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Package Usage : cargo : clap
Explore the latest package usage data for clap in the cargo ecosystem, including detailed information on package dependencies and their usage.
Total dependents: 1,007
Total downloads: 74,862,191
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gitpod/workspace-firefox branch-pull-143
- version: 2.33.0
jelaniwoods/appdev2020-omnicalc-bootstrap latest
- version: 2.33.0
jelaniwoods/appdev2020-rps-css latest
- version: 2.33.0
timescaledev/timescaledb-docker-ha poc
- version: 2.34.0, 3.0.14
jelaniwoods/appdev2020-rps-rcav latest
- version: 2.33.0
k1mbl3/code-server python311-alpine-firefox-flyio
- version: 4.0.32
jelaniwoods/appdev2020-rps-interface latest
- version: 2.33.0
ergvein/cln-bitcoind latest
Ubuntu based container for CI with bitcoind and core lightning binaries
- version: 2.34.0, 3.2.21, 3.2.22, 3.2.23, 2.33.1, 2.33.3
dowlandaiello/mystery-cli 0.5.0
Ok bro
- version: 2.34.0, 3.1.6
Mirror of container for UniverSC: a flexible cross-platform SC data processing pipeline
- version: 2.32.0, 2.33.0
jelaniwoods/appdev2020-dashboards fall
- version: 2.33.0
jelaniwoods/appdev2020-fortune-teller latest
- version: 2.33.0
jelaniwoods/appdev2020-rps-bootstrap latest
- version: 2.33.0
hhanh00/zwallet_builder latest
- version: 3.1.2, 2.33.3, 2.34.0, 2.33.0, 2.33.1, 3.1.6
cepharum/e2e-chrome-ci latest
- version: 4.0.32, 4.3.10
jelaniwoods/appdev2020-omnicalc-params latest
- version: 2.33.0
jelaniwoods/appdev2020-foodhub latest
- version: 2.33.0
a1im/node-tg-file-uploader latest
- version: 4.0.32
stephaneberle9/rust-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl 1.65
Rust with 'x86_64-unknown-linux-musl' toolchain as well as 'rustfmt' formatter and 'clippy' linter
- version: 4.0.29, 3.2.23, 4.0.32, 2.34.0
tiredofit/grafana 1.0.3
- version: 4.0.32
- version: 2.33.3
backitinc/ci-docker latest
- version: 3.2.5
sec32/alpine-chromium 2023-12-22
- version: 4.0.32
tercen/runtime-flowsuite 3.15-4
- version: 2.33.0
lxduo/matrix-wechat 0.2.3
A Matrix-Wechat puppeting bridge
- version: 4.0.32
heywoodlh/spodcast-cron 0.5.2
- version: 4.0.32
jelaniwoods/appdev-winter-20-photogram-signin latest
- version: 2.33.0
ikzk/nozomi-maturin master
maturin build image
- version: 2.33.0
ikzk/tectonic latest
- version: 2.33.3, 2.34.0, 2.33.0, 2.33.1
esme518/docker-afraid-autologin latest
Dockerfiles for afraid-autologin
- version: 4.0.32
liupeng0518/ latest
- version: 2.33.1, 2.33.3
zhangtao25/canyon cloud-native
- version: 3.2.23, 2.34.0, 2.33.0
gitpod/workspace-rethinkdb branch-jx-workspace-firefox
- version: 2.32.0
intelanalytics/bigdl-ppml-azure-occlum 2.1.0
- version: 2.33.3, 3.2.20, 2.33.1, 2.34.0
willdurand/gitpod-firefox-dev latest
- version: 3.1.1, 2.34.0
praveenkannan/edgar-ci latest
- version: 3.1.5
- version: 4.2.3, 3.2.14, 2.34.0, 3.2.6
iqtlabs/pibackbone-hifiberry-dac-plus-adc-pro latest
- version: 4.0.32
darpansupra/vrf 0.2.0
- version: 3.2.23, 3.2.22, 3.2.21, 3.2.12, 3.0.4, 2.34.0, 2.33.3, 2.33.0
jaidchen/builder 6.0.0
- version: 2.33.0, 2.33.3, 2.34.0, 3.2.25
jelaniwoods/appdev2020-umbrella latest
- version: 2.33.0
bupt2018/fluentd mongo
- version: 3.1.5
codeany/universal daytona
- version: 3.2.20, 4.0.15, 4.2.1
jelaniwoods/appdev-winter-20-a-quick-puzzle latest
- version: 2.33.0
jelaniwoods/appdev-winter-20-very-best-debug latest
- version: 2.33.0
hyperledger/iroha2-base lts
- version: 3.2.5, 2.34.0, 2.33.3, 2.33.1
janakiramm/helloworld-python v1
- version: 2.33.0
i0nw/rust-wasm-builder 1.75.0
- version: 2.33.0, 3.2.8, 2.33.3, 3.2.23, 3.1.6, 2.34.0