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Package Usage : composer : grpc/grpc
Explore the latest package usage data for grpc/grpc in the composer ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 34
Total downloads: 17,669
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afnia/ikamai services-1
- version: 1.22.0
eastplayers/ep-customer-data-platform v0.1.878
- version: 1.42.0
eastplayers/cdp-hsv latest
- version: 1.42.0
thesimon82/apache2-php8-gcp-grpc-imagick latest
Apache 2 / PHP 8.1 with gRPC & Imagick extensions and Google Cloud Platform SDK for PHP production
- version: 1.6.0, 1.42.0
highweb/advpay_backend 2.0.113
- version: 1.42.0
zeluisap/tucujuris-backend latest
- version: 1.52.0
yiluxiangbei/php-wechaty v1
- version: 1.42.0
primasoftstudio/lovvit-app-2 b02188fb631678f11028aa1f6cb2e74277f300e1
- version: 1.42.0
lucjans26/jw_player_be latest
- version: 1.27.0
lineblocs/site pr-13
- version: 1.27.0
corentdocker/customervm latest
- version: 1.39.0
andrefazevedo/laravel-app lapp
- version: 1.42.0
newrahmat/temporal-php latest
- version: 1.39.0
thesimon82/apache2-php8-gcp-grpc latest
Apache 2 / PHP 8.1 with gRPC extensions and Google Cloud Platform SDK for PHP production enviroment
- version: 1.42.0, 1.6.0
jzwols/link_zwols_com todo
Private repo, don't use in prod
- version: 1.52.0
tiennguyen47/wpdang v1.0.5
- version: 1.42.0
devopsnusatech/landing-nusatech prod
- version: 1.52.0
min17/vanilla latest
- version: 1.36.0
ericjoel/pim-php-abcdin 1.4
- version: 1.42.0
wjdgns0831/my-first-image v1.0.4
- version: 1.52.0
c3n7/loyalty-backend_prod 0.0.27
- version: 1.52.0
alexmyfusion/fusion-php-cli 1
- version: 1.42.0
opensemanticlab/osl-mw v0.8.0
OpenSemanticLab Docker Container
- version: 1.6.0, 1.57.0
redokun/redokun-core 5ad8a27464b70f49d7593e02be30e094a0a8b1f0_uncommitted_b93b9de06c321653
- version: 1.52.0
wyller/nio-apache-homolog latest
- version: 1.27.0
rgx69/portal-istana-admin-backend v24
- version: 1.52.0
ericjoel/akeneo-prod-final 1.0.0
- version: 1.52.0, 1.42.0
karthiksgd/crm-api-bolt-service v1.0.26
- version: 1.42.0
kaderho/koree-api v9
- version: 1.52.0
nextstage/pg-backup 16
Aplicação para realizar backup com pg_dump de um host e enviar para HD, Gcloud ou AWS
- version: 1.52.0
teguhy2910/api_tsi latest
- version: 1.52.0
sugandhdevops/seat latest
- version: 1.42.0
hanschrome/solidjobs-web latest
- version: 1.6.0, 1.22.0