.4-latest
php-alpine-cli + composer + several php-extensions
- version: 0.3.10
babenkoivan/scout-elasticsearch-driver-php-cli php7.3-laravel6
PHP CLI image for scout-elasticsearch-driver development
- version: 0.3.9
dmstr/phd5-playground latest
- version: 0.3.3
wodby/piwik latest
- version: 0.3.7
lakshminp/mautic 2.15.3
- version: 0.3.10
lakshminp/blog 8-7.1-0.2
- version: 0.3.7
algatux/php-fpm-alpine base
php-fpm alpine image
- version: 0.3.7
thecodingmachine/packanalyst latest
The image for the Packanalyst website
- version: 0.3.9
schmunk42/yiisoftware-yii-php 7.2-apache
- version: 0.3.8
ddall/docker-php-trader latest
Custom php image based off ddall/docker-php-ms with support for pdo_mysql and trader
- version: 0.3.7
cyradin/php-roadrunner 7.4-latest
php-alpine + RoadRunner
- version: 0.3.10
yujiod/php-multiarch latest
- version: 0.3.10
ariretiarno/masteros akunting
- version: 0.3.9
edb90/lando-rc13-php-sockets latest
- version: 0.3.8
algatux/php-cli-soap latest
- version: 0.3.7
tuapuikia/cachethq 2.5.1
- version: 0.3.10
ariretiarno/default mkc-g
- version: 0.3.9
uselagoon/php-7.4-cli 22.12.0
- version: 0.3.10
iamike/digitalwant-cms latest
- version: 0.3.9
itsnix/php-7.4.5-custom latest
- version: 0.3.10
jeremiahchienda/woh 0.1
- version: 0.3.10
remonlam/cachet latest
- version: 0.3.10
hex0cter/webhook latest
- version: 0.3.10, 0.3.9
xinxinak47/eccube-4.0 latest
- version: 0.3.10
schmunk42/dmstr-php-yii2 7.4-fpm-7.0-alpha1-nginx
- version: 0.3.10
lakshminp/php-with-faketime 7.2
- version: 0.3.10
thtai/thecodingmachine7.3-genki-dev latest
- version: 0.3.10
rblab/php 5.6-v6.37.3
- version: 0.3.10
webhooksite/ latest
Open-source version of More info here:
- version: 0.3.9, 0.3.10
kble/landophp 8.3-fpm
- version: 0.3.10
mrmandoob/ph800053 latest
- version: 0.3.10
mrmandoob/ph800051 latest
- version: 0.3.10
hernandomanotoa2023/centos8-postgres-php74 latest
- version: 0.3.9
evoluted/php83 latest
- version: 0.3.1