An open API service providing dependency metadata for docker images.
kjames2001/radarr-checkerr : 1.0
This container runs a node js script to detect stalled torrents, removes it and blocks it.
Latest release: almost 2 years ago - 29 downloads - 474 dependencies
- debian/adduser 3.118
- debian/apt 2.2.4
- debian/base-files 11.1 deb11u6
- debian/base-passwd 3.5.51
- debian/bash 5.1-2 deb11u1
- debian/bsdutils 1:2.36.1-8 deb11u1
- debian/coreutils 8.32-4 b1
- debian/dash 0.5.11 git20200708 dd9ef66-5
- debian/debconf 1.5.77
- debian/debian-archive-keyring 2021.1.1
- debian/debianutils 4.11.2
- debian/diffutils 1:3.7-5
- debian/dpkg 1.20.12
- debian/e2fsprogs 1.46.2-2
- debian/findutils 4.8.0-1
- debian/gcc-10-base 10.2.1-6
- debian/gcc-9-base 9.3.0-22
- debian/gpgv 2.2.27-2 deb11u2
- debian/grep 3.6-1
- debian/gzip 1.10-4 deb11u1
- debian/hostname 3.23
- debian/init-system-helpers 1.60
- debian/libacl1 2.2.53-10
- debian/libapt-pkg6.0 2.2.4
- debian/libattr1 1:2.4.48-6
- debian/libaudit-common 1:3.0-2
- debian/libaudit1 1:3.0-2
- debian/libblkid1 2.36.1-8 deb11u1
- debian/libbz2-1.0 1.0.8-4
- debian/libc-bin 2.31-13 deb11u5
- debian/libc6 2.31-13 deb11u5
- debian/libcap-ng0 0.7.9-2.2 b1
- debian/libcom-err2 1.46.2-2
- debian/libcrypt1 1:4.4.18-4
- debian/libdb5.3 5.3.28 dfsg1-0.8
- debian/libdebconfclient0 0.260
- debian/libext2fs2 1.46.2-2
- debian/libffi7 3.3-6
- debian/libgcc-s1 10.2.1-6
- debian/libgcrypt20 1.8.7-6
- debian/libgmp10 2:6.2.1 dfsg-1 deb11u1
- debian/libgnutls30 3.7.1-5 deb11u2
- debian/libgpg-error0 1.38-2
- debian/libgssapi-krb5-2 1.18.3-6 deb11u3
- debian/libhogweed6 3.7.3-1
- debian/libidn2-0 2.3.0-5
- debian/libk5crypto3 1.18.3-6 deb11u3
- debian/libkeyutils1 1.6.1-2
- debian/libkrb5-3 1.18.3-6 deb11u3
- debian/libkrb5support0 1.18.3-6 deb11u3
- debian/liblz4-1 1.9.3-2
- debian/liblzma5 5.2.5-2.1~deb11u1
- debian/libmount1 2.36.1-8 deb11u1
- debian/libnettle8 3.7.3-1
- debian/libnsl2 1.3.0-2
- debian/libp11-kit0 0.23.22-1
- debian/libpam-modules-bin 1.4.0-9 deb11u1
- debian/libpam-modules 1.4.0-9 deb11u1
- debian/libpam-runtime 1.4.0-9 deb11u1
- debian/libpam0g 1.4.0-9 deb11u1
- debian/libpcre2-8-0 10.36-2 deb11u1
- debian/libpcre3 2:8.39-13
- debian/libseccomp2 2.5.1-1 deb11u1
- debian/libselinux1 3.1-3
- debian/libsemanage-common 3.1-1
- debian/libsemanage1 3.1-1 b2
- debian/libsepol1 3.1-1
- debian/libsmartcols1 2.36.1-8 deb11u1
- debian/libss2 1.46.2-2
- debian/libssl1.1 1.1.1n-0 deb11u3
- debian/libstdc 6 10.2.1-6
- debian/libsystemd0 247.3-7 deb11u1
- debian/libtasn1-6 4.16.0-2 deb11u1
- debian/libtinfo6 6.2 20201114-2
- debian/libtirpc-common 1.3.1-1 deb11u1
- debian/libtirpc3 1.3.1-1 deb11u1
- debian/libudev1 247.3-7 deb11u1
- debian/libunistring2 0.9.10-4
- debian/libuuid1 2.36.1-8 deb11u1
- debian/libxxhash0 0.8.0-2
- debian/libzstd1 1.4.8 dfsg-2.1
- debian/login 1:4.8.1-1
- debian/logsave 1.46.2-2
- debian/lsb-base 11.1.0
- debian/mawk
- debian/mount 2.36.1-8 deb11u1
- debian/ncurses-base 6.2 20201114-2
- debian/ncurses-bin 6.2 20201114-2
- debian/passwd 1:4.8.1-1
- debian/perl-base 5.32.1-4 deb11u2
- debian/sed 4.7-1
- debian/sysvinit-utils 2.96-7 deb11u1
- debian/tar 1.34 dfsg-1
- debian/tzdata 2021a-1 deb11u8
- debian/util-linux 2.36.1-8 deb11u1
- debian/zlib1g 1:1.2.11.dfsg-2 deb11u2
- node 18.12.1
- @colors/colors 1.5.0
- @gar/promisify 1.1.3
- @isaacs/string-locale-compare 1.1.0
- @my-scope/package-a 0.0.0
- @my-scope/package-b 0.0.0
- @npmcli/arborist 5.6.2
- @npmcli/ci-detect 2.0.0
- @npmcli/config 4.2.2
- @npmcli/disparity-colors 2.0.0
- @npmcli/fs 2.1.2
- @npmcli/git 3.0.2
- @npmcli/installed-package-contents 1.0.7
- @npmcli/map-workspaces 2.0.4
- @npmcli/metavuln-calculator 3.1.1
- @npmcli/move-file 2.0.1
- @npmcli/name-from-folder 1.0.1
- @npmcli/node-gyp 2.0.0
- @npmcli/package-json 2.0.0
- @npmcli/promise-spawn 3.0.0
- @npmcli/query 1.2.0
- @npmcli/run-script 4.2.1
- @opencensus/core 0.0.8
- @opencensus/core 0.0.9
- @opencensus/propagation-b3 0.0.8
- @pm2/agent 2.0.1
- @pm2/io 5.0.0
- @pm2/js-api 0.6.7
- @pm2/pm2-version-check 1.0.4
- @tootallnate/once 1.1.2
- @tootallnate/once 2.0.0
- abbrev 1.1.1
- acorn-walk 8.2.0
- acorn 8.8.1
- agent-base 6.0.2
- agentkeepalive 4.2.1
- aggregate-error 3.1.0
- amp-message 0.1.2
- amp 0.3.1
- ansi-colors 4.1.3
- ansi-regex 5.0.1
- ansi-styles 4.3.0
- ansi-viewer 0.0.1
- anymatch 3.1.3
- aproba 2.0.0
- archy 1.0.0
- are-we-there-yet 3.0.1
- argparse 1.0.10
- asap 2.0.6
- ast-types 0.13.4
- async-listener 0.6.10
- async 2.6.4
- async 3.2.4
- axios 0.21.4
- balanced-match 1.0.2
- bench 1.0.0
- bin-links 3.0.3
- binary-extensions 2.2.0
- blessed 0.1.81
- bodec 0.1.0
- brace-expansion 1.1.11
- brace-expansion 2.0.1
- braces 3.0.2
- buffer-from 1.1.2
- builtins 5.0.1
- bytes 3.1.2
- cacache 16.1.3
- chalk 3.0.0
- chalk 4.1.2
- charm 0.1.2
- chokidar 3.5.3
- chownr 2.0.0
- cidr-regex 3.1.1
- clean-stack 2.2.0
- cli-columns 4.0.0
- cli-table3 0.6.2
- cli-tableau 2.0.1
- clone 1.0.4
- cmd-shim 5.0.0
- color-convert 2.0.1
- color-name 1.1.4
- color-support 1.1.3
- columnify 1.6.0
- commander 2.15.1
- common-ancestor-path 1.0.1
- concat-map 0.0.1
- configurable 0.0.1
- console-control-strings 1.1.0
- continuation-local-storage 3.2.1
- core-util-is 1.0.3
- corepack 0.14.2
- croner 4.1.97
- cssesc 3.0.0
- culvert 0.1.2
- data-uri-to-buffer 3.0.1
- dayjs 1.11.7
- dayjs 1.8.36
- debug 3.2.7
- debug 4.3.4
- debuglog 1.0.1
- deep-is 0.1.4
- defaults 1.0.3
- degenerator 3.0.2
- delegates 1.0.0
- depd 1.1.2
- depd 2.0.0
- dezalgo 1.0.4
- diff 5.1.0
- emitter-listener 1.1.2
- emoji-regex 8.0.0
- encoding 0.1.13
- enquirer 2.3.6
- env-paths 2.2.1
- err-code 2.0.3
- escape-string-regexp 4.0.0
- escodegen 1.14.3
- esprima 4.0.1
- estraverse 4.3.0
- esutils 2.0.3
- eventemitter2 0.4.14
- eventemitter2 5.0.1
- eventemitter2 6.4.9
- fast-json-patch 3.1.1
- fast-levenshtein 2.0.6
- fastest-levenshtein 1.0.12
- fclone 1.0.11
- file-uri-to-path 2.0.0
- fill-range 7.0.1
- follow-redirects 1.15.2
- fs-extra 8.1.0
- fs-minipass 2.1.0
- fs.realpath 1.0.0
- ftp 0.3.10
- function-bind 1.1.1
- gauge 4.0.4
- get-uri 3.0.2
- git-node-fs 1.0.0
- git-sha1 0.1.2
- glob-parent 5.1.2
- glob 7.2.3
- glob 8.0.3
- graceful-fs 4.2.10
- has-flag 4.0.0
- has-unicode 2.0.1
- has 1.0.3
- hosted-git-info 5.1.0
- http-cache-semantics 4.1.0
- http-errors 2.0.0
- http-proxy-agent 4.0.1
- http-proxy-agent 5.0.0
- https-proxy-agent 5.0.1
- humanize-ms 1.2.1
- iconv-lite 0.4.24
- iconv-lite 0.6.3
- ignore-walk 5.0.1
- imurmurhash 0.1.4
- indent-string 4.0.0
- infer-owner 1.0.4
- inflight 1.0.6
- inherits 2.0.4
- ini 1.3.8
- ini 3.0.1
- init-package-json 3.0.2
- ip-regex 4.3.0
- ip 1.1.8
- ip 2.0.0
- is-binary-path 2.1.0
- is-cidr 4.0.2
- is-core-module 2.10.0
- is-core-module 2.11.0
- is-extglob 2.1.1
- is-fullwidth-code-point 3.0.0
- is-glob 4.0.3
- is-lambda 1.0.1
- is-number 7.0.0
- isarray 0.0.1
- isexe 2.0.0
- js-git 0.7.8
- json-parse-even-better-errors 2.3.1
- json-stringify-nice 1.1.4
- json-stringify-safe 5.0.1
- jsonfile 4.0.0
- jsonparse 1.3.1
- just-diff-apply 5.4.1
- just-diff 5.1.1
- lazy 1.0.11
- levn 0.3.0
- libnpmaccess 6.0.4
- libnpmdiff 4.0.5
- libnpmexec 4.0.13
- libnpmfund 3.0.4
- libnpmhook 8.0.4
- libnpmorg 4.0.4
- libnpmpack 4.1.3
- libnpmpublish 6.0.5
- libnpmsearch 5.0.4
- libnpmteam 4.0.4
- libnpmversion 3.0.7
- lodash 4.17.21
- log-driver 1.2.7
- lru-cache 5.1.1
- lru-cache 6.0.0
- lru-cache 7.13.2
- make-fetch-happen 10.2.1
- minimatch 3.1.2
- minimatch 5.1.0
- minipass-collect 1.0.2
- minipass-fetch 2.1.1
- minipass-flush 1.0.5
- minipass-json-stream 1.0.1
- minipass-pipeline 1.2.4
- minipass-sized 1.0.3
- minipass 3.3.4
- minizlib 2.1.2
- mkdirp-infer-owner 2.0.0
- mkdirp 1.0.4
- module-details-from-path 1.0.3
- monorepo-symlink-test 0.0.0
- ms 2.1.2
- ms 2.1.3
- mute-stream 0.0.8
- mylib 0.0.0
- needle 2.4.0
- negotiator 0.6.3
- netmask 2.0.2
- node-fetch 2.6.7
- node-gyp 9.1.0
- nopt 5.0.0
- nopt 6.0.0
- normalize-package-data 4.0.1
- normalize-path 3.0.0
- npm-audit-report 3.0.0
- npm-bundled 1.1.2
- npm-bundled 2.0.1
- npm-init 0.0.0
- npm-install-checks 5.0.0
- npm-normalize-package-bin 1.0.1
- npm-normalize-package-bin 2.0.0
- npm-package-arg 9.1.0
- npm-packlist 5.1.3
- npm-pick-manifest 7.0.2
- npm-profile 6.2.1
- npm-registry-fetch 13.3.1
- npm-user-validate 1.0.1
- npm 8.19.2
- npmlog 6.0.2
- nssocket 0.6.0
- once 1.4.0
- opener 1.5.2
- optionator 0.8.3
- p-map 4.0.0
- pac-proxy-agent 5.0.0
- pac-resolver 5.0.1
- pacote 13.6.2
- pako 0.2.9
- parse-conflict-json 2.0.2
- path-is-absolute 1.0.1
- path-parse 1.0.7
- picomatch 2.3.1
- pidusage 2.0.21
- pidusage 3.0.2
- pm2-axon-rpc 0.7.1
- pm2-axon 4.0.1
- pm2-deploy 1.0.2
- pm2-multimeter 0.1.2
- pm2-plus-custom-metrics 1.0.0
- pm2-sysmonit 1.2.8
- pm2 5.2.2
- postcss-selector-parser 6.0.10
- prelude-ls 1.1.2
- proc-log 2.0.1
- promise-all-reject-late 1.0.1
- promise-call-limit 1.0.1
- promise-inflight 1.0.1
- promise-retry 2.0.1
- promptly 2.2.0
- promzard 0.3.0
- proxy-agent 5.0.0
- proxy-from-env 1.1.0
- python-app 1.0.0
- qrcode-terminal 0.12.0
- radarr-checkerr 1.0.0
- raw-body 2.5.1
- read-cmd-shim 3.0.0
- read-package-json-fast 2.0.3
- read-package-json 5.0.2
- read 1.0.7
- readable-stream 1.1.14
- readable-stream 3.6.0
- readdir-scoped-modules 1.1.0
- readdirp 3.6.0
- require-in-the-middle 5.2.0
- resolve 1.22.1
- retry 0.12.0
- rimraf 3.0.2
- run-series 1.1.9
- safe-buffer 5.2.1
- safer-buffer 2.1.2
- sax 1.2.4
- semver 5.7.1
- semver 6.3.0
- semver 7.2.3
- semver 7.3.7
- semver 7.3.8
- set-blocking 2.0.0
- setprototypeof 1.2.0
- shimmer 1.2.1
- signal-exit 3.0.7
- simple-http-server 1.0.0
- smart-buffer 4.2.0
- socks-proxy-agent 5.0.1
- socks-proxy-agent 7.0.0
- socks 2.7.0
- socks 2.7.1
- source-map-support 0.5.21
- source-map 0.6.1
- spdx-correct 3.1.1
- spdx-exceptions 2.3.0
- spdx-expression-parse 3.0.1
- spdx-license-ids 3.0.11
- sprintf-js 1.0.3
- sprintf-js 1.1.2
- ssri 9.0.1
- statuses 2.0.1
- string-width 4.2.3
- string_decoder 0.10.31
- string_decoder 1.3.0
- strip-ansi 6.0.1
- supports-color 7.2.0
- supports-preserve-symlinks-flag 1.0.0
- systeminformation 5.16.9
- tar 6.1.11
- text-table 0.2.0
- tiny-relative-date 1.3.0
- to-regex-range 5.0.1
- toidentifier 1.0.1
- tr46 0.0.3
- treeverse 2.0.0
- tslib 1.9.3
- tslib 2.4.1
- tv4 1.3.0
- tx2 1.0.5
- type-check 0.3.2
- unique-filename 2.0.1
- unique-slug 3.0.0
- universalify 0.1.2
- unpipe 1.0.0
- util-deprecate 1.0.2
- uuid 3.4.0
- validate-npm-package-license 3.0.4
- validate-npm-package-name 4.0.0
- vizion 2.2.1
- vm2 3.9.13
- walk-up-path 1.0.0
- wcwidth 1.0.1
- webidl-conversions 3.0.1
- whatwg-url 5.0.0
- which 2.0.2
- wide-align 1.1.5
- word-wrap 1.2.3
- wrappy 1.0.2
- write-file-atomic 4.0.2
- ws 7.4.6
- xregexp 2.0.0
- yallist 3.1.1
- yallist 4.0.0
- yamljs 0.3.0
- yarn 1.22.19