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Package Usage : cargo : getopts
Explore the latest package usage data for getopts in the cargo ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 535
Total downloads: 71,651,493
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esw123/23.02-cpu-ppc64le 2023-02-17
- version: 0.2.21
livingshade/ubuntu-rich latest
- version: 0.2.21
thingdust/sccache_build_68d655b8 latest
- version: 0.2.21
verifoxxdenis/javaapp latest
- version: 0.2.21
oraichain/foundation-oraibridge-orchestrator 0.0.2
OraiBridge Orchestrator official docker image
- version: 0.2.21
correavitor4/python-trab-aless latest
- version: 0.2.21
clos21/jlab-fenix latest
- version: 0.2.21
gesiscss/binder-r2d-g5b5b759-zimmi48-2dthesis-839513 08e40439086feec0b6e494c5cafb8798fde7c7a5
- version: 0.2.21, 0.2.17, 0.2.18
xandkeeper/tpfs-crate-ci latest
- version: 0.2.21
geoscienceaustralia/sisnet-bitbucket-pipelines a3cfb12
- version: 0.2.21
zuolan/vscode latest
- version: 0.2.21
spreadprism/proxy_cache_aws latest
- version: 0.2.21
mikawamp/graph-node-debug latest
- version: 0.2.21
clawseven/occlum-clickhouse preview1
- version: 0.2.21
clos21/jupyter-tf-adcirc latest
- version: 0.2.21
abstractsdk/workspace-optimizer-arm64 0.12.14
- version: 0.2.21
romancoxx48/chatgpt-discord-bot latest
- version: 0.2.21
hugobyte/workflow-api latest
- version: 0.2.21
thingdust/sccache_build_f7186e28 latest
- version: 0.2.21
ecpe4s/py-psana v3.3.37
- version: 0.2.21
antonengelhardt/rust-docker-tools latest
- version: 0.2.21
imroc/mdbook latest
- version: 0.2.21
auvred/devcon rust
- version: 0.2.21
l3ioo/amazonlinux-base-dev latest
- version: 0.2.21
lfranceschino/hacspec-v2 latest
- version: 0.2.17, 0.2.21
thingdust/sccache_build_ac481c22 latest
- version: 0.2.21
thingdust/sccache_build_2e22901e latest
- version: 0.2.21
ephemeralcodex/test 0.0.1
- version: 0.2.17, 0.2.21
kajabiprodeng/ffmpeg-awscli-mountpoint-s3 latest
- version: 0.2.21
amadeusgb/deeper-hd-wallet v1.1
- version: 0.2.21
stelzo/wasm-server-runner latest
- version: 0.2.21
expovin/nginx-certbot 2.0
- version: 0.2.21
akihitokumakura/jglue latest
- version: 0.2.21
gurucodestudio/hrgrade_dev_host latest
- version: 0.2.21
inistcnrs/ws-affiliation-rnsr 1.2.3
A Web Service to find the RNSR identifier of a French affiliation's address
- version: 0.2.21
geoscienceaustralia/gnss-data-web-bitbucket-pipelines 1112567
- version: 0.2.21
whitematrixlab/cargo-verify 9ddf5fa61d5c02abe7ba2bd843a85cbd2a4420ec
- version: 0.2.21
thingdust/sccache_build_7476770a latest
- version: 0.2.21
commontorizon/slint-sdk-arm 3.0.9-bookworm-1.2.1
- version: 0.2.21
mwkohout/rust_node_20 latest
- version: 0.2.21
thingdust/sccache_build_c224bb41 latest
- version: 0.2.21
ulibte/rust_plus latest
- version: 0.2.21
skillgetrstu/learning_platform_rstu latest
- version: 0.2.21
melzula/docker-with-compose latest
- version: 0.2.21
jlgallego99/tropestogo latest
- version: 0.2.21
w496263090/aleo-testnet3 latest
Aleo Testnet III is a trusted testnet - subsequent testnets will undergo a trusted setup process
- version: 0.2.21
thingdust/sccache_build_b834587d latest
- version: 0.2.21
stephaneklein/discourse latest
- version: 0.2.21
monographdb/rust-centos7 1.69.0
- version: 0.2.21
kucinginsom/container-update latest
- version: 0.2.21
jhonny/files-storage-api-files-storage latest
- version: 0.2.21
sjaques/rust-buster-gstfull-audio latest
- version: 0.2.21
manupadilla/protofire-nft-call-options 1.93
- version: 0.2.21
pellizzetti/base-python 20230716x7-9cb24cb1c206d7f1
- version: 0.2.21
opencti/platform 5.10.1
- version: 0.2.21
mormahr/pdf-service sha-41afe042b60062683abfd6266227ae3ca7074ce4-testing
Stateless HTTP API to convert HTML to PDF.
- version: 0.2.21
nocturnelabs/subtree-updater dd7223ed
- version: 0.2.21
openmina/mina custom-experiment-proof-decoder-dedup-latest
- version: 0.2.21
niteo/nixpkgs-nixos-23.05 c7a18f89ef1dc423f57f3de9bd5d9355550a5d15
- version: 0.2.21, 0.2.17
ctumrs/mrs_uav_system_ls_modules 2023_w41
MRS UAV System + Linux Setup + UAV Modules
- version: 0.2.21
waylonwalker/devtainer latest
- version: 0.2.21
hikki12/sam-grounded-dino-serverless latest
- version: 0.2.21
openiap/noderedagent edge
- version: 0.2.21
10ad3d/enumerator latest
- version: 0.2.21
kodmain/service wireguard
- version: 0.2.21
zingodevops/regchest 007
- version: 0.2.21
kcllang/kcl-builder centos7
- version: 0.2.21
neondatabase/vm-monitor v0.18.6
- version: 0.2.21
pythonpillow/debian-11-bullseye-amd64 main
- version: 0.2.21
pythonpillow/debian-12-bookworm-amd64 main
- version: 0.2.21
prevu3d/ci-rust-cmake-nextest latest-rust1.68.0
- version: 0.2.21
sapoty/pipeline-runner v1.0.2-alpine-docker
Runner for pipelines like GitLab from Ubuntu 22.04 with helm, Azure CLI, Powershell.
- version: 0.2.21
mdaeva/starbound-client-testnet 1.0.48
- version: 0.2.21
solanadevelopers/solana-workshop-image 0.0.2
A Docker image with the necessary toolkits for Solana development
- version: 0.2.21
mjkli/terraform-aws latest
- version: 0.2.21
lunarapi/sandbox-gitpod v0.2.8
- version: 0.2.17, 0.2.21
rafa606/ubuntu 20.04
- version: 0.2.21
teaclave/teaclave-build-ubuntu-1804-sgx-2.17.1 0.2.0
- version: 0.2.21
freedwu/freed-wu pre-commit-ci-update-config
- version: 0.2.21, 0.2.17
banucalin/yamp latest
- version: 0.2.21
tcsconfero/rust-buster-gstfull latest
- version: 0.2.21
shaymez/rysen-sp-selfcare latest
- version: 0.2.21
pay2stay/bitcoin-abc latest
- version: 0.2.21
sunpa93/mayastor-io-engine latest
- version: 0.2.21