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Package Usage : cargo : openssl
Explore the latest package usage data for openssl in the cargo ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 607
Total downloads: 33,036,316
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sjaques/confero-cam-dev vscode1
Based on tcsconfero/rust-buster with all additions pure for development!
- version: 0.10.38, 0.10.42, 0.10.36, 0.10.34, 0.10.32
arie1luz/iara beta
- version: 0.10.38
zwills/dataframes latest
- version: 0.10.42, 0.10.45, 0.10.48
abelgreenwald/jupyter-notebook 1676524007
This is a fairly tight dockerfile including:jupyter-hub built with python3, go, octave, rust kernels
- version: 0.10.38
poperigby/alpine-toolbox latest
- version: 0.10.38
binier/data-hub latest
- version: 0.10.38, 0.10.41
keyrockeu/rust-builder-1.66 1
- version: 0.10.45, 0.10.32, 0.10.41, 0.10.42, 0.10.43
esw123/23.02-cpu-ppc64le 2023-02-17
- version: 0.10.38
egeyag/newpostgrespluginbuilt latest
- version: 0.10.29, 0.10.12, 0.10.26, 0.10.31
livingshade/ubuntu-rich latest
- version: 0.10.38
wkusmirek/icarust latest
- version: 0.10.32
thingdust/sccache_build_68d655b8 latest
- version: 0.10.38, 0.10.32, 0.10.36, 0.10.41
verifoxxdenis/javaapp latest
- version: 0.10.28, 0.10.48
zwalt734/backend latest
- version: 0.10.38, 0.10.52, 0.10.45, 0.10.44, 0.10.42, 0.10.32
oraichain/foundation-oraibridge-orchestrator 0.0.2
OraiBridge Orchestrator official docker image
- version: 0.10.41, 0.10.38, 0.10.32, 0.10.42, 0.10.45, 0.10.36
correavitor4/python-trab-aless latest
- version: 0.10.38
clos21/jlab-fenix latest
- version: 0.10.38
gesiscss/binder-r2d-g5b5b759-zimmi48-2dthesis-839513 08e40439086feec0b6e494c5cafb8798fde7c7a5
- version: 0.10.45, 0.10.46, 0.10.47, 0.10.54, 0.10.35, 0.10.40, 0.10.38, 0.10.36, 0.10.41, 0.10.42, 0.10.43, 0.10.44, 0.10.52, 0.10.50, 0.10.49, 0.10.48
xandkeeper/tpfs-crate-ci latest
- version: 0.10.42, 0.10.45
geoscienceaustralia/sisnet-bitbucket-pipelines a3cfb12
- version: 0.10.42, 0.10.45, 0.10.36, 0.10.41
zuolan/vscode latest
- version: 0.10.35
pcife/mcu-arm v1.2
- version: 0.10.43, 0.10.42
spreadprism/proxy_cache_aws latest
- version: 0.10.42, 0.10.56, 0.10.45, 0.10.32
mikawamp/graph-node-debug latest
- version: 0.10.32, 0.10.38, 0.10.41, 0.10.42, 0.10.52
clawseven/occlum-clickhouse preview1
- version: 0.10.28
manoj030394/sbs2 test
- version: 0.10.50
clos21/jupyter-tf-adcirc latest
- version: 0.10.38
romancoxx48/chatgpt-discord-bot latest
- version: 0.10.38
bsilveira1974/node-d 1.0
- version: 0.10.41, 0.10.38
hugobyte/workflow-api latest
- version: 0.10.49, 0.10.45, 0.10.44, 0.10.38, 0.10.32, 0.10.42
thingdust/sccache_build_f7186e28 latest
- version: 0.10.36, 0.10.32, 0.10.41, 0.10.38
ecpe4s/py-psana v3.3.37
- version: 0.10.50, 0.10.38, 0.10.49, 0.10.45