An open API service providing dependency metadata for docker images.
grommunio/gromox-core : latest
Core of the grommunio groupware suite (NOTE: New containers coming soon)
openSUSE Leap 15.4
Latest release: over 1 year ago - 2,118 downloads - 248 dependencies
- psr/log 1.1.4
- sabre/dav 4.4.0
- sabre/event 5.1.4
- sabre/http 5.1.4
- sabre/uri 2.2.2
- sabre/vobject 4.4.2
- sabre/xml 2.2.5
- Babel 2.8.0
- Click 7.0
- Flask-SQLAlchemy 2.4.4
- Flask 1.0.4
- Jinja2 2.10.1
- MarkupSafe 1.0
- PyJWT 1.7.1
- PyYAML 5.4.1
- SQLAlchemy 1.3.22
- Werkzeug 1.0.1
- apipkg 2.1.0
- appdirs 1.4.3
- argcomplete 1.9.2
- asn1crypto 0.24.0
- attrs 19.3.0
- certifi 2018.1.18
- cffi 1.13.2
- chardet 3.0.4
- coverage 4.5.4
- cryptography 3.3.2
- ecdsa 0.13.3
- hypothesis 3.66.6
- idna 2.6
- importlib-metadata 1.5.0
- iniconfig 0.0.0
- isodate 0.6.0
- itsdangerous 1.1.0
- jsonschema 3.2.0
- lazy-object-proxy 1.2.2
- ldap3 2.6.1
- mattermostdriver 7.3.2
- more-itertools 8.10.0
- multidict 4.5.2
- mysqlclient 1.4.6
- openapi-core 0.13.7
- openapi-schema-validator 0.1.5
- openapi-spec-validator 0.2.8
- ordered-set 4.0.2
- packaging 20.3
- parse 1.15.0
- psutil 5.8.0
- py 1.10.0
- pyOpenSSL 21.0.0
- pyasn1 0.4.2
- pycparser 2.17
- pyparsing 2.4.7
- pyrsistent 0.14.4
- pytz 2022.1
- redis 3.4.1
- requests 2.24.0
- rfc3339-validator 0.1.4
- setuptools 44.1.1
- six 1.14.0
- strict-rfc3339 0.7
- systemd-python 234
- urllib3 1.25.10
- websockets 8.1
- wheel 0.32.3
- zipp 0.6.0