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balenalib/beaglebone-green-fedora-node : latest-34-build
This image is part of the base image series for IoT devices.
Fedora 34 (Container Image)
Latest release: over 1 year ago - 74,755 downloads - 694 dependencies
- @colors/colors 1.5.0
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- encoding 0.1.13
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- function-bind 1.1.1
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- mkdirp 1.0.4
- ms 2.1.2
- ms 2.1.3
- mute-stream 0.0.8
- negotiator 0.6.3
- node-gyp 9.1.0
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- npm 8.19.2
- npmlog 6.0.2
- once 1.4.0
- opener 1.5.2
- p-map 4.0.0
- pacote 13.6.2
- parse-conflict-json 2.0.2
- path-is-absolute 1.0.1
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- proc-log 2.0.1
- promise-all-reject-late 1.0.1
- promise-call-limit 1.0.1
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- promzard 0.3.0
- qrcode-terminal 0.12.0
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- read 1.0.7
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- retry 0.12.0
- rimraf 3.0.2
- safe-buffer 5.2.1
- safer-buffer 2.1.2
- semver 7.3.7
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- signal-exit 3.0.7
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- walk-up-path 1.0.0
- wcwidth 1.0.1
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- wrappy 1.0.2
- write-file-atomic 4.0.2
- yallist 4.0.0
- yarn 1.22.4
- PyJWT 1.7.1
- PyNaCl 1.4.0
- PySocks 1.7.1
- SecretStorage 3.3.1
- bcrypt 3.1.7
- breezy 3.1.0
- certifi 2020.12.5
- cffi 1.14.5
- configobj 5.0.6
- cryptography 3.4.6
- distro 1.5.0
- dulwich 0.20.18
- fastimport 0.9.8
- gpg 1.15.1
- httplib2 0.20.2
- idna 2.10
- jeepney 0.6.0
- keyring 21.8.0
- launchpadlib 1.10.13
- lazr.restfulclient 0.14.3
- lazr.uri 1.0.5
- libcomps 0.1.18
- mercurial 5.7.1
- oauthlib 3.0.2
- paramiko 2.11.0
- patiencediff 0.2.1
- pbr 5.5.1
- pip 21.0.1
- ply 3.11
- pyasn1 0.4.8
- pycparser 2.20
- pyparsing 2.4.7
- rpm
- setuptools 53.0.0
- six 1.15.0
- testresources 2.0.1
- urllib3 1.25.10
- wadllib 1.3.5
- fedora/ImageMagick-devel
- fedora/ImageMagick-libs
- fedora/ImageMagick
- fedora/LibRaw 0.20.2-2.fc34
- fedora/acl 2.3.1-1.fc34
- fedora/adobe-mappings-cmap-deprecated 20190730-1.fc34
- fedora/adobe-mappings-cmap 20190730-1.fc34
- fedora/adobe-mappings-pdf 20190401-1.fc34
- fedora/adwaita-cursor-theme 40.1.1-1.fc34
- fedora/adwaita-icon-theme 40.1.1-1.fc34
- fedora/alsa-lib
- fedora/alternatives 1.15-2.fc34
- fedora/apr-util-bdb 1.6.1-16.fc34
- fedora/apr-util-openssl 1.6.1-16.fc34
- fedora/apr-util 1.6.1-16.fc34
- fedora/apr 1.7.0-9.fc34
- fedora/at-spi2-atk 2.38.0-2.fc34
- fedora/at-spi2-core 2.40.3-1.fc34
- fedora/atk 2.36.0-3.fc34
- fedora/audit-libs 3.0.6-1.fc34
- fedora/autoconf 2.69-36.fc34
- fedora/automake 1.16.2-4.fc34
- fedora/avahi-libs 0.8-14.fc34
- fedora/basesystem 11-11.fc34
- fedora/bash 5.1.0-2.fc34
- fedora/binutils-gold 2.35.2-6.fc34
- fedora/binutils 2.35.2-6.fc34
- fedora/bison 3.7.4-2.fc34
- fedora/breezy 3.1.0-2.fc34
- fedora/bzip2-devel 1.0.8-6.fc34
- fedora/bzip2-libs 1.0.8-6.fc34
- fedora/ca-certificates 2021.2.52-1.0.fc34
- fedora/cairo-gobject 1.17.4-3.fc34
- fedora/cairo 1.17.4-3.fc34
- fedora/cmake-filesystem 3.20.5-1.fc34
- fedora/colord-libs 1.4.5-2.fc34
- fedora/coreutils-common 8.32-32.fc34
- fedora/coreutils 8.32-32.fc34
- fedora/cpp 11.3.1-2.fc34
- fedora/cracklib 2.9.6-27.fc34
- fedora/crypto-policies 20210213-1.git5c710c0.fc34
- fedora/cryptsetup-libs 2.3.7-1.fc34
- fedora/cups-libs 2.3.3op2-17.fc34
- fedora/curl 7.76.1-16.fc34
- fedora/cyrus-sasl-lib 2.1.27-9.fc34
- fedora/dbus-broker 29-2.fc34
- fedora/dbus-common 1.12.20-3.fc34
- fedora/dbus-libs 1.12.20-3.fc34
- fedora/dbus 1.12.20-3.fc34
- fedora/dconf 0.40.0-3.fc34
- fedora/dejavu-sans-fonts 2.37-16.fc34
- fedora/device-mapper-libs 1.02.175-1.fc34
- fedora/device-mapper 1.02.175-1.fc34
- fedora/diffutils 3.7-8.fc34
- fedora/dnf-data 4.9.0-1.fc34
- fedora/dnf 4.9.0-1.fc34
- fedora/elfutils-debuginfod-client 0.186-1.fc34
- fedora/elfutils-default-yama-scope 0.186-1.fc34
- fedora/elfutils-libelf-devel 0.186-1.fc34
- fedora/elfutils-libelf 0.186-1.fc34
- fedora/elfutils-libs 0.186-1.fc34
- fedora/emacs-filesystem 27.2-5.fc34
- fedora/expat 2.4.7-1.fc34
- fedora/fedora-gpg-keys 34-2
- fedora/fedora-release-common 34-39
- fedora/fedora-release-container 34-39
- fedora/fedora-release-identity-container 34-39
- fedora/fedora-repos-modular 34-2
- fedora/fedora-repos 34-2
- fedora/file-libs 5.39-7.fc34
- fedora/filesystem 3.14-5.fc34
- fedora/findutils 4.8.0-2.fc34
- fedora/flac-libs 1.3.3-7.fc34
- fedora/flex 2.6.4-7.fc34
- fedora/fontconfig 2.13.94-5.fc34
- fedora/fonts-filesystem 2.0.5-5.fc34
- fedora/freetype 2.10.4-6.fc34
- fedora/fribidi 1.0.11-3.fc34
- fedora/gawk 5.1.0-3.fc34
- fedora/gc 8.0.4-5.fc34
- fedora/gcc-c 11.3.1-2.fc34
- fedora/gcc 11.3.1-2.fc34
- fedora/gd 2.3.2-2.fc34
- fedora/gdbm-libs 1.19-2.fc34
- fedora/gdk-pixbuf2-modules 2.42.6-1.fc34
- fedora/gdk-pixbuf2 2.42.6-1.fc34
- fedora/git-core-doc 2.34.3-1.fc34
- fedora/git-core 2.34.3-1.fc34
- fedora/git 2.34.3-1.fc34
- fedora/glib2-devel 2.68.4-1.fc34
- fedora/glib2 2.68.4-1.fc34
- fedora/glibc-common 2.33-21.fc34
- fedora/glibc-devel 2.33-21.fc34
- fedora/glibc-doc 2.33-21.fc34
- fedora/glibc-minimal-langpack 2.33-21.fc34
- fedora/glibc 2.33-21.fc34
- fedora/gmp 6.2.0-6.fc34
- fedora/gnupg2 2.2.27-4.fc34
- fedora/gnutls 3.7.4-1.fc34
- fedora/google-droid-sans-fonts 20200215-9.fc34
- fedora/gpg-pubkey 45719a39-5f2c0192
- fedora/gpgme 1.15.1-2.fc34
- fedora/graphite2 1.3.14-7.fc34
- fedora/graphviz 2.44.0-18.fc34
- fedora/grep 3.6-2.fc34
- fedora/groff-base 1.22.4-7.fc34
- fedora/gsm 1.0.19-5.fc34
- fedora/gstreamer1 1.19.1-
- fedora/gtk-update-icon-cache 3.24.30-1.fc34
- fedora/gtk2 2.24.33-4.fc34
- fedora/gtk3 3.24.30-1.fc34
- fedora/gts 0.7.6-39.20121130.fc34
- fedora/guile22 2.2.7-2.fc34
- fedora/gzip 1.10-5.fc34
- fedora/harfbuzz 2.7.4-3.fc34
- fedora/hicolor-icon-theme 0.17-10.fc34
- fedora/hostname 3.23-4.fc34
- fedora/hwdata 0.356-1.fc34
- fedora/i2c-tools 4.3-1.fc34
- fedora/ima-evm-utils 1.3.2-2.fc34
- fedora/iproute-tc 5.10.0-2.fc34
- fedora/iproute 5.10.0-2.fc34
- fedora/iptables-legacy-libs 1.8.7-8.fc34
- fedora/iptables-libs 1.8.7-8.fc34
- fedora/jasper-libs 2.0.33-1.fc34
- fedora/jbig2dec-libs 0.19-4.fc34
- fedora/jbigkit-libs 2.1-21.fc34
- fedora/json-c 0.14-8.fc34
- fedora/jxl-pixbuf-loader 0.6.1-6.fc34
- fedora/kbd-misc 2.4.0-2.fc34
- fedora/kbd 2.4.0-2.fc34
- fedora/kernel-devel 5.17.12-100.fc34
- fedora/kernel-headers 5.17.11-100.fc34
- fedora/keyutils-libs 1.6.1-2.fc34
- fedora/kmod-libs 29-2.fc34
- fedora/kmod 29-2.fc34
- fedora/krb5-libs 1.19.2-5.fc34
- fedora/langpacks-core-en_GB 3.0-14.fc34
- fedora/langpacks-core-font-en 3.0-14.fc34
- fedora/langpacks-en_GB 3.0-14.fc34
- fedora/lasi 1.1.3-6.fc34
- fedora/lcms2 2.12-1.fc34
- fedora/less 590-2.fc34
- fedora/libICE 1.0.10-6.fc34
- fedora/libSM 1.2.3-8.fc34
- fedora/libX11-common 1.7.2-3.fc34
- fedora/libX11-xcb 1.7.2-3.fc34
- fedora/libX11 1.7.2-3.fc34
- fedora/libXau 1.0.9-6.fc34
- fedora/libXaw 1.0.13-17.fc34
- fedora/libXcomposite 0.4.5-5.fc34
- fedora/libXcursor 1.2.0-5.fc34
- fedora/libXdamage 1.1.5-5.fc34
- fedora/libXext 1.3.4-6.fc34
- fedora/libXfixes 6.0.0-1.fc34
- fedora/libXft 2.3.3-6.fc34
- fedora/libXi 1.7.10-6.fc34
- fedora/libXinerama 1.1.4-8.fc34
- fedora/libXmu 1.1.3-6.fc34
- fedora/libXpm 3.5.13-5.fc34
- fedora/libXrandr 1.5.2-6.fc34
- fedora/libXrender 0.9.10-14.fc34
- fedora/libXt 1.2.0-4.fc34
- fedora/libXtst 1.2.3-14.fc34
- fedora/libacl 2.3.1-1.fc34
- fedora/libaom 3.1.1-2.fc34
- fedora/libarchive 3.5.2-2.fc34
- fedora/libargon2 20171227-6.fc34
- fedora/libasan 11.3.1-2.fc34
- fedora/libassuan 2.5.5-1.fc34
- fedora/libasyncns 0.8-20.fc34
- fedora/libatomic 11.3.1-2.fc34
- fedora/libattr 2.5.1-1.fc34
- fedora/libavif 0.9.0-2.fc34
- fedora/libblkid-devel 2.36.2-1.fc34
- fedora/libblkid 2.36.2-1.fc34
- fedora/libbpf 0.4.0-1.fc34
- fedora/libbrotli 1.0.9-4.fc34
- fedora/libcanberra-gtk2 0.30-24.fc34
- fedora/libcanberra-gtk3 0.30-24.fc34
- fedora/libcanberra 0.30-24.fc34
- fedora/libcap-ng 0.8.2-4.fc34
- fedora/libcap 2.48-2.fc34
- fedora/libcbor 0.7.0-3.fc34
- fedora/libcloudproviders 0.3.1-3.fc34
- fedora/libcom_err 1.45.6-5.fc34
- fedora/libcomps 0.1.18-1.fc34
- fedora/libcurl-devel 7.76.1-16.fc34
- fedora/libcurl 7.76.1-16.fc34
- fedora/libdatrie 0.2.13-1.fc34
- fedora/libdav1d 0.9.2-1.fc34
- fedora/libdb 5.3.28-49.fc34
- fedora/libdnf 0.64.0-1.fc34
- fedora/libeconf 0.4.0-1.fc34
- fedora/libedit 3.1-38.20210714cvs.fc34
- fedora/libepoxy 1.5.9-1.fc34
- fedora/libevent-devel 2.1.12-3.fc34
- fedora/libevent 2.1.12-3.fc34
- fedora/libfdisk 2.36.2-1.fc34
- fedora/libffi-devel 3.1-28.fc34
- fedora/libffi 3.1-28.fc34
- fedora/libfido2 1.6.0-2.fc34
- fedora/libfontenc 1.1.3-15.fc34
- fedora/libgcc 11.3.1-2.fc34
- fedora/libgcrypt 1.9.3-3.fc34
- fedora/libgomp 11.3.1-2.fc34
- fedora/libgpg-error-devel 1.42-1.fc34
- fedora/libgpg-error 1.42-1.fc34
- fedora/libgs 9.55.0-2.fc34
- fedora/libgusb 0.3.8-1.fc34
- fedora/libi2c 4.3-1.fc34
- fedora/libidn2 2.3.2-1.fc34
- fedora/libijs 0.35-13.fc34
- fedora/libimagequant 2.14.1-1.fc34
- fedora/libjpeg-turbo-devel 2.0.90-3.fc34
- fedora/libjpeg-turbo 2.0.90-3.fc34
- fedora/libjxl 0.6.1-6.fc34
- fedora/libksba 1.5.0-2.fc34
- fedora/liblqr-1 0.4.2-16.fc34
- fedora/libmetalink 0.1.3-24.fc34
- fedora/libmnl 1.0.4-13.fc34
- fedora/libmodulemd 2.14.0-1.fc34
- fedora/libmount-devel 2.36.2-1.fc34
- fedora/libmount 2.36.2-1.fc34
- fedora/libmpc 1.2.1-2.fc34
- fedora/libnetfilter_conntrack 1.0.8-2.fc34
- fedora/libnfnetlink 1.0.1-19.fc34
- fedora/libnghttp2 1.43.0-2.fc34
- fedora/libnsl2 1.3.0-2.fc34
- fedora/libogg 1.3.4-4.fc34
- fedora/libpaper 1.1.28-2.fc34
- fedora/libpcap 1.10.1-1.fc34
- fedora/libpkgconf 1.7.3-6.fc34
- fedora/libpng 1.6.37-10.fc34
- fedora/libpq-devel 13.4-1.fc34
- fedora/libpq 13.4-1.fc34
- fedora/libpsl 0.21.1-3.fc34
- fedora/libpwquality 1.4.4-6.fc34
- fedora/libraqm 0.7.2-1.fc34
- fedora/librepo 1.14.2-1.fc34
- fedora/libreport-filesystem 2.15.2-4.fc34
- fedora/librsvg2 2.50.7-1.fc34
- fedora/libseccomp 2.5.3-1.fc34
- fedora/libselinux-devel 3.2-1.fc34
- fedora/libselinux 3.2-1.fc34
- fedora/libsemanage 3.2-1.fc34
- fedora/libsepol-devel 3.2-2.fc34
- fedora/libsepol 3.2-2.fc34
- fedora/libserf 1.3.9-18.fc34
- fedora/libsigsegv 2.13-2.fc34
- fedora/libsmartcols 2.36.2-1.fc34
- fedora/libsndfile 1.0.31-6.fc34
- fedora/libsodium 1.0.18-7.fc34
- fedora/libsolv 0.7.17-3.fc34
- fedora/libsqlite3x-devel 20071018-29.fc34
- fedora/libsqlite3x 20071018-29.fc34
- fedora/libssh-config 0.9.6-1.fc34
- fedora/libssh 0.9.6-1.fc34
- fedora/libsss_idmap 2.5.2-2.fc34
- fedora/libsss_nss_idmap 2.5.2-2.fc34
- fedora/libstdc -devel 11.3.1-2.fc34
- fedora/libstdc 11.3.1-2.fc34
- fedora/libtasn1 4.16.0-4.fc34
- fedora/libtdb 1.4.3-6.fc34
- fedora/libthai 0.1.28-6.fc34
- fedora/libtiff 4.2.0-1.fc34
- fedora/libtirpc 1.3.2-0.fc34
- fedora/libtool-ltdl 2.4.6-40.fc34
- fedora/libubsan 11.3.1-2.fc34
- fedora/libunistring 0.9.10-10.fc34
- fedora/libunwind 1.4.0-5.fc34
- fedora/libusbx 1.0.24-2.fc34
- fedora/libutempter 1.2.1-4.fc34
- fedora/libuuid 2.36.2-1.fc34
- fedora/libverto 0.3.2-1.fc34
- fedora/libvorbis 1.3.7-3.fc34
- fedora/libwayland-client 1.20.0-4.fc34
- fedora/libwayland-cursor 1.20.0-4.fc34
- fedora/libwayland-egl 1.20.0-4.fc34
- fedora/libwebp 1.2.2-1.fc34
- fedora/libwmf-lite 0.2.12-5.fc34
- fedora/libxcb 1.13.1-7.fc34
- fedora/libxcrypt-devel 4.4.28-1.fc34
- fedora/libxcrypt 4.4.28-1.fc34
- fedora/libxkbcommon 1.3.0-1.fc34
- fedora/libxml2-devel 2.9.14-1.fc34
- fedora/libxml2 2.9.14-1.fc34
- fedora/libxslt-devel 1.1.34-5.fc34
- fedora/libxslt 1.1.34-5.fc34
- fedora/libyaml-devel 0.2.5-5.fc34
- fedora/libyaml 0.2.5-5.fc34
- fedora/libzstd 1.5.2-1.fc34
- fedora/linux-atm-libs 2.5.1-28.fc34
- fedora/lua-libs 5.4.4-1.fc34
- fedora/lz4-libs 1.9.3-2.fc34
- fedora/m4 1.4.18-17.fc34
- fedora/make 4.3-5.fc34
- fedora/mariadb-connector-c-config 3.1.13-1.fc34
- fedora/mariadb-connector-c-devel 3.1.13-1.fc34
- fedora/mariadb-connector-c 3.1.13-1.fc34
- fedora/mariadb-devel 10.5.15-1.fc34
- fedora/mercurial 5.7.1-1.fc34
- fedora/mkfontscale 1.2.1-2.fc34
- fedora/mpfr 4.1.0-7.fc34
- fedora/nano 5.8-3.fc34
- fedora/ncurses-base 6.2-4.20200222.fc34
- fedora/ncurses-c -libs 6.2-4.20200222.fc34
- fedora/ncurses-devel 6.2-4.20200222.fc34
- fedora/ncurses-libs 6.2-4.20200222.fc34
- fedora/ncurses 6.2-4.20200222.fc34
- fedora/net-tools 2.0-0.59.20160912git.fc34
- fedora/netpbm 10.97.00-1.fc34
- fedora/nettle 3.7.3-1.fc34
- fedora/npth 1.6-6.fc34
- fedora/openexr-libs 2.5.5-1.fc34
- fedora/openjpeg2 2.4.0-4.fc34
- fedora/openldap 2.4.57-6.fc34
- fedora/openssh-clients 8.6p1-5.fc34
- fedora/openssh 8.6p1-5.fc34
- fedora/openssl-devel 1.1.1n-1.fc34
- fedora/openssl-libs 1.1.1n-1.fc34
- fedora/openssl-pkcs11 0.4.11-2.fc34
- fedora/opus 1.3.1-8.fc34
- fedora/p11-kit-trust 0.23.22-3.fc34
- fedora/p11-kit 0.23.22-3.fc34
- fedora/pam 1.5.1-8.fc34
- fedora/pango 1.48.11-1.fc34
- fedora/pcre-cpp 8.44-3.fc34.1
- fedora/pcre-devel 8.44-3.fc34.1
- fedora/pcre-utf16 8.44-3.fc34.1
- fedora/pcre-utf32 8.44-3.fc34.1
- fedora/pcre2-devel 10.36-4.fc34
- fedora/pcre2-syntax 10.36-4.fc34
- fedora/pcre2-utf16 10.36-4.fc34
- fedora/pcre2-utf32 10.36-4.fc34
- fedora/pcre2 10.36-4.fc34
- fedora/pcre 8.44-3.fc34.1
- fedora/perl-AutoLoader 5.74-477.fc34
- fedora/perl-B 1.80-477.fc34
- fedora/perl-Carp 1.50-458.fc34
- fedora/perl-Class-Struct 0.66-477.fc34
- fedora/perl-Data-Dumper 2.174-460.fc34
- fedora/perl-Digest-MD5 2.58-2.fc34
- fedora/perl-Digest 1.20-1.fc34
- fedora/perl-DynaLoader 1.47-477.fc34
- fedora/perl-Encode 3.15-462.fc34
- fedora/perl-Errno 1.30-477.fc34
- fedora/perl-Error 0.17029-5.fc34
- fedora/perl-Exporter 5.74-459.fc34
- fedora/perl-Fcntl 1.13-477.fc34
- fedora/perl-File-Basename 2.85-477.fc34
- fedora/perl-File-Compare 1.100.600-477.fc34
- fedora/perl-File-Copy 2.34-477.fc34
- fedora/perl-File-Find 1.37-477.fc34
- fedora/perl-File-Path 2.18-2.fc34
- fedora/perl-File-Temp 0.231.100-2.fc34
- fedora/perl-File-stat 1.09-477.fc34
- fedora/perl-FileHandle 2.03-477.fc34
- fedora/perl-Getopt-Long 2.52-2.fc34
- fedora/perl-Getopt-Std 1.12-477.fc34
- fedora/perl-Git 2.34.3-1.fc34
- fedora/perl-HTTP-Tiny 0.078-1.fc34
- fedora/perl-IO-Socket-IP 0.41-3.fc34
- fedora/perl-IO-Socket-SSL 2.070-2.fc34
- fedora/perl-IO 1.43-477.fc34
- fedora/perl-IPC-Open3 1.21-477.fc34
- fedora/perl-MIME-Base64 3.16-2.fc34
- fedora/perl-Mozilla-CA 20211001-1.fc34
- fedora/perl-NDBM_File 1.15-477.fc34
- fedora/perl-Net-SSLeay 1.90-2.fc34
- fedora/perl-POSIX 1.94-477.fc34
- fedora/perl-PathTools 3.78-459.fc34
- fedora/perl-Pod-Escapes 1.07-458.fc34
- fedora/perl-Pod-Perldoc 3.28.01-459.fc34
- fedora/perl-Pod-Simple 3.42-2.fc34
- fedora/perl-Pod-Usage 2.01-2.fc34
- fedora/perl-Scalar-List-Utils 1.56-459.fc34
- fedora/perl-SelectSaver 1.02-477.fc34
- fedora/perl-Socket 2.032-1.fc34
- fedora/perl-Storable 3.21-458.fc34
- fedora/perl-Symbol 1.08-477.fc34
- fedora/perl-Term-ANSIColor 5.01-459.fc34
- fedora/perl-Term-Cap 1.17-458.fc34
- fedora/perl-TermReadKey 2.38-9.fc34
- fedora/perl-Text-ParseWords 3.30-458.fc34
- fedora/perl-Text-Tabs Wrap 2021.0726-1.fc34
- fedora/perl-Thread-Queue 3.14-458.fc34
- fedora/perl-Time-Local 1.300-5.fc34
- fedora/perl-URI 5.09-1.fc34
- fedora/perl-base 2.27-477.fc34
- fedora/perl-constant 1.33-459.fc34
- fedora/perl-if 0.60.800-477.fc34
- fedora/perl-interpreter 5.32.1-477.fc34
- fedora/perl-lib 0.65-477.fc34
- fedora/perl-libnet 3.13-2.fc34
- fedora/perl-libs 5.32.1-477.fc34
- fedora/perl-mro 1.23-477.fc34
- fedora/perl-overload 1.31-477.fc34
- fedora/perl-overloading 0.02-477.fc34
- fedora/perl-parent 0.238-458.fc34
- fedora/perl-podlators 4.14-458.fc34
- fedora/perl-subs 1.03-477.fc34
- fedora/perl-threads-shared 1.61-458.fc34
- fedora/perl-threads 2.25-458.fc34
- fedora/perl-vars 1.05-477.fc34
- fedora/pixman 0.40.0-3.fc34
- fedora/pkgconf-m4 1.7.3-6.fc34
- fedora/pkgconf-pkg-config 1.7.3-6.fc34
- fedora/pkgconf 1.7.3-6.fc34
- fedora/popt 1.18-4.fc34
- fedora/psmisc 23.4-1.fc34
- fedora/publicsuffix-list-dafsa 20190417-5.fc34
- fedora/pulseaudio-libs 14.2-3.fc34
- fedora/python-pip-wheel 21.0.1-4.fc34
- fedora/python-setuptools-wheel 53.0.0-3.fc34
- fedora/python-unversioned-command 3.9.13-1.fc34
- fedora/python3-bcrypt 3.1.7-7.fc34
- fedora/python3-certifi 2020.12.5-2.fc34
- fedora/python3-cffi 1.14.5-1.fc34
- fedora/python3-configobj 5.0.6-23.fc34
- fedora/python3-cryptography 3.4.6-1.fc34
- fedora/python3-distro 1.5.0-5.fc34
- fedora/python3-dnf 4.9.0-1.fc34
- fedora/python3-dulwich 0.20.18-1.fc34
- fedora/python3-fastimport 0.9.8-12.fc34
- fedora/python3-gpg 1.15.1-2.fc34
- fedora/python3-hawkey 0.64.0-1.fc34
- fedora/python3-httplib2 0.20.2-1.fc34
- fedora/python3-idna 2.10-3.fc34
- fedora/python3-jeepney 0.6.0-2.fc34
- fedora/python3-jwt crypto 1.7.1-11.fc34
- fedora/python3-jwt 1.7.1-11.fc34
- fedora/python3-keyring 21.8.0-2.fc34
- fedora/python3-launchpadlib 1.10.13-4.fc34
- fedora/python3-lazr-restfulclient 0.14.3-4.fc34
- fedora/python3-lazr-uri 1.0.5-3.fc34
- fedora/python3-libcomps 0.1.18-1.fc34
- fedora/python3-libdnf 0.64.0-1.fc34
- fedora/python3-libs 3.9.13-1.fc34
- fedora/python3-oauthlib signedtoken 3.0.2-9.fc34
- fedora/python3-oauthlib 3.0.2-9.fc34
- fedora/python3-paramiko 2.11.0-1.fc34
- fedora/python3-patiencediff 0.2.1-2.fc34
- fedora/python3-pbr 5.5.1-2.fc34
- fedora/python3-pip 21.0.1-4.fc34
- fedora/python3-ply 3.11-11.fc34
- fedora/python3-pyasn1 0.4.8-4.fc34
- fedora/python3-pycparser 2.20-3.fc34
- fedora/python3-pynacl 1.4.0-2.fc34
- fedora/python3-pyparsing 2.4.7-5.fc34
- fedora/python3-pysocks 1.7.1-8.fc34
- fedora/python3-rpm
- fedora/python3-secretstorage 3.3.1-2.fc34
- fedora/python3-setuptools 53.0.0-3.fc34
- fedora/python3-six 1.15.0-5.fc34
- fedora/python3-testresources 2.0.1-2.fc34
- fedora/python3-urllib3 1.25.10-5.fc34
- fedora/python3-wadllib 1.3.5-2.fc34
- fedora/python3 3.9.13-1.fc34
- fedora/qrencode-libs 4.1.1-1.fc34
- fedora/rav1e-libs 0.5.0-1.fc34
- fedora/readline-devel 8.1-2.fc34
- fedora/readline 8.1-2.fc34
- fedora/rootfiles 8.1-29.fc34
- fedora/rpm-build-libs
- fedora/rpm-libs
- fedora/rpm-sign-libs
- fedora/rpm
- fedora/sed 4.8-7.fc34
- fedora/setup 2.13.7-3.fc34
- fedora/shadow-utils 4.8.1-10.fc34
- fedora/shared-mime-info 2.1-2.fc34
- fedora/sound-theme-freedesktop 0.8-15.fc34
- fedora/sqlite-devel 3.34.1-2.fc34
- fedora/sqlite-libs 3.34.1-2.fc34
- fedora/sqlite 3.34.1-2.fc34
- fedora/sssd-client 2.5.2-2.fc34
- fedora/subversion-libs 1.14.1-1.fc34
- fedora/subversion 1.14.1-1.fc34
- fedora/sudo 1.9.5p2-1.fc34
- fedora/sysprof-capture-devel 3.40.1-2.fc34
- fedora/systemd-libs 248.10-1.fc34
- fedora/systemd-networkd 248.10-1.fc34
- fedora/systemd-pam 248.10-1.fc34
- fedora/systemd-rpm-macros 248.10-1.fc34
- fedora/systemd-udev 248.10-1.fc34
- fedora/systemd 248.10-1.fc34
- fedora/tar 1.34-1.fc34
- fedora/tpm2-tss 3.1.0-1.fc34
- fedora/tzdata 2022a-1.fc34
- fedora/urw-base35-bookman-fonts 20200910-6.fc34
- fedora/urw-base35-c059-fonts 20200910-6.fc34
- fedora/urw-base35-d050000l-fonts 20200910-6.fc34
- fedora/urw-base35-fonts-common 20200910-6.fc34
- fedora/urw-base35-fonts 20200910-6.fc34
- fedora/urw-base35-gothic-fonts 20200910-6.fc34
- fedora/urw-base35-nimbus-mono-ps-fonts 20200910-6.fc34
- fedora/urw-base35-nimbus-roman-fonts 20200910-6.fc34
- fedora/urw-base35-nimbus-sans-fonts 20200910-6.fc34
- fedora/urw-base35-p052-fonts 20200910-6.fc34
- fedora/urw-base35-standard-symbols-ps-fonts 20200910-6.fc34
- fedora/urw-base35-z003-fonts 20200910-6.fc34
- fedora/usbutils 014-1.fc34
- fedora/utf8proc 2.6.1-2.fc34
- fedora/util-linux 2.36.2-1.fc34
- fedora/vim-data 8.2.5046-1.fc34
- fedora/vim-minimal 8.2.5046-1.fc34
- fedora/wget 1.21.3-1.fc34
- fedora/which 2.21-26.fc34
- fedora/xkeyboard-config 2.33-1.fc34
- fedora/xml-common 0.6.3-56.fc34
- fedora/xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-1-100dpi 7.5-31.fc34
- fedora/xz-devel 5.2.5-9.fc34
- fedora/xz-libs 5.2.5-9.fc34
- fedora/yum 4.9.0-1.fc34
- fedora/zchunk-libs 1.2.2-1.fc34
- fedora/zlib-devel 1.2.11-26.fc34
- fedora/zlib 1.2.11-26.fc34