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Package Usage : composer : automattic/jetpack-licensing
Explore the latest package usage data for automattic/jetpack-licensing in the composer ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 29
Total downloads: 95,882,718
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bitnami/wordpress 6.6.2
Bitnami container image for WordPress
- version: v1.8.2, v1.7.11, v1.8.1, v1.7.14, v2.0.1
bitnami/wordpress-nginx 6.6.1
Bitnami container image for WordPress with NGINX
- version: v1.8.1, v2.0.1, v1.8.2, v1.7.14
bitnami/wordpress-intel 6.1.1-debian-11-r6
- version: v1.7.11
rapidfort/wordpress 6.7.0
RapidFort optimized, hardened image for Wordpress
- version: v1.8.1, v1.8.2, v1.8.4
fcarneiro/europromo-pt 20241224.1
- version: v1.6.2
andreazorzetto/bitnami-wordpress 5.7.2-debian-10-r18-lms
- version: v1.4.2
andreazorzetto/es_wordpress 5.7.2-debian-10-r18
- version: v1.4.2
samgabrail/wordpress 6.4.2-debian-11-r16
- version: v1.7.11, v1.8.2
rapidfortstaging/wordpress 6.2.2-debian-11-r13-rfstub
- version: v1.8.1, v1.8.2
alejandradominguezchaves/wordpress wgetadc
- version: v1.7.13
hoangnd1312/understrap latest
wordpress project with understrap framework
- version: v1.7.12
barisv/maestrohub latest
- version: v1.7.8
davidseguratristancho/wordpress 4.0
- version: v1.7.13
clouve/wordpress 6.2.2
- version: v1.8.2
truecharts/wordpress build20230503032458
- version: v1.8.1, v1.8.2
ssddgreg/wordpress 1.0.0
PoC - Wordpress with added plugins, configuration and themes
- version: v1.8.2
pavelmalachovski/yourphotographerinprague latest
- version: v1.7.12
fluxy/zensense-mprb latest
- version: v1.6.2
fluxy/zensense-kostomise latest
- version: v1.7.12
tiennguyen47/wpdang v1.0.5
- version: v1.7.10
fluxy/zensense-laboutiquemu latest
- version: v1.7.12
charlessortlist/wordpress-image 2024-41
Image from
- version: v2.0.1, v1.8.2
jesus2001/wordpres2 1.0
- version: v1.7.13
nuclia/wpdebug latest
- version: v1.8.2
kdearle/ggs-wp-pod-1 v1-release
- version: v1.8.2
cbodonnell/wordpress 5.9.3-debian-10-r35
- version: v1.4.3
sk685069/coastal latest
- version: v1.7.14
rauldocker165/arbu-dev latest
- version: v1.8.4
jjpro/bikes-demo 1.0
- version: v1.8.2